
标题: 关系一般的合伙人之间和爱我的经理之间,哪个推荐信会更好? [打印本页]

作者: nickma_qq    时间: 2017-7-27 01:51
标题: 关系一般的合伙人之间和爱我的经理之间,哪个推荐信会更好?
主要问题是: 向par 和经理拿推荐信 有点纠结。
楼主情况是 在一家咨询公司任职,因为加班太辛苦工伤了,肌肉劳损,休息3个月。但是公司对我耿耿于怀,认为是请虚假的病假,虽然呈现了各种证据,但是依然觉得我小题大作,怀疑我的integrity,各种对我不爽。 楼主一方面寒心,另一方面想出去念MBA。 但现在就是主要问题就是推荐信。
1. 在关系一般的合伙人之间和爱我的经理之间,哪个推荐信会更好?
2. 楼主一方面想要去和公司表忠心,争取挽回短期内公司上层的信任,以免坏名声造成项目安排的悲剧,这需要爱我的经理的大力支持。另一方面,因为想今年申请,快点离开。会导致突然和公司的人要推荐信就彻底打自己表忠心的脸了。 暂且想到唯一的说辞就是出去读书后还会回来继续效力。但很可能大家都不信了。有什么建议吗?


作者: JonFrank    时间: 2017-7-28 20:50
Hey there,
This is an easy one. always go with the person who really likes you! Obviously someone who doesn't have a good relationship with you won’t write you a good recommendation

1. Your manager. Your recommenders should be people who OVERSEE you not collaborators.

2. That’s something you need to manage between you and your company. If you have a very good relation with your manager and can ask him to be discrete about your decision, this might be the best solution.

Jon Frank
作者: ubchiu    时间: 2017-7-30 01:50
JonFrank 发表于 2017-7-28 20:50
Hey there,
This is an easy one. always go with the person who really likes you! Obviously someone wh ...

Hi Jon, if you used a translator to translate the post, it may translate "Partner" as in collaborator. But I think OP meant the partner of his/her consulting company. And his/her relationship with the partner is not super great while that with the manager is good.
作者: ukyo2003    时间: 2017-8-2 00:49

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