
标题: 加拿大本科硕士,想申MBA,求指点 [打印本页]

作者: 不归    时间: 2017-8-31 00:28
标题: 加拿大本科硕士,想申MBA,求指点

作者: Rosera    时间: 2017-8-31 00:58
是rogers的offer吗?rogers整体氛围比较轻松的,除了少数部门之外基本都很family friendly。从analyst到manager不需要升级比较快,也不需要mba,再往上mba很加分


作者: 不归    时间: 2017-8-31 01:07
Rosera 发表于 2017-8-31 00:58
是rogers的offer吗?rogers整体氛围比较轻松的,除了少数部门之外基本都很family friendly。从analyst到man ...

你好,谢谢你的提醒,是Bell的,我因为不是码农,也不是金融的背景。我就感觉从我之前的实习经历也好,industrial engineering的学习也好,觉得工业里面的information flow是比较重要的。比较向往MBA那种对商业里面信息流的分析,对价值的判断之类的知识。这是我的初步想法,当然现在还没正式毕业入职,我也是想请教各位前辈来指点一下该有什么样的前期准备。打算工作一两年以后再去读,一是因为admission硬性要求,可以了解一下real business world,再来就是顺便拿了枫叶卡。2年MBA之后能留美国最好,留不下也有退路。
作者: JonFrank    时间: 2017-8-31 16:51
Hey there!

A very good question I am often asked.

What can you do to improve your profile over the next years???

I would like to present you with a list of ideas, which should help you:

- Definitely do at least one if not real real volunteer works while you are working. the BEST possible volunteer work is anything that has to do with leadership or fundraising, so if you see those opportunities, jump on them!

- Make sure you do the best possible at work, taking any opportunities to lead, to get involved in social events, to advance.

- Likewise try and keep up your life! What I mean is that schools LOVE candidates who have a broad range of activities and interests.

- If you have any interest in entrepreneurship as a side project, it can be good to have that in your profile.

- If you have any interest in politics as a side project, it can be good to have that in your profile.

There are probably more things that I am not yet thinking about, but this is a very good place to start!

Jon Frank
作者: 不归    时间: 2017-9-7 10:41
JonFrank 发表于 2017-8-31 16:51
Hey there!

A very good question I am often asked.

Hey Frank,

Do you think engineering background is not such a fit for MBA program? Cuz the majority of candidates I saw have a financial related background. My job could possibly in a bank, but would be more technical, such as big data analyzing. I am not sure if it would be a drawback for my financial career goal.
作者: 严龙伐虎    时间: 2017-9-10 07:36
这个,提前3年设计的想法很好,但是我觉得你在工作中可能会因为体验的增多,视野的扩宽,往后会对自己的职业路径有不一样的想法,所以,be open 就好!

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