
标题: 新人:有问题是在哪里问呢? [打印本页]

作者: Elihu2    时间: 2017-8-24 09:35
标题: 新人:有问题是在哪里问呢?
据前辈说 CD 论坛里可以提问题,大家讨论解答的。不过本渣没有找到
就只能在这里 求教大家了

OG verbal书里的一道题:

Microbiologist: A lethal strain of salmonella recently showed up in a European country, causing an outbreak of illness that killed two people and infected 27 others. Investigators blame the severity of the outbreak on the overuse of antibiotics , since the salmoella bacteria tested were shown to be drug-resistant. But this is unlikely because patients in the country where the outbreak occurred cannot obtain antibiotics to treat illness without a prescription, and the country's doctors prescribe antibiotics lesss readily than do doctors in any other European country.

microb: S在欧洲出现导致了疾病传播。
1.invest: 疾病传播是由于滥用抗生素<--因为细菌是抗药的。
2.但是 (this就近?)invest的说法错了<-- 因为病人没有prescription就无法使用抗生素,而医生也不愿意开出prescription(相比于其他地方)

which would weaken the microbiologist's reasoning?
问weaken microb 的选项,当时就懵了,microb说的啥?

应该是反驳 2 的,(因为1已经被2反驳了)2: doctor's precrip 少 --> anti 少 --> 不是anti过多造成
那么理由可能是 other factors --> anti 多
                         doctor 不愿意但实际开的多--> anti多

这样的思路可以吗? 是不是费时? (本渣渣还没领悟helr的思路,就直接瞎琢磨了一点)

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