说儿童记对于testimony的可信程度是比adult高的。因为我们回忆一件事情所利用都是brain中的两个part。儿童更加倾向与用其中一个part只是回忆事实。而成人则是更倾向于extract meaning from what has acutally happened。因此,作者认为只要我们在设计问题上合适,那么对于儿童的证词是更加有可信度的。
The U.S. legal system has long assumed that all testimony is not equally credible, that some witnesses are more reliable than others. In tough cases with child witnesses, it assumes adult witnesses to be more reliable. But what if the legal system had it wrong?(U.S legal system一直都认为所有的证词可信度不一样,有些目击证人更加可靠。有些棘手的案子里有着child witness,大家都认为adult witness更加可靠。但其实不然。)
Researchers Valerie Reyna, human development professor, and Chuck Brainerd, human development and law school professor -- both from Cornell University -- argue that like the two-headed Roman god Janus, memory is of two minds -- that is, memories are captured and recorded separately and differently in two distinct parts of the mind.(康奈尔的几个教授讨论到说其实大脑关于记忆有两个部分,capture和record是分开独立且不同的。)
They say children depend more heavily on a part of the mind that records, "what actually happened," while adults depend more on another part of the mind that records, "the meaning of what happened." As a result, they say, adults are more susceptible to false memories, which can be extremely problematic in court cases.(他们认为children更加依靠于“记录真实所发生”的那部分,成人更加依靠于“发生事件所带来的后果、意义”那部分。因此他们认为,adult更容易产生错误的回忆,而这会带来不好的结果。)
Reyna's and Brainerd's research, funded by the National Science Foundation, Arlington, Va., sparked more than 30 follow-up memory studies, many of them also funded by NSF. The researchers review the follow-on studies in an upcoming issue of Psychological Bulletin.(整了一个实验~)
Tis research shows that meaning-based memories are largely responsible for false memories, especially in adult witnesses. Because the ability to extract meaning from experience develops slowly, children are less likely to produce these false memories than adults, and are more likely to give accurate testimony when properly questioned.(实验结果就是证明了“meaning-based memories”更加容易产生错误的记忆,特别是adult witness。也因为缺乏extract meaning的能力,children不太容易产生错误的回忆,并且如果问题得当,child witness能提供精确的证词。)