
标题: 关于comma+ving [打印本页]

作者: 阿兔    时间: 2017-7-13 00:05
标题: 关于comma+ving
OG Vebral分册的一道题
As a result of record low temperatures, the water pipes on the third floor froze, which caused the heads of the sprinkler system to burst, which released torrents of water into offices on the second floor.

A) which caused the heads of the sprinkler system to burst, which released torrents of water
B) which caused the heads of the sprinkler system to burst and which released torrents of water
C) which caused the heads of the sprinkler system to burst, torrents of water were then released
D) causing heads of sprinkler system to burst, then releasing torrents of water
E) causing heads of the sprinkler system to burst and release torrents of water

对于D选项OG给的解释是the structure of this version makes the freezing of the pipes the subject of both causing.... and releasing....The introduction of the sequential maker then devides the brusting of heads and releasing of torrents of water into two seperate events in the sequence.It indicates,implausibly,that the pipes' freezing directly released torrents of water after it had also caused the sprinkler heads to burst.

我对解析的理解是,causing heads of sprinkler system to burst 和releasing torrents of water平行修饰the water pipes on the third floor froze,可是没有and,用then也可以吗?
可是又想起来 comma+v-ing是对前一句的修饰,那不就是修饰causing heads of sprinkler system to burst嘛……
凌乱了 求指教

作者: fxxxfxxx    时间: 2017-7-13 08:54
causing to burst是modifier,不是clause,另外一个modifier是和它平行的。没有and不一定行,要看具体的选项,这里这个选项是错的,所以讨论是不是要有and没有意义
作者: dorrit_wjx    时间: 2017-7-13 11:58
d和e最大的区别在于release的主语不同,d中是water pipes,e中是heads of sprinkler system
water pipes都结冰的话,它也没法儿把水喷出来...吧

作者: ai559031    时间: 2017-7-13 16:18
then有另起新主題的概念, 而句尾ving屬於承接概念
then Ving看到其實可以刪掉因為這兩個概念矛盾, 怎麼又承接又是新東西?

1) By recording the noise of crinkled wrappers as they were slowly stretched out in an otherwise silent chamber, and then digitizing and analyzing the sound emissions on computers, a team of scientists found that the noise was not continuous but consisted of individual bursts or pops just thousandths of a second long.

首先他是句首脫節結構, 而且因為前面是by+Ving表手段 所以ok

2) Frederick Winslow Taylor, a machinist and engineer who worked in the early twentieth century, believed that the productivity of a job could be improved by separating the components of a task into individual motions, finding the best way to perform each motion, and then redesigning the job so that each motion could be done as efficiently as possible.

這裡也是因為by Ving表手段 三個東西平行, 所以then+ving可行


作者: 阿兔    时间: 2017-7-13 18:42
fxxxfxxx 发表于 2017-7-13 08:54
causing to burst是modifier,不是clause,另外一个modifier是和它平行的。没有and不一定行,要看具体的选 ...

所以v-ing只能modify句子,不能修饰前一个modifier:causing to burst嘛? 是这个意思嘛……
作者: 阿兔    时间: 2017-7-13 18:48
dorrit_wjx 发表于 2017-7-13 11:58
d和e最大的区别在于release的主语不同,d中是water pipes,e中是heads of sprinkler system
虽然从语法上讲 ...

啊 好像是这样的呢!
我一开始因为 releasing 是作 causing的modifer,现在看了大家的解释好像明白了……
还想问一下 这里then是可以和And一样起作用,表并列吗?
作者: 阿兔    时间: 2017-7-13 18:51
ai559031 发表于 2017-7-13 16:18
then有另起新主題的概念, 而句尾ving屬於承接概念
then Ving看到其實可以刪掉因為這兩個概念矛盾, 怎麼又承 ...


作者: dorrit_wjx    时间: 2017-7-13 19:15
阿兔 发表于 2017-7-13 18:48
啊 好像是这样的呢!
我一开始因为 releasing 是作 causing的modifer,现在看了大家的解释好像明白了……

作者: dorrit_wjx    时间: 2017-7-13 19:23
阿兔 发表于 2017-7-13 18:51
那如果这样看的话,是不是一般Then前面都要加and,这里就算不考虑逻辑,也没有办法 ...

接着它这个例子回吧 虽然上面那位同学说了then+v ing可行 但是...在我看来这里真正起到并列作用的应该还是and,把三种方式并列起来了
作者: ai559031    时间: 2017-7-13 20:12
阿兔 发表于 2017-7-13 18:51
那如果这样看的话,是不是一般Then前面都要加and,这里就算不考虑逻辑,也没有办法 ...

而且then不能連接兩個句子, 所以如果單獨連接兩個句子會是sentence fragment
作者: ai559031    时间: 2017-7-13 20:16
dorrit_wjx 发表于 2017-7-13 19:15
then是一个连接性的副词(表示逻辑上或者时间上的先后顺序),不是严格意义上的连词,可以参考also的用法 ...

沒錯 因為上面兩個例子都是兩樣或兩樣以上東西平行, 所以一定要用and 連接

作者: 阿兔    时间: 2017-7-13 23:43
dorrit_wjx 发表于 2017-7-13 19:23
接着它这个例子回吧 虽然上面那位同学说了then+v ing可行 但是...在我看来这里真正起到并列作用的应该还 ...

好哒好哒 非常感谢~~~
作者: 阿兔    时间: 2017-7-13 23:44
ai559031 发表于 2017-7-13 20:12
而且then不能連接兩個句子, 所以如果單獨連接兩個句子會是sentence fragment ...

好的 谢谢谢谢~
作者: 10月一定700    时间: 2019-12-31 18:00
dorrit_wjx 发表于 2017-7-13 11:58
d和e最大的区别在于release的主语不同,d中是water pipes,e中是heads of sprinkler system
虽然从语法上讲 ...


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