大家好,這是一道在2018 VERBAL REVIEW的題
In an experiment, volunteers walked individually through a dark, abandoned theater. Half of the volunteers had beentold that the theater was haunted and the other half that it was underrenovation. The first half reported significantly more unusual experiences than the second did. The researchers concluded that reports of encounters with ghosts and other supernatural entities generally result from prior expectations of such experiences.
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the researchers’ reasoning?
A. None of the volunteers in the secondhalf believed that the unusual experiences they reported were supernatural.
B. All of the volunteers in the first half believed that the researchers’ statement that the theater was haunted was a lie.
C.Before being told about the theater, the volunteers within each group varied considerably in their prior beliefs about supernatural experiences.
D.Each unusual experience reported by the volunteers had a cause that did not involve the supernatural.
E. The researchers did not believe that thetheater was haunted.