谢谢,很好的建议。我先冲一下GMAT 看看自己能得多少分。估计最快也要学校第二轮申请了。大学时候净玩儿了,不好好学习,现在要买单作者: JonFrank 时间: 2017-10-10 09:38
Hey there,
Well there are some fantastic things in your profile - like leading 60 people!! That is a HUGE amount! And many people don’t lead that many even after they graduate.
And there are less good things, like your GPA.
Now, since a lot will depend on your test scores it is really too early to begin to say which schools you can apply to. But let’s say that if you can come back with a great score, you should have many good options
I hope this helps!
Jon Frank作者: SZ吃猫的鱼 时间: 2017-11-6 10:23