Conodonts, the spiky phosphatic remains (bones and teeth composed of calcium phosphate) of tiny marine animals that probably appeared about 520 million years ago, were once among the most controversial of fossils. Both the nature of the organism to which the remains belonged and the function of the remains were unknown. However, since the 1981 discovery of fossils preserving not just the phosphatic elements but also other remains of the tiny soft-bodied animals (also called conodonts) that bore them, scientists’ reconstructions of the animals’ anatomy have had important implications for hypotheses concerning the development of the vertebrate skeleton.
Conodonts, the spiky phosphatic remains (bones and teeth composed of calcium phosphate) of tiny marine animals that probably appeared about 520 million years ago(解释C), were once among the most controversial of fossils.
Argument: C were one of the most controversial fossils.
Both the nature of the organism to which the remains belonged and the function of the remains were unknown.
这句话稍微难懂一点,但不要想着硬读,大概扫过一眼先考虑下它跟argument的关系,之前说了,一段话找到了argument之后,其他所有的内容都是作用在argument上的,大概对其与argument的关系有一个简单猜测后就能更轻松地读懂文章。这里看到unknown,大概就能猜出来是对argument的解释了,前文说了were once among the most controversial,那怎么个controversial法,这里有了解释。这时再回头瞄一眼,确认下什么是unknown的,the nature of blabla和function of blabla。
However, since the 1981 discovery of fossils preserving not just the phosphatic elements but also other remains of the tiny soft-bodied animals (also called conodonts) that bore them, scientists’ reconstructions of the animals’ anatomy have had important implications for hypotheses concerning the development of the vertebrate skeleton.
1. preserving后边的成分都是修饰,可以先跳过,理解了大意后再跳回来看下是怎样的discovery,对它有点印象,这样遇到细节定位题不慌。
2. 要明白scientists后边,作者要表达的究竟是什么,是什么东西有了更多的解释
however, after a discovery, there are more implications for hypotheses concerning the development of the vertebrate skeleton.
1. 这是一种强迫自己进入active阅读状态的方法,Active的阅读状态,是需要自己激发的,当脑海中始终想着要提炼脉络,每句话都去回顾下与argument的关系时,思维自然会被调动起来,进入active的状态
2. 对于文章脉络的把握极为清晰
3. 之后可以秒杀一切主旨题,在这种方法中,每句话的intention都需要揣摩,还有什么主旨题可以害怕的,经过大量练习后培养出来的题感和自信度足够在第一时间解决主旨题
4. 这种方法与CR题是相通的,可以很轻易地抓住CR的逻辑链,在XA81刷到40篇的样子后,楼主就发现自己的CR基本就能上90th percentile了。