
标题: Emory R1 Online Interview with Heather [2017-11-11] [打印本页]

作者: 夜舞不跳舞    时间: 2017-11-10 23:55
标题: Emory R1 Online Interview with Heather [2017-11-11]
hello大家好又是我,今天来分享一下Emory Interview, 楼主是Deadline当天交的application,10月31收到的面试邀请,今天和Heather做的面试
Heather整体语速不快,挺温柔的,但是问题一条接一条压力也挺大的,楼主犯了个大错误。。。就是把coca cola说成了pepsi。。。感觉已经挂了。。。
1. 聊了我的intern,以及intern后毕业季都做了什么准备工作
2. why MBA
3. career goals
4. Why School
5. Why atlanta
6. research process of choosing schools
7. Any particular firm I want to get into
8. Any thing I want to do in MBA
9. What did I do in the summer school
10. What's my style under stress
11. 3 words that my teammate would describe me
12. Any question for her


作者: emory750    时间: 2017-11-17 03:45
我也在申 emory,方便的话加个微信取取经 xiu0625,谢谢先预祝录取!
作者: jessie200266026    时间: 2017-12-1 00:48

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