标题: Lyn的备考日记 550-570-640(拿到offer 不再考了 完结) [打印本页]
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-6-29 11:28
标题: Lyn的备考日记 550-570-640(拿到offer 不再考了 完结)
verbal 28
quant 49
ir 6
看了baby姐的帖子 深感自己与前辈的差距之大 作为一枚只有550还不努力的学渣 深感自己需要做的努力还有太多 但我相信 努力从什么时候起都不会晚 我也不会放弃...............................................................................................
补更 考试失误分析
4.对待og态度不对,虽然我是一战前做完了sc和cr ,数学大部分,但是我并没有思考里面的问题,而是单纯看网站解析,然后抄在本子上,实际上我不理解。我更没有去想做sc是否有何步骤,rc是如何,思考很关键,尤其是思考的depth ,接下来对于我做错的题,我会深究,将方法和理解内化为自己的
5.了解big picture含义,这个极其重要
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-6-30 11:24
真的超级感谢CD啊 能够读到这么多可爱NN的心经 每读一篇都有收获 这些心经就就像一个个引路人 指导着我这个时常跑弯的小白
baby姐 倾情回馈CD文章 ... ?from=singlemessagebabybearmm的GMAT日记 (每日更新) - 走出GMAT困境
[原创]别样仲夏一夜秋 --- 薰衣紫草倾情奉献考G 790总结 (新增AWA 6分) - 走出GMAT困境
看了这位NN的感悟 真的是很佩服 从字里行间都能感受到NN曾经的努力和挣扎 楼楼说了几点 与考试颇为密切的话 (这一位的心经是除了BABY姐外 我最喜欢的一篇了 给考友们看看)
1.精做题(这与ron 的depth 和baby姐的case study法 不谋而合)
2.不断让自己的思路贴合考试方的思路 (NN说他可以知道阅读的下一句是讲什么)
3.简化信息(对于sc,rc,sr 均是适用的,这也就是他为什么可以记忆大量逻辑JJ,因为在他眼里的信息是很简化的 )
好努力的NN 人生没有捷径 我不是聪明人 必须得努力才行
1.考试的时候每一题都有十足的把握, 与ETS心意相通. 我的材料其实少而又少, 原则就是: 精做题, 做精题. 对我而言, 考试的过程是一个把信息简化的过程
2.如果我告诉你我OG读了几遍, 你一定不相信: 19遍. OG我从来没有离过手, 在远行的日子里, OG也随着我四处漂泊. 我曾经跟一个G友说: OG是我的初恋, 我把他的缺点也爱了进去. 在枯燥的, 一遍又一遍的反复阅读过程中, 你会爱上他, 也能领悟ETS的精意. 我到最后看到任何一题都可以背出ETS的解释, 从corrective到effective. 做GWD, 我语法几乎不错. 考试时, 每一道语法题我都能看见OG的影子, 好象按照ETS的思路给考题提供标准答案.
3.平时复习SC的方法绝对不是考试时做题的方法. 平时字斟句酌就是为了培养一种条件反射的能力, 到考试时迅速排除.
4.我写完JJ, 有些朋友跟我聊天, 说我的逻辑JJ很简单. 其实我的逻辑题目都很长, 很大的阅读量, 特别是boldface, 加上答案满满一屏. 还是我说的 --- 简化信息. 从一开始做逻辑, 我就逼迫自己读完提干, 脑子里要把前因后果抽象成一句话. 如果不这样, 读完一道逻辑题, 似乎都读懂了, 可根本就不知道题目的来龙去脉, 如何做题! 我之所以能回忆起比较多的逻辑JJ, 而且能够把它们简单的陈述出来, 离不开平时的操练, 能够把复杂的东西简化是做逻辑的一种能力. 其实GWD的逻辑, 大部分题目如果读懂了, 试着用最简单的方式表达, 谁都能做对. 到后来, 我已经形成了条件反射, 就是边读边理出前因后果 (逻辑的结论很重要), 然后选项是否无关自然很清楚.
