
标题: 9.17回馈放狗 [打印本页]

作者: yamyam    时间: 2017-9-17 15:51
标题: 9.17回馈放狗

1. DS:a>b>c>0,问c<3否?(也有可能是c>3)
    条件1: 1/a<1/3(符号方向还是不记得,有可能是反的。构筑算出来a<3,可以推出来。)
    条件2: 1/a+1/b+1/c=1 (这个条件纠结了很久,最后答案选了D,不确定)

2. 补充寂静49题。
DS:给一堆人做疾病检查,For what percentage of people能得到correct result(其实就是问一项检查,在一堆人里,能得到正确检查结果的人百分比是多少)
条件1:对于有病的人来说,检查正确率是90%;对于没病的人来说,检查正确率是 92(数字可能有偏差)



4. DS:问n能否被6整除


[size=14.6667px]然后问题有两三个。第一个是对于QuestionB,[size=14.6667px]QuestionE,[size=14.6667px]QuestionF,(编号乱说的)从两个选项“有可能出现在下一次问卷中” “不在下一次问卷中”中选。其他的记不住了。因为没复习过IR,不太知道这个题属于什么套路。大家随意感受一下。


阅读撞上了三篇寂静。第一篇R&D,第二篇两个地方的Recession,第三篇是看不懂的女性雕像……第四篇忘了。SC常考的考点是主谓一致,平行结构,对比。(不过总共也就这么几个考点……)记得最清楚的一道题,划线部分考了xxx lacked skills to/for/in xxx,…… be restricted to do/doing sth。感觉那道题的选项变化主要就在这两个部分,最后我也不知道应该选哪个,大家可以查一下这两个搭配上有没有什么讲究。。

作者: yamyam    时间: 2017-9-17 15:51
作者: 十年砍柴    时间: 2017-9-17 20:15
楼主,请问你确定sc那道题没有打错吗? 我看网上只有be restricted to sth , be restricted to doing, be restricted from doing 的用法啊 。望回复,明天考试,非常着急,非常感谢楼主。
作者: Iris番薯君    时间: 2017-9-18 23:47
十年砍柴 发表于 2017-9-17 20:15
楼主,请问你确定sc那道题没有打错吗? 我看网上只有be restricted to sth , be restricted to doing, be r ...

关于restricted 的讨论

I have a question.

Restrict to do something and restrict from doing something have the same meaning?

for example,

I am restricted to smoke one cigarette one day I am restricted from smoking one cigarette one day.

Are those sentences the same meaning or not?

I just had an argument with my colleague over this topic.

I think restricted to do something and restricted from doing something are different. please help.

1 Answer
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These are quite different.

In the first example, to is making restricted mean something like limited:

I am restricted to smoking one cigarette per day.
This means:

I am limited to smoking one cigarette per day.

The other example, from is quite different:

I am restricted from smoking one cigarette per day.
This would literally mean the exact opposite:

I am not allowed to smoke one cigarette per day.
The general understanding is that it's saying you can not smoke cigarettes at all but it could also be interpreted as being allowed to smoke two or more cigarettes, but not just one.

I'd argue that, in AmE, people wouldn't generally use this form.
作者: Iris番薯君    时间: 2017-9-18 23:47
关于restricted 的讨论

I have a question.

Restrict to do something and restrict from doing something have the same meaning?

for example,

I am restricted to smoke one cigarette one day I am restricted from smoking one cigarette one day.

Are those sentences the same meaning or not?

I just had an argument with my colleague over this topic.

I think restricted to do something and restricted from doing something are different. please help.

1 Answer
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These are quite different.

In the first example, to is making restricted mean something like limited:

I am restricted to smoking one cigarette per day.
This means:

I am limited to smoking one cigarette per day.

The other example, from is quite different:

I am restricted from smoking one cigarette per day.
This would literally mean the exact opposite:

I am not allowed to smoke one cigarette per day.
The general understanding is that it's saying you can not smoke cigarettes at all but it could also be interpreted as being allowed to smoke two or more cigarettes, but not just one.

I'd argue that, in AmE, people wouldn't generally use this form.

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