
标题: 求问一道语法题,该怎么理解这个逻辑关系呢? [打印本页]

作者: 双双儿    时间: 2017-12-3 20:46
标题: 求问一道语法题,该怎么理解这个逻辑关系呢?
Finally reaching a decision on an issue that has long been politically charged in the Pacific Northwest, politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish, instead of which they proposed a series of smaller steps, by which they intend to protect the fish.

A. politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish, instead of which they proposed a series of smaller steps, by which they intend
B. politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish, proposing instead a series of smaller steps intended
C. politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan for protecting wild salmon and other endangered fish, and instead they proposed a series of smaller steps, intending
D. an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish was postponed by politicians, who instead proposed a series of smaller steps, intending
E. an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish has been postponed by politicians, proposing instead a series of smaller steps intended


作者: 花花iashiin    时间: 2017-12-3 22:07
我在上之前新东方课程时老师说,句末doing或者表结果修饰整个句子,或者表伴随,与主句动作一边。。一边。。;我理解的是C里的intending修饰不到smaller steps,它应该要对整个句子进行修饰。

作者: 杀G曼巴    时间: 2017-12-3 23:00
Finally reaching a decision on an issue that has long been politically charged in the Pacific Northwest, politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish, instead of which they proposed a series of smaller steps, by which they intend to protect the fish.
B. politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan to protect wild salmon and other endangered fish, proposing instead a series of smaller steps intended
C. politicians decided to postpone by at least five years an ambitious plan for protecting wild salmon and other endangered fish, and instead they proposed a series of smaller steps, intending
B > C (1) 表目的时,to > for
B:proposing 表伴随,在决定的同时提出了一个建议
C: 决定并提出了建议(这里instead也体现了转折意味)
(3)C 选项they 多余
(4)C 中intending 在这里是符合逻辑的,表伴随,表politician有这个打算

我表橙部分是逻辑上的区别,但是这句话原句就有问题,所以在逻辑语义上有Split的情况、且都合理的情况下,我觉得不能通过 intending & and instead 来排除C
根据To/for,they 多余 可以得出B相比C更好

作者: 杀G曼巴    时间: 2017-12-3 23:03

作者: lordvictoryang    时间: 2017-12-4 14:59
其实BC之间主要考察的是postpone a plan, propose smaller steps instead, 这两个成分之间最合适的逻辑关系是什么。这两个的关系其实很像ron举过的一个例子,XX was hit by a car, dying instantly.
当你发现一个split是逻辑关系时(which, comma doing, 转折递进并列等),我的个人经验是and是最后的选择,考到这个考点的时候正确答案关系是并列的可能性也相对较小,SC一道题只有85-90秒,像split明显的更要为难题预留时间,要记住如果在考察and,往往考点是句子成分和并列的要素,所以当你二选一拿不准的时候,果断放弃and吧。
作者: 双双儿    时间: 2017-12-4 16:27
lordvictoryang 发表于 2017-12-4 14:59
其实BC之间主要考察的是postpone a plan, propose  ...


后来我也大概理解了一点,propose sth跟decide to postpone sth平行其实不太合逻辑,通常是说先postpone什么东西,接着propose另一个东西。如果并列,就没有这种顺承的关系了。可以这么理解吗
作者: 双双儿    时间: 2017-12-4 16:28
杀G曼巴 发表于 2017-12-3 23:00
B > C (1) 表目的时,to > for
(2)关于你说的,C选项中用并列,在逻辑上也是可以的,在这个split上[/ ...

to do比for doing好;但是没有没they也是很大的错误么0 0?
作者: 杀G曼巴    时间: 2017-12-4 16:36
双双儿 发表于 2017-12-4 16:28
to do比for doing好;但是没有没they也是很大的错误么0 0?


PS: 这里and那个点逻辑是没有任何问题的,instead 体现了前面的“ambitious”和后面的“smaller steps"的对比,and这里是作两个动作的连词而已,instead体现逻辑,并且GMAT很喜欢用 and + 副词结构体现逻辑,并且经常出现在正确选项中

C中那个and 后面如果没有instead的话,and就会割裂这么一个逻辑关系
作者: 双双儿    时间: 2017-12-4 16:51
杀G曼巴 发表于 2017-12-4 16:36

PS: 这里and那个点逻辑是没有任何问题的,instead 体现了前面的“ambitious”和后 ...

那么区别B与C的关键点只在to do/for doing吗
作者: 杀G曼巴    时间: 2017-12-4 16:58
lordvictoryang 发表于 2017-12-4 14:59
其实BC之间主要考察的是postpone a plan, propose  ...

1、A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, making me late to work.
2、A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, and I was thus late to work.

也就是说 and thus/therefore/instead 也能表达出准确合理的逻辑

1、Colin was struck by a bus, dying instantly. 对!
2、Colin was struck by a bus, dying in the hospital an hour later. 错


作者: 杀G曼巴    时间: 2017-12-4 17:00
双双儿 发表于 2017-12-4 16:51
那么区别B与C的关键点只在to do/for doing吗 ...

一个是to/for ; 一个是they多余,    X  do sth. and therefore do 这样会比较好,如果用X  do sth. and therefore they do的话they会显得多余;


作者: 双双儿    时间: 2017-12-4 17:15
杀G曼巴 发表于 2017-12-4 17:00
一个是to/for ; 一个是they多余,    X  do sth. and therefore do 这样会比较好,如果用X  do sth. and  ...

作者: lordvictoryang    时间: 2017-12-4 23:02
lordvictoryang 发表于 2017-12-4 14:59
其实BC之间主要考察的是postpone a plan, propose  ...

作者: lordvictoryang    时间: 2017-12-4 23:12
双双儿 发表于 2017-12-4 16:51
那么区别B与C的关键点只在to do/for doing吗 ...

对的,你举的这个例子其实是很好的说明了comma doing的用法。
and thus也是我们中文中所理解的''进而''的意思,但是在你的例句中,如果改为A truck crashed in front of me on the freeway, and I was late to work.我肯定不会选,因为这一定不是gmac的intended meaning,gmac一定会让你找出''一个更佳的前后文逻辑关系''。and thus和and有天壤之别。
time frame是这个例子ron想说明的主题,但我觉得并不影响这里我们要表达的重点哈,
考试里遇到这样的句子:Colin was struck by a bus, and he died instantly.  --- suspect, question mark.
Colin was struck by a bus, dying instantly. / Colin was struck by a bus, and thus he died instantly.   --- look for other splits
作者: lordvictoryang    时间: 2017-12-4 23:22
双双儿 发表于 2017-12-4 16:28
to do比for doing好;但是没有没they也是很大的错误么0 0?

除了逻辑关系的绝对错误之外,另外两个次级不优选的错误是: do / for doing --- to do是gmac非常非常非常喜欢的表目的的表达方式,precise and concise, perfect.
2.另外一个相对错误是intending去修饰了steps,一般如果非要doing修饰名词的话,尽量不要加逗号,否则非常的misleading: SVO, doing,那么doing修饰的是subject还是object呢?
And last, focus on intended meaning, 抓住绝对错误,培养对相对错误的敏感。
作者: lordvictoryang    时间: 2017-12-4 23:32
额,intend修饰steps是根据B的意思来的(steps that intend to do),而intending修饰前面的they proposed a series of smaller steps也ok,句意变成了politicians intend to do 实际这种句意也是没问题的,两种句意都ok,所以这个不能算split,更正一下。

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