5. GMAT的阅读是要靠技巧的, 归结一点: anticipate the change. 不要被作者牵着走, 要感觉出作者行文即将发生的变化. 我再重申一次: 简化信息. 一篇阅读, 特别是长阅读, 没有训练之前, 通常读着读着, 慢慢的我就会lost my concentration. 虽然读懂了, 却好象是在读报纸, 有口无心. 要时刻集中精神, 培养短时间内的记忆能力. 无论作者做了多少引申, 都要屹立不动, 时刻知道自己的track在哪里. 牢牢把握行文的骨干, 任何时候你都能体会作者即将做出的转折启承. 我认为凭OG和GWD, 阅读材料其实已经足够了, 好好利用, 足够培养出很好的阅读技巧. 练到想吐还不够, 要吐到习惯. 我在考场上几乎知道ETS下一句话要说什么, 会怎么说. 后来我在写JJ的时候, 那些阅读仍历历在目. 把信息简化, 随着逻辑的思路走, 想忘掉都很难.
6.自己的竞争者应该是自己, 只跟自己的过去比, 不要跟别人的现在比.
7.为考G, 我总共哭过三次. 第一次, 读了4遍OG做大全, 结果体无完肤, 泪如雨下. 第二次, 长智齿, 肿到不能吃饭, 只好去拔牙. 医生给了一瓶止痛药, 吃完为止. 他告诉我吃了这药不能开车, 因为会神智不清. 我怕影响做题感觉, 没有吃过一片. 含着满嘴的棉花坚持看书, 每半个小时就要换一次棉花, 每次换的时候一漱口就是满口的鲜血, 钻心的疼, 潸然泪下. 第三次, 考之前半个月做GWD, 每套只错4个, 但做到天山的一套题错了12个, 当时离考试只有21天, 泣不成声…... 我写这些只想告诉大家: 我也经历过挣扎, 我也受到过挫折, 我也不是没有气馁过, 但GMAT值得我为其付出, 因为我和你一样, 都是追梦的夸夫.
这位NN讲了很多关于timer的问题 可以学习 我的timer就是向这位NN和RON学习的 非常有实操性
(这篇文章 在我喜欢的心经里进前三了哈哈哈)真的写的太好了 打算看完RON的CR课 重新再翻帖子 相信会有更多收获嘻嘻 谢谢Nicole 推荐帖子 很不错 意见中肯 还是得多看几遍 单词还是背起来吧
这篇心经很好 但是还没有详细读 之后做下摘录
文中提到了阅读与CR 的关系
SC 重要心经
嘻嘻 这篇也是Nichole推荐哒 真的很棒 我需要好好看看 因为我SC 没什么解题流程 (待会摘录)
自己用的最熟手的語法解題流程,跟大家分享 - GMAT语法专区 ... 057&fromuid=1081258(后面楼层 分析)
640-740,考G的一些收获和思考,附上独家整理RON笔记资料 - 走出GMAT困境 ... E%E7%AC%94%E8%AE%B0
1.做统计 2. 知道自己错在哪,不熟练的不好的在哪 ... gID%3d25%26page%3d1
bat大神 讲述 如何刷og以及如何运用正确句子集合
CR 部分心经 (基本没读)
CR帖子 by stam123(未读) ... ypeid%26typeid%3D79
想欣赏下 逻辑图
cr 未看 ... peid%26typeid%3D181 未读
这个NN很可爱哈哈 ,里面的很小故事都很适用CR考试
(哈哈 似乎这位NN在做培训 不过我还是想自己啃)
sdcar 如何提高英语阅读和写作水平 从Baby姐帖子里找到的 感谢sdcar 推荐的英语材料 NY Times, WSJ, NW, The Economist, and Scientific American
关于如何优化阅读 内有baby姐 神猴讨论
暂未分类 (未读)
【24天640-770】 在职 短期提分攻略 附罕见资料(KNEWTONnotes,Ron神时间管理,CR新题精析,RC课程) - 走出GMAT困境
毛毛版主 看了版主的心经也是觉得满满的感动 慢工出细活 我记住了 此外毛毛版主推荐了 lawyer感觉许多人推荐的说 ... &highlight=mindfree
是一代大牛Mindfree的语录总结~~还没看 ~~
【吐血整理】GMAT数学CD所有精华帖子以及知识点一篇文档全总结(余数排列组合等难点) - GMAT备考资料下载区
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-3 20:41
昨天没有记录~原因是很迷茫 然后看了一天的心经。
SC今天主要是整理了manhattan sc 的第三章和第四章的一半 我的速度很慢 为了更好的理解 之前也读过3,4章 但是很多就是走马观花 今天速度虽慢 但理解却清晰了 不少 也有些理解 RON和 baby姐说的观其大意 对于delete the middlemen 在脑子中画横线我觉得是个好办法
此外在gmat学习小组中问了一道题,难度很大,其中一位大牛说,要先搞懂句子想要表达的意思 然后选择哪个可以更加有效的表达,我觉得他说的很对
看了RON的笔记关于平行等的一节,有点感觉了 想明天再看一遍 今天听课的时候又犯老毛病了 不思考。。。
RC 做了越障 时间超久啊 我觉得我对文章逻辑结构的理解实在有些差劲尤其是涉及的主体多的时候 此外我需要看看大家如何做逻辑结构笔记了
另外 今天似乎时间不太够了 想用下verbal满分NN的阅读方法 虽然感觉弄一篇OG要三个小时 不过值得尝试 明天再尝试(用不下去啊 基础太差 这个方法被暂停 至少还是等sc差不多再说吧~)
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-3 20:45
以下内容 全部来自于 语法部分版主 baby姐 觉得这一部分十分有意义 嘻嘻 另外英文帖子 也方便我read read read
well ... if you've actually studied a thousand SC problems, i can definitely tell that you aren't studying in the right way.
