V1 by szdxs930(770)一种植物和昆虫A和蚂蚁共存的生态系统,有一个研究组做了一种实验,发现同样是这三种生物共存,有一些很好,有一些昆虫A反而大量减少,后来又设计了一个实验发现原来昆虫A会跟植物抢水分和营养,所以植物会自我调节,有一点难度。
V2: (by kyle123(V40+)题目变了,就留个一个,提出最后一段的another study的目的。我选的:解释上一段里提到的study的结果。)还有到题目问主旨。。。。还问到了从ANT中能infer出什么,我选的是,他们可以击退milkweed 和aphid的敌人。。类似这个意思吧
V1:第一段描述一个observation关于三方间的mutualism,第二段为证实这种互利关系的普遍做了个study,第三段说其中大部分(有数字)group印证了这种关系,但另些group体现了相反的(具体有描述)这里反映了milkweed这个植物在ants 和aphid之间的关系上有个unexpected role(后面有一题问这个,这里说到是milkweed的角色unexpected,我觉得一般在读到这里时应该都会注意到),于是又说这个team还有另一个study,说了milkweed和aphid之间的不互利。没记错的话应该就是这三段。题目有两个都以the primary study mentioned来提问的,我觉得是指第二段(稍长的一段)中为了证明普遍的study。
第二段描述了一下他们仨互利的机理。milkweed分泌sap给aphid吃,aphid在分泌一些东西给ant吃,然后ant就保护milkweed和aphid。科学家们证明了这种关系是mutualism的什么什么。为了证明这件事儿,科学家们设计了这个试验,把320个milkweed分成genetic distinct的32组,开始研究。
第三段讲了实验结果。其中有20组,as expected,是aphid多了,ant也多了,increase了百分之好几百。另外12组呢,非常令人意外的是,aphid和ant反而少了。(这里有考题)
第四段就两句话。第一句话解释了一下,他们仨怎么合作的,就是ant去打milkweed的一些天敌如caterpillar,as shown by another study(这里有考题,问提到另一个study的作用)。然后说,但是milkweed这样喂aphid也是有代价的(at some cost):他们的water和sugar都会损失掉。所以,对有些比较强壮的milkweed来说,it s an advantage to have fewer aphid。
1。what can be inferred about milkweed?
有一个稍微混淆一点的答案是提到了fewer aphid和disadvantage的关系,我觉得说反了。还有一个是they have 32 different species,可我觉得文章里是说,32 genetic distinc group,跟32 species含义不一样。
2。提出最后一段的another study的目的。
我选的:some milkweed have a different effect on ant-aphid relationship。
这道题就注意去看第三段,20组的那个结果的一些说法(as expected)和12组的说法,大概就知道了。
Who’s the boss? Milkweed is the boss.
Milkweed plants engage in a helpful bit of mutualism with the aphids and ants who take up residence on them. Aphids feed on the milkweed’s sap, then secrete honeydew, which ants eat. The ants, in turn, are the muscle of the operation—they help both the plants and the aphids by fighting off potential predators like caterpillars. The partnership goes three ways, but the power is not equal—milkweed is in control.
Researchers Kailen Mooney and Anurag Agrawal recently found that the milkweed can manipulate the relationship between ants and aphids, altering the dynamics for its own good. The scientists planted 32 groups of milkweed, with each group containing 10 siblings from the same family, in a field full of ants. In 20 of the 32 milkweed groups, the presence of ants was a big boon for aphids—the aphid population increased by 150 percent compared to plants with no ants to protect them. But in the other 12 groups, the numbers of aphids actually decreased by more than half when ants were around.
So why should the three-way arrangement benefit all parties in most cases, but not in others? Since the researchers divided milkweed into groups according to genetic families, they say the plants’ genetics must be controlling the relationship. Mooney and Agrawal aren’t exactly sure how, but they speculate that the composition of milkweed sap can vary from family to family. Perhaps some families of milkweed just didn’t need as much protection, and therefore allowed fewer aphids to live on them by producing a less inviting sap. After all, this arrangement is not free for the plants—they give up lots of sugar and water for the aphids to live on the plant and induce the ants to come.
However it happens, the scientists say, finding that plants can manipulate the ant-aphid relationship helps to explain why the numbers of aphids and ants can vary so much between one plant and another, a problem that had puzzled biologists before. Now they know—milkweed is making a power grab.
这项新的研究着眼于常见的乳草属植物(Asclepias syriaca)以及蚜虫和蚂蚁,后两种昆虫将前者视为自己的家。所有这3个物种之间彼此互相依赖:蚜虫以植物的汁液为食,随之分泌出一种甜的黏性物质——蜜露,而这正是蚂蚁最喜爱的食物。作为回报,蚂蚁会消灭危害这些植物的入侵者,从而保护乳草和蚜虫的安全。
作为一个整体,任何生物学家在研究乳草时都要考虑这种植物与昆虫互利共生所起到的作用,然而美国加利福尼亚大学欧文分校的群落生态学家Kailen Mooney和康奈尔大学的Anurag Agrawal很想搞清,这种关系的背后是否有一个基于植物的基础作为支撑呢?为了找到问题的答案,研究人员在一个遍布蚂蚁窝的田地里种植了320株乳草,而所有这些乳草是从32科遗传差异性明显的乳草中,按照每科10株挑选出来的。到了夏季,研究人员又回到这片田地,对寄居在植物上的昆虫状况进行了调查。
华盛顿哥伦比亚特区乔治敦大学的群落生态学家Gina Wimp认为,这项研究“发现了一个之前从未被科学家所认识的关系”。她说,根据个体遗传差异和它们在植物群落中的连锁反应,使得群落生态学中之前令人困惑的变化具有了实际意义。
诺克斯维尔市田纳西大学的生态学家Gregory Crutsinger强调:“这一发现让问题变得更加清晰。”此外他补充说,它的重要意义在于阐明了植物实际上控制着之前被研究多时的蚂蚁与蚜虫的互利关系。
cy900430 发表于 2017-7-7 09:38
兄弟你太nb了,拜谢!jj15你有找到么,什么s-ray。我google了都完全没这东西。。。 ...
wsywsywsy 发表于 2017-7-7 11:13
联系不到人。。。。其实 s ray有几篇。。。
找到人 可以直接让狗主看几篇机经 ...
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