标题: 我的听力训练 [打印本页]
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-9-28 16:43
标题: 我的听力训练
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-10-3 16:02
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-10-3 17:44
作者: maggieljj 时间: 2017-10-11 14:21
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-10-13 10:26
作者: agnes_suda 时间: 2017-10-13 15:51
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-10-13 20:25
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-10-14 01:13
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-10-21 22:26
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-10-26 18:35
scientists can identify不记 the type of plant from ancient remains. (记remains是没有用的)(记新信息,有实义的~~)plant type才是最重要的大 N V无用, 先知N(主人)再后面加adj v 才是有意义的
选对的 不选错的。
1.What does the professor mainly discuss?
A.The roleû of physicsû in the discovery of Neolithic religious sites.
B.The sound effects that Neolithic people could experience in passage graves.
C.Evidence that passage graves were designed to function as calendars.û
D.A debateX about the role of sound in passage grave ceremonies.
2.Why does the professor mention an Egyptian pyramid?
A.To contrast its purpose with that of monuments found in the British Isles.
B.To compare the architectural styles of two Neolithic cultures.
C.To describe the outer shape of passage graves[定位,没出现] in Great Britain Ireland.
D.To help students understand how long ago passage graves were built.√
3.According to the professor, what is one effect produced by standing waves in apassage grave chamber?
A.Light 没有fills the chamber on certain days of the year.
B.Drums【下一段出现的】 resonate loudly without being played by humans.
C.The floor and walls 【没有】of the chamber seem to shake.
D.The intensity of sound varies greatly throughout the chamber.√
4. Whydoes the professor mention a bottle?【举例往前找了】
A. Toillustrate the shape of the interior of a passage grave.
B. Todescribe part of a Neolithic burial ceremony.
C. To helpexplain how resonance is produced.
D. To givean example of an artifact found in a Neolithic site.
TPO14-Lecture 4ArchaeologyNarrator:
Listen topart of the lecture in the archaeology class
- Egyptian pyramid ceiling overlapping dead buried
连读: buil by
Whenwe think of large monumental structures built by early societies, an Egyptianpyramid probably comes to mind. But there are some even earlier structures inthe British Isles also worth discussing, /and besides the well-known circle ofmassive stones of Stonehenge, which don’t get me wrong is remarkable enough,well, other [另。 讲其他 的了]impressive Neolithic structures are found there too. /Oh, yes, weare talking about the Neolithic period here, also called new Stone Age, whichwas the time时间词 before stone tools began to be replaced by tools made by bronzeand other metals. 主要讨论时间:It was about 5000 years ago, even before the first Egyptianpyramid 强调时间早~that some of amazing Neolithic monuments---tombs, were erected at thevarious sites around Ireland, Great Britain and costal islands nearby. I amreferring particular to structures that in some cases, look like ordinarynatural hills. But were definitely build by humans, well-organized communitiesof humans to enclose a chamber or room within stone walls and sometimes with ahigh, cleverly designed ceiling of overlapping stones. These structures areà calledPassage Graves, because the inner chamber, sometime several chambers in fact,could only be entered from the outside through a narrow passageway.
- flooded with充满阳光 sunlight
Excuseme, professor, but you said Passage Graves. Were these just monuments to honorthe dead buried there or were they designed to be used somehow by the living?
Ah, yes!Good question, Michael.Besides being built as tombs, some of these PassageGraves were definitely what we might call Astronomical Calendars, with chambersthey flooded with充满阳光 sunlight on the certain special days of the year, whichmust’ve seemed miraculous and inspired a good dealer of religious wonder. Butresearch indicates that not just light but also{不记only} the physics of sound help toenhance this religious experience.
Michael:How so?
Well,first the echoes. When a religious leader started chanting with echoes bouncingoff the stone walls over and over again, it must seem like a whole chorus ofother voices, spirits of God maybe joining in. But even more intriguing is whatphysicists called Standing Waves. Basically, the phenomenon of Standing Wavesoccurs when sound waves of the same frequency reflect off the walls and meetfrom opposite directions. So, the volume seems to alternate between very loudand very soft. You can stand quite near a man singing in loud voice and hardlyhear him. Yet step a little further away and this voice is almost deafening. Asyou move around the chamber, the volume of the sound goes way up and way down,depending on where you are in these standing waves. And often the acoustic makeit hard to identify where sounds are coming from. It’s as if powerful voicesthat are speaking to you or chanting from inside your own head. This had toengender powerful sense of awe in Neolithic worshipers. And another bit ofphysics at played here is something called Resonance.
Iam no physicist, but well I imagine you have all blown air over the top ofempty bottle and heard the sounds it makes. And you’ve probably noticed thatdepending on its size--- each empty bottle plays one particular musical note.Or as a physicist might put it, each bottle resonates at a particularfrequency. Well, that’s true of these chambers too. If you make a constantnoise inside the chamber, maybe by steadily beating drum at certain rate, aparticular frequency of sound will resonate. We will ring out intensely,depending on the size of chamber. In some of large chambers though, theseintensified sound may be too deep for us to hear, we can feel it. We aremysteriously agitated by it….but it is not a sound our ears can hear. Thepsychological effects of all these extraordinary sounds can be profound,especially when they seem so disconnected from the human doing drumming orchanting.