if you've gotten through that many problems, that means that you're just going through problem after problem after problem after problem and just solving the problems, spending little to no time on review.
no matter what you're studying, make sure that you study with the appropriate DEPTH, not just BREADTH.
in particular, you should try to RELATE problems to each other, and look for GENERALIZABLE lessons, in order to gain the maximum benefit from your practice.
they may even have negative value, if the same constructions happen to be used in different ways on the official test.
for EVERY problem:
* don't concentrate on the solution to that actual problem, since you can be sure you aren't going to see that actual problem on the exam
* instead, try to find TAKEAWAYS from the problem, which you can then APPLY TO OTHER PROBLEMS. this is key - DO NOT LEAVE A PROBLEM until you have extracted at least one piece of information, whether a formula, a strategy, a trick/trap, etc., that you can apply to OTHER problems.
do not leave a problem until you can fill in the following sentence, meaningfully and nontrivially:
"if i see _____ ON ANOTHER PROBLEM, i should _____"
for EVERY OFFICIAL SC problem:
be able to explain every aspect of every construction in the correct answer choice -- including the parts that are not underlined. (remember, this is the only place where you can be 100% assured of finding constructions that are correct!)
this means that you should be able to explain both the grammar and the meaning of everything those choices -- again, including the stuff that isn't underlined.
if you do what i've suggested above -- especially with the correct answers** -- you will probably find that the OG12 alone provides enough SC material for at least a couple of months of study.
honestly, if you put that together with the manhattan SC guide, you should already have more than enough material. quantity is not quality, and, after a certain point (which you have long ago passed if you have actually solved 956 problems), quantity and quality become each other's enemies.
**i'll let you in on a little secret here: studying the correct answers in this way is really the hidden weapon on this test.
fun fact:
before i started teaching the gmat, i had zero formal training in english grammar -- i'd never studied it academically, and had basically no idea of any of the non-basic rules that i talk about here. (instead, for SC i relied only upon my experience as a professional editor/writer and upon my sheer exposure to tons and tons and tons of material written in highly formal, scholarly english. even though i didn't know any of the actual grammar rules, my experience allowed me to identify "right" and "wrong" immediately and almost instinctually without any sort of formal breakdown -- much as people are able to identify the nature of, say, facial expressions without having to break them down muscle by muscle. for all practical purposes, that sort of approach is impossible for non-native speakers of english.)
here's the fun part:
every single thing i've ever posted on this forum about english grammar, i learned by studying correct answers to official SC problems.
this is not an exaggeration.
here was the process:
* study a correct answer
* justify the use (= grammar and meaning) of EVERY construction in the correct answer
* attempt to generalize the result
* if the generalization is questionable, search other official SC problems for the same construction, and see whether the generalization works...............................................................................................
个人感想: 要去研究一个普适的方法 (这认为需要做完分项练习后再说)
研究正确句子 ron的提倡 这个放在复习的最后一步
要去深入学习depth ,这个与baby姐的casestudy学习法类似
作者: niniana 时间: 2017-7-3 22:21
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-3 22:35
这个地方以后专门放国外牛人的心经 (一楼放CD大牛心经大概有以下几个网址 ;beatthegmat;
Sentence Correction
by ron the intuition of sc (从baby姐帖子里挖出来的,嘻嘻读完睡觉?)
