这个样子啊,学校卡GPA卡的超严也是无奈。这样只能再工作几年了,泪奔作者: JonFrank 时间: 2017-11-7 11:03
Hey there,
I’d love to help you out but without more info it’s gonna be hard. Where do you work? What do you do? How quickly have you advanced? Do you have any leadership? What are your great achievements? Do you have notable community service or extra curriculars? Which school did you graduate from?
All of these will play important roles in your evaluation.
I do have to say that with a 2.4 GPA though, things will be tough at a school like Booth, where the average GPA is about 3.6 for incoming students. So there’s work to be done!
I hope this helps!
Jon Frank作者: pansimply 时间: 2017-11-10 23:04