
标题: Duke MBA招生咨询会 - 北京(7/20) 上海(7/22) 台北(7/23) 深圳(7/25) 香港(7/27) [打印本页]

作者: steven    时间: 2017-7-6 19:26
标题: Duke MBA招生咨询会 - 北京(7/20) 上海(7/22) 台北(7/23) 深圳(7/25) 香港(7/27)

Duke Daytime MBA Info Sessions
Beijing(7/20) Shanghai(7/22) Taipei(7/23) Shenzhen(7/25) Hong Kong(7/27)

Be a leader who demonstrates competence, character, and purpose—a thinker and a doer who can maneuver the complexities of interdependent issues. Aspire to possess the technical acumen, personal attributes, and moral compass to both "get along" and "get it right." Because the world needs MBAs who navigate toward a collective good for ALL stakeholders—others, the organization, the community, and the world.

If this sounds like the kind of leader you want to be, then The Duke MBA—Daytime is the program for you.

You are invited to join admissions representatives from The Fuqua School of Business at the Duke MBA information sessions in Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. At these events, Admissions Officer will be presenting the Duke MBA as well as providing attendees with tips and advice for putting together their strongest application. Alumni and/or current students will join the session and share their insights into what makes Duke special.

You may be eligible to receive an application fee waiver if you register for and attend a Fuqua Admissions Event.

Pursuing a business degree is a significant investment of your time, energy, and money, so it is important that you find the right program to help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

Duke Daytime MBA Information Session - Beijing (7/20)

Date: Thursday, July 20, 2017
Time: 19:00 (registration starts from 18:30)
Venue: St Regis Beijing, 21 Jian Guo Men Wai Da Jie 
    瑞吉酒店, 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街21号

Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.

Duke Daytime MBA Information Session - Shanghai (7/22)

Date: Saturday, July 22, 2017
Time: 14:00 (registration starts from 13:30)
Venue: Marriott Shanghai City Centre,555 Xi Zang (Middle) Road, Huangpu District

Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.

Duke Daytime MBA Information Session - Taipei (7/23)

Date: Sunday, July 23, 2017
Time: 14:00 (registration starts from 13:30)
Venue: Courtyard Taipei, No. 359, Section 7, Zhongxiao East Road

Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.

Duke Daytime MBA Information Session - Shenzhen (7/25)

Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Time: 19:00 (registration starts from 18:30)
Venue: Shenzhen Marriott Hotel Nanshan, 88, Haide Yi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.

Duke Daytime MBA Information Session - Hong Kong (7/27)

Date: Thursday, July 27, 2017
Time: 19:00 (registration starts from 18:30)
Venue: JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong, One Pacific Place 88 Queensway, Hong Kong

Seats are limited. Please fill the registration form to reserve your seat.

Follow Duke Fuqua on Wechat to receive more information.

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