by ron (从女神 baby姐帖子里挖出)
by ron
by ron sc 论坛NN整理版
by ron cr 论坛NN整理版
刚看到Ron讲:如何理解modifier的修饰对象?GMAT里对grammar要求到啥程度(是否需要懂语法术语)?(by Baby 未读 )
"Layering" in Sentence Correction Questions - GMAT
(未读 by baby )
作者: niniana 时间: 2017-7-3 22:37
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-3 22:37
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-4 07:59
专门占一楼~ 以后放自己整理的牛人心经 挑出NN文章中 自己想要尝试的方法以及所需要的资源
RON unfinished
advice about timer (unfinished)
by Baby 推荐 可进行pace练习
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-4 19:40
第一周 gmat 学习
今天整理完了曼哈顿sc第四章 第五章整理部分 内容有点多~很多地方也还不是很清楚。发现这本书了真是讲了很多方法啊,之前读3,4,5的时候完全没有发现。比如delete the middlemen 对于形成框架感很有帮助,还有书中自问自答拆分modifier 有利于更好的理解这些modifier的含义 ,(举个栗子 the cat, which lives next door,is very noisy .A: the cat is really noisy B definitely yes. ,by the way the cats that we are talking about lives next door 之前见baby姐用这个方法帮别人分析句子来着 但是效果自己还需要多看看)另外平行结构中讲到如果两边不能替换的话那就不是平行
然后又看了点ron的课 ,10年关于平行的课件,里面讲到对于open tags来讲,要从右往左的找平行
此外就是读了yiayia的心经 又有了一个想尝试的方法
越障 finished,不过今天选了篇结构很简单的 。market is competitive--differentiate- valued customers -suggestions(15 tips)阅读 non finished
7.5 状态不太好 虽然12点才开始复习 但是走神加迷糊 好想杜绝啊 何时才能理解correctly and efficiently啊 看manhattan sc 会困 也是因为自己没有inside out 吧
sc :曼哈顿sc 5章弄完 ,6章完成 (finished)今天突然发觉在做baby姐说的分项练习时,也许可以借用manhattan sc 中 problem set 步骤来做
比如在sentence structure 一章 ,set里说了 先找出subject,verb ,之后看s-v 是否make sense ,然后 看number
在比较那一章 set 里,先找出marker,看句子是否正确,如果不对纠正,对于ambiguous sentence ,自己写出正确的并且想ambiguous的含义,这样自己写的句子还能同正确的对比分析正确的句子
之前一直没有正视分项练习的作用,不过最近看来却是必须做的一步,看完manhattan sc 其实就是跟着书过了一遍,但是并没有形成让自己看到一句话立刻反应 到底s-v agreement 出了问题,还是哪里。(毕竟不是所有句子都那么简单,每一个部分里的变体,在做分项时也可以好好熟悉总结)
ron的课 finished 不做过多要求 只看了一多半
看的是14年的 ron讲述 做题的process 自己之前考的差 也是因为完全没路子 一分钟需要做的题 我先蒙了一分钟 也不重视意思 上来就看 里面的语法点 对ron的课真是相见恨晚啊 我之前用了其他老师书上的方法 超级不适合我 和ron讲的也很不相似 现在只能忘掉之前的 哎 含义为王 efficiently &correctly 也都是为了他们的大王呀~
# 提醒自己一下 之后做题需要总结 长线句和短线句子倾向于考什么 ,以及划线部分前面单词有什么用,其实单词有什么用,为什么说可以提供简单思路
空闲 牛人心经
manhattan sc c7 ,c8 unfinished (c7 problem set ,c8 a half)
ron (finshed the last half of a lecture in 2014)
find materials that i need in CD(cr finished ,rc unfinished
obstacle finshed (最近读的越来越顺 但是我觉得应该是我阅读材料太简单的缘故 应该读些难点文章作为突破)
manhattan sc chapter8 (chapter9的idioms 太多啦,扫了一眼没细看,似乎记得有人是将其做成卡片 每天看一点)
今天看了下baby姐在论坛解析sc 真的是大牛啊 由衷佩服
然后结果顺着题 一直找 找晕了 很多地方不明白 基础不牢固Ron's lecture (unfinished)
7.8只做了越障 ,其他的什么都没做,有些烦躁~
7.9 越障 从昨天到今天一直在试baby姐的方法,虽然很慢,但是收获很多manhattan sc 重读1,2章 感觉真的超多方法啊 很多方法在baby姐的做题习惯中都有体现的说。
嘻嘻 最近效率也低 总是在迷茫和纠结 哈 今天是10号 fighting~!
