标题: 相爱相杀4个月 11.30分手成功 [打印本页] 作者: 沈一准 时间: 2017-11-30 22:42 标题: 相爱相杀4个月 11.30分手成功 跟Gmat相爱相杀4个月,今天终于分手成功 730 V38 Q50 成绩出来的时候激动到热泪盈眶680-660-660-730 这一路走来CD真的帮了我太多,今天终于轮到我来回馈CD啦~
几乎中了一半的题然而还是没有拿到51 中的27 33 43 58 79 88 98 103 126 127 130 157 173 178 184 207
第58题问的问题跟机经有出入,题目最后问的是 the least number of the highset cabine 所以是求最高的柜子最小值 选10
第127题 3个同心圆那题 三个圆从小到大是C1 C2 C3, C1=C2-C1=C3-C2 C3的面积是100派 求C1的半径 确定答案10/根号3
第130题 补充条件正整数 选34
第184题 补充题目 一个人被雇佣的时候是K岁,退休的最低要求是年龄加工龄大于70岁,问the minimum age of retirement 答案有k+35,2(70-k),(70+k)/2之类的
第207题 变题 问这个公司一共雇佣了多少人
1.y<0 x^2-3xy-4y^2>0?
2.一个剧院有r排椅子 c个座位 求第r排有多少个座位
条件一:the number of row is four times the number of seat(貌似是)
条件二:y is 25 percent greater than x
RC 四篇全中 寂静都已经说的非常全啦
BTW 这个阅读的库跟2016.9.17的库高度重合啊 古库的构筑们的回忆还是很准确的 copyright里的题我在古库里全都见过
有余力的话大家可以去看看 原贴的地址贴上来 https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1278974-1-1.html
CR 我考到一题PERP的原题,题目把assumption改成了strength,哈哈哈哈老头们技穷了吗
Radio stations with radio data system (RDS) technology broadcast special program information that only radios with an RDS feature can receive. Between 1994 and 1996, the number of RDS radio stations in Verdland increased from 250 to 600. However, since the number of RDS-equipped radios in Verdland was about the same in 1996 as in 1994, the number of Verdlanders receiving the special program information probably did not increase significantly.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?A Few if any of the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994 broadcast to people with RDS-equipped radios living in areas not previously reached by RDS stations.
B In 1996 most Verdlanders who lived within the listening area of an RDS station already had a radio equipped to receive RDS.
C Equipping a radio station with RDS technology does not decrease the station's listening area.
D In 1996 Verdlanders who did not own radios equipped to receive RDS could not receive any programming from the RDS radio stations that began broadcasting in Verdland after 1994.
E The RDS radio stations in Verdland in 1996 did not all offer the same type of programming
A和B之间的直线距离是15KM,大家从A去B都是先走A的西边的一条高速公路走a km,然后换了一条高速公路,再往北边走B千米到B。这两条高速公路的交点到b的距离比到a的距离近,求a b是多少。