
标题: 9.26上午场放狗 [打印本页]

作者: obliviou9789    时间: 2017-9-26 15:16
标题: 9.26上午场放狗

数学· 三个科目K, S, Z,条件给出学习这三门科目的人各有多少,(通过表格)给出同时学习K和S、S和Z、Z和K的人各有多少,给出三门都学的人有多少,每个人都学习至少一门科目,求一共有多少人。
· 几何题:如图1,矩形ABCD中,E为AB中点,AB=x,BC=y,3x=4y,AC=p,求用p表示的阴影部分面积。(题干没说FGH都是中点,也没说HE与GF平行,我做题的时候擅自这样补充了条件,设AB=4, BC=3, 用矩形面积减去角落两个三角形的面积得阴影部分面积,答案我选的是(25p^2)/9……25和9的位置可能记反了。)
· DS题:已知正整数p, p>1,求p除以4得的余数。条件有什么p为质数、什么p^2+1之类的……记不清了……我用列举法,(1)和(2)都能得到1和3两种余数,无法确定,选了E。
· DS题:一个人将一笔钱存入银行,设年利率为r,compounded annually,存款期2年,期间无存取款等操作,求年利率。
· 齿轮那道题已经有小伙伴说过啦。我算出来跟选项对不上号……选了个2(。

· 一篇跟脑科学相关,讲一个叫Neuron什么什么的概念,总之是某种记忆形成机制。科学家发现大脑的这种机制不但能随时间推移进化(developing),增加记忆回路的个数,而且还有几种厉害的变化:①整个区域功能的变化,例如原先一片区域专门负责操控手肘的动作,经过训练可以操纵手和手腕。②不仅能根据外界刺激(stimulate)进化,还能受内在的mental的影响。
· 一篇讲发展中国家(原文说的是新兴市场)企业的环保措施。开头说当今政府在讨论环保问题时总喜欢寄托于NGO和大型跨国企业,但他们不如参考发展中国家企业已经成型的环保措施。这些措施包括:①技术更新 ②减少违规污染物排放 ③regulation ④partnership ⑤牺牲短期利益去教导consumers。文章为每种措施都举了一到两个例子。倒数第二段说有人质疑这些措施的实用性,用一家公司举例,指出有些企业在实行环保措施的时候牺牲了经济利益。最后一段作者表示态度,认为这些措施还是很有参考意义的。
· 一篇讲一种人体生理现象,忘了那个词叫什么,总之是指有些人在看见黑色印刷字体的时候会短暂地觉得那是红色的。在具有这种生理现象的人当中,有一部分人会把黑色5看成红色,黑色2看成绿色。科学家对这些人和正常人对照组进行了一种叫"plot-out"的测试,测试方法是给他们一张纸,上面印了一个由黑色2组成的三角形,其周围是一堆黑色5,让他们快速指认出那个三角形。实验结果表明具有那种生理现象的人会比普通人更快地指认出三角形来,由此科学家导出结论:这种生理现象是确实存在的(不是人为臆断出来的)。

· 一道流程图题,下拉列表。
· 一道集合+逻辑题,two-part。文字材料说有个地方正在选举首相和副(?)首相,专家预测说P党党/员当选首相的概率是30%,P党党/员当选副首相的概率是50%,且如果P党党/员当选首相,则副首相一定也会是P党党/员。下面让你根据以上文字材料选出一定是false和一定是true的两项。
· 一道图表下拉列表题,背景是种下ABC三棵树苗,三颗树苗种下的时候高度一样,生长条件一样;图表横轴是年份,纵轴是树苗每年增长的高度,如图2。

一位本地汽车经销商经理写信提议:六月份,我们在报纸上花大版面宣传高档汽车,在店内也把高档汽车展览在显眼位置,财务数据显示六月份高档汽车和普通汽车(unexpensive)的销量都达到历史高峰;二月份我们没有在报纸上宣传,店内展览的主要是普通汽车,结果高档汽车没啥销量,普通汽车的销量也没见增长。以上结果说明宣传高档汽车效果好,还能带动普通汽车的销量。因此,为了达到利润最大化,我们应该把高档汽车作为宣传重点(prominent position),以此吸引顾客,增加营业收入(revenue)。

作者: lsqjolin    时间: 2017-9-26 15:28
作者: Alexisssss    时间: 2017-9-27 05:24
作者: jasonhiga    时间: 2017-9-30 16:27
Some people claim to experience a bitter taste whenever they touch a certain texture; others claim to see 5s as red even when the numbers are printed in black ink. These are forms of synesthesia, a condition many scientists have long considered fakery. To determine whether an effect is faked or truly perceptual, psychologists often use a test called pop-out. If someone looks at a set of tilted lines scattered amid vertical ones, the tilted lines pop out. Similarly, if most of a background’s elements are green dots, and someone is told to look for red targets, the red pops out. On the other hand, a set of black 2s scattered among black 5s almost blends in.

Recently, researchers used a pop-out test to determine whether synesthesia is truly perceptual. Subjects claiming to experience red whenever they see a black 5 and green with every black 2 were given the following test. Several black 2s were arranged to form a triangle among a field of black 5s. In cases where the synesthesia is genuinely perceptual, subjectsshould easily see the triangle, because for them the numbers would have different colors. The synesthetes, unlike nonsynesthetes, correctly identified the triangular shape 90 percent of the time (just as nonsynesthetes do when the numbers actually have different colors). This suggests that the induced colors are genuinely perceptual.
Based on the passage, on which of the following pop-out tests would synesthetes of the type mentioned in the second paragraph be most likely to perform better, on average, than people without synesthesia?
A. Subjects are shown a set of red 5s in the shape of a triangle among a field of green 2s and asked to identify the shape the 5s form.
B. Subjects are shown a set of black 5s in the shape of a rectangle among a field of red 2s and asked to identify the shape the 5s form.
C. Subjects are shown a set of black 5s randomly scattered among a field of black 2s and asked to identify as many 5s as they can in ten seconds.
D. Subjects are shown a set of black 5s in the shape of a triangle among a set of black vertical lines and asked to identify the shape the 5s make.
E. Subjects are shown a set of red targets randomly scattered among a field of green dots and asked to find as many red targets as they can in ten seconds.
作者: obliviou9789    时间: 2017-10-3 15:57
jasonhiga 发表于 2017-9-30 16:27
楼主能帮看一下pop-out是这篇吗?在gmatclub上找到的( ...

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