本周目标: 曼哈顿sc 完成
ron的课不做要求 去感受ron怎么做的就行
阅读 至少四篇 按三步法来做 用做过的题目
结合心经 sc的复习之路 不断修正
第一阶段 曼哈顿sc ,ron
第二阶段 做og17 (记录错题),ron 看og第一段解析 ,去论坛找讨论 ,体会错误原因,这块用case study法 但是不去? 主要目的是体会cs法,顺便看看baby姐的sc讲解,主要目的不是懂,而是了解baby姐如何做的 ,为后面向她学习做铺垫
第三阶段 一边复习一边分项刷 按照曼哈顿分类 比如平行 sv agreement , 前面提到刷的话用problem set 法
第四阶段 重新做og 17,18新 用case study法深究,哪怕一天就弄了一到题都可行 另外论坛上积极同人讨论 learn with an aim to teach
第五阶段 研究正确句子(这一步在分项时也做过大概)
prep 分组练习
baby姐提供的趣味sc网址做题 控制时间目标1分钟
找到NN说的common set-ups ,intuition (ron提出 详情参见上一楼层)
1. 每日进行越障 提高脑容量 对于结构的理解读
每两段一回忆 以后能记住再说 read read 读什么都行 经济文史哲天文 随便 另外今天读心经 Ron说 读的必须 fairly quickly 但不是所有都hit the eyes? 必须补阅读能力 没有捷径 今天在仔细读下sdcar大神贴吧 大神说了要提纲挈领
第一阶段 og本身快要做完 但是决定停止这样做下去 慢的连分析加做两三个小时 。。。因为脑容量不够 有时候可以读懂 but反应不出作者意图手法,也注意不到文章结构的
第一周 按750 verval大牛方法 一天一篇旧的 先实验下 坚持两周看看吧 先选择天文开始 尽量搞同一类
第二周 同第一周
之后再说 没具体思路
暂无思路 但一定要把需要资料看好 参见baby
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-7 19:11
CR bible 资料 最新版 因为bible 本身就是3年一出 下一本在2018年
CRbible 扫描版 12版 ... t=manhattan%2B%2Bcr
MGMAT CR 最新版 6th
Mgmat fov 6th
暂时没找到MGMAT RC资源 嘻嘻 汇总了下需要的资源~
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-7 19:26
includes RON's lecture (unfinished )目前总结完了 8次的笔记(哈哈其实主要是截图 我觉得ron 的截图颜色 很鲜明 很方便 于是很多就不在敲了)
第一次整理的疏漏难免会很多 先继续往下听 有间二刷 (嘻嘻 之前还买了淘宝笔记 可以对着补 就酱~~)真的太太喜欢ron神了
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-9 10:07
今天看到有一位同学说学GMAT 就是勤奋+时间的堆砌 而且大神就是很厉害 他们的建议可以忽略了 因为大神就会说简单。 虽然我没在群里说话 ,而且他可能也有其他意思,但我自己觉得不该这么想,因为我走过太多太可怕的弯路了。
大神的建议是要听的,他们考700+ 绝非偶然,那些10几天就上750的大神,用时虽短,但并不是单纯因为智商,他们一定是知道GMAT到底考什么的,同时也知道出题者的思路,虽然每个人经历不同,我们学习知识的速度也不同,但是他们如何去把握思路,如何学习的才是我们应该关注的。而不是因为他们一句简单,就不取经,反而怪到智商差距上。最近更是有种感想,对于大神们,这些难题确实就是简单的,因为他们善于把一个个complicated question 转化为简单问题,在他们眼里,不过就是那点东西。你说阅读好难啊 ,NN想这有什么难的,拆啊,然后多练,正如baby姐说,难句子把他拆成一个个简单的不就好了。阅读慢,也拆啊,先抓句子主要含义,fancy words skim掉,然后读后面时,在用and,but等逻辑词串联。觉得没意思,但就不要揪着词语读啊,meaning-oriented 呀。
然后我就回忆起自己雅思的学习,真的很惭愧,我复习雅思 ,用了整整四个月,还是辞职状态,但我做了几套题?2套 这是别人两天就可以完成的量。我干嘛了,刷手机,看新闻,评论现在的热点,然后刷了我从小到大所有喜爱的电视剧以及动漫,看电视明星八卦,之后剩余时间用来懊悔,还告诉家长我学习呢?我除了浪费生命什么也没做?然后6.5,这个成绩也丢人,毕竟我是打着复习四个月的旗号,我一度自责于自己的无自制力。但现在我不想把自己浪费的四个月单纯归结到自己是没有自制力的,我觉得任何一个人天天在家里不出门,不与人交流恐怕都会憋疯吧,可我竟然憋了四个月,几乎要憋出抑郁,而且在自己一个人住的情况下,我现在觉得自己很能忍。