Andthere can be observable physical effects on people too. In fact, the sounds cancause headaches, feelings of dizziness, increased heart rate, that sort ofthing, you see.
Anyway,what was experienced inside one of these Passage Graves clearly could be farmore intense than the everyday reality outside, which made them very specialplaces. But back to your question, Michael, as to whether these Graves weredesigned to be used by the living. Well, certainly, with regard to astronomicalor calendar function. That seems pretty obvious, and I wanna go into moredetail on that now.
作者: 搬瓦工 时间: 2017-11-7 20:46
楼主总结的很棒 但这个前提是能听懂·······听不懂怎么办·····可能也是因为自己没学过音标 连读 爆破什么的····说都说不出来 更别说听·····所以 想问下up 怎么去学这些东西呢
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-11-8 11:58
作者: 搬瓦工 时间: 2017-11-8 19:18
希望也能100飘过 加油
作者: 小桃仁cherry 时间: 2017-11-8 22:34
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-11-9 17:13
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-11-9 17:14
作者: 珍妮王小钰 时间: 2017-11-22 21:36
1、What was Gainsborough's goal when he painted The Blue Boy?
A. To find an acceptable alternative to ultramarine pigment.
B. To demonstrate that blue should be used only in certain paintings.
C. To contradict a common belief about the use of blue in a painting.
D. To protest the high costs of painting with most blue pigments.
Professor:Okay. So, when we were discussing Gainsborough's painting, the Blue Boy, which he painted in 1770,I mentioned the story that the painting might have been anexperiment.The result of a challenge.It was believed thatblue couldn't be an important color in a painting tends to recede into the backgroundNot good for your main subject, right?So to show otherwise,Gainsborough created the Blue Boy, with the boy featured large in his famous blue clothes...and...well...l guess he proved his point.
2、What is the professor's point when she talks about a soup shop?
A) It is difficult to understand how some customers react to advertising.
B) It is important to ensure the quality of a product before advertising it.
C) A poorly chosen advertising message can have negative consequences.
D) Some businesses remain unsuccessful even when they focus on the four M's.
OK, finally, there is your message: What you want to say about your product?Why buying it will make the customer’s life easier, or safer or better somehow.Let me give you an example of not getting it right, Ha...ha...ha... you are going to love this one: There was this Soup Shop.The soup was really tasty, but there weren't a lot of customers.The owner thought that may be if they give something away for free with each purchase, then more people would come buy soup.So they got some cheap socks, and they advertise to give a pair away with each bowl of soup.But, then even fewer people came to the restaurant.Well, you can imagine why.People started to associate the soup with feet; they began to imagine the soup smelled like feet.The advertising massage, “soup means free socks”, was a bad choice; it was a waste of money.And worse, it caused the loss of customers.
3、Why does the professor mention a stool with a bicycle wheel mounted on top?
A.To give an example of what Dadaists were reacting against
B.To show something that Dadaists would consider beautiful
C.To illustrate how Dadaists rejected the traditional definition of art
D.To explain the Dadaists’ practice of creating sculptures from everyday objects
First, the Dadaists wanted to completely reject the classical idea of art
Classical ideas like proportion, balance…all the things you think about when you think about great art.
Great art involved reason, the logic, the beauty that the Dadaists wanted to overthrow.So, well, you know, to a Dadaist, classical artwork was a reflection of outdated thinking!That’s why Dadaists created sculptures like the ones we saw last week.
Remember the stool with the bicycle wheel mounted on top?I wouldn’t exactly called that beautiful, would you?But of course it wasn’t meant to be.That was the point!
还记得在顶部装着自行车轮子的凳子么? 4、What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The methods archaeologists used to reconstruct the Antikythera Mechanism
B. The influence the Antikythera Mechanism has had on the study of physics
C. A research project in the combined fields of archaeology, physics, and mathematics
D. An archaeological discovery that challenged an accepted historical view
Professor: I was talking to one of my colleagues in the physics department the other day, and we ended up discussing how one discovery can change everything.My colleague mentioned how the theory of relativity completely changed the field of physics.At any rates, that conversation got me thinking about archaeological finds that really changed our understanding of ancient civilizations.So I want to talk about the discovery of the Antikythera Mechanism.
5、What is the purpose of the lecture?
A) To explain how the heliocentric theory of the universe developed
B)To give an example of the persistence of traditional theories
C) To show that scientific knowledge is rarely influenced by philosophy
D) To compare methods in observational and theoretical astronomy
[size=1.6]Professor: Ok, we have been talking about how throughout history, it was often difficult for people to give up ideas which have long been taken for granted as scientific truth, even if those ideas were false.In Astronomy, for example, the distinction between the solar system and the universe wasn’t clear until modern times.
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