作者: jennyyangsj 时间: 2017-10-29 14:18
不同学校不一样吧,有的是rolling 就是先交先看,有的明确给了notification day同一轮差别可能就不大了作者: dl0222 时间: 2017-10-30 11:24
jennyyangsj正解作者: JonFrank 时间: 2017-10-31 10:31
Hello there!
Very good question. and the answer is: it depends on the type of submission. Some schools only look at the essays at the end of rounds, and other schools have what is called “rolling submissions” (Columbia, for example) and they will consider the applications as they come in. This i usually clearly stated on each school’s “deadlines” page, so you should be able to find it there.
I hope I have successfully answered your question!
All the best,
Jon Frank