直到准备GMAT 第一次失败,我才明白,看问题要找本质。我之所以会陷入不停的玩以及懊悔,不是因为我是一个不求上进的人,我错在以下几点。1.不敢打破自己现有状态,以及comfort zone ,既然那样的学习不适合我,我干嘛不去和我爸爸妈妈住白天去图书馆呢,干嘛要逼自己呢 2.错在禁锢自己,不与他人交流,失去学习乐趣,learn with an aim to teach (这句话第一次在baby姐帖子见到,有一种恍然大悟的感觉)。3.不深入思考,单纯的width 会逐渐失去兴趣,而depth却可以触动我兴奋的点。而且时间也不是在宽度上有价值吧 ,而是越深入越有价值4.总把有用的当没用,比如前人的建议,与人交流的乐趣,以及停下来想想自己的问题。
所以接下来,我会更加注意depth ,努力的打破自己的comfort zone 。不断思考,思考,再思考 加油↖(^ω^)↗
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-11 17:37
7.10 OG SC 习题
7.11 数学题 40道 未改 心累 今天想休息了 先放空一天吧 7.12
听ron的课 对口音不太熟悉 极慢无比啊
看心经 重新规划了sc学习 7.12 forgot
7.13 ron's lecture (2 1-timer 2-parallelism)
manhattan modifier (review)
idioms (3组)7.14 15 这两天没做记录
主要就是把ron 2016年的3节sc课都听了 并且进行了整理 真的是大神 我超喜欢
其中一天看一道题的解析 看了几个小时。。。还没看完 尴尬
最近有点理解 baby姐姐说的inside out是什么意思了 我以前看到and的反应是 咦 and是连词 要连接两个句子 然和在一个句子一个句子看 两边是不是完整 这种叫out-inside学习法 ;最近却不是这样了 ,我会主要看句子核心,把modifier在脑袋里框出去 之后自然在我脑袋里 就剩下个结构 比如 people,and......一下扔掉 同样类型的句子都是一眼可以看明白的 我不打算在记语法 这个是什么 怎么用了 我想多记些简单句子 像一道题 like A ,B......,我竟然没看出来,理解比我知道他叫什么更重要
另外ron一直在说sc是考察关系的 这点理解不太好~
但是最近没有弄数学啊 还有就是总玩手机 看来要远离手机 如果不远离 二战铁定还是分不了手的
唯一要求 远离手机 中午再用
听了一节RON 的课 还差一道题没听完 之后我就去逛论坛了。。。。逛论坛超用时间的,,,,
昨天做SC 又慢还不会 内心受到万点暴击 但是仔细想了想 还是别放弃了 不过也看了很久的漫画哈哈
想调整下 决定把SC 第一阶段战线 拉长 第二阶段的做OG ,练分项恐怕要拖了 很多人都说SC是最占时间的
本周依旧处于第一阶段里 SC 目标
1.manhanttan 笔记整理 本身到C10了 但觉得自己整理的只是单纯的抽离条目 再看看其他人如何整理
3.manhattan 就翻他之前讲的题目 按时间从近到远的翻找
数学每天安排两个小时 毕竟我上次考试才48啊 给国人丢脸
越障 必做 想想怎么弄出节奏感怎么提速吧
CR,RC 暂缓
心经一定要读 不论是国外的还是国内的 帮我认清自己的情况也有帮助
作者: NicholeNn 时间: 2017-7-14 22:02
楼主加油!!!!!挺不好意思的发现我俩状态不要太像,都是辞职备考而且一战过了。。。(并且Q也只有48T T)我发现baby姐的心经你总结出来的比我多很多,不过可能也是关注点不太一样!总之一起加油啦!
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-16 09:16
谢谢鼓励!!!这两天没有做记录~才看到~ 我们一定要加油 二战一定要到达理想分数!
我当时考试成绩出来都快泪奔了 没想到会那么低 尤其verbal 竟然18分 baby姐的心经 真的太好 尤其她的sc部分 以及她提倡的阅读要meaning-oriented ,我觉得超棒 !
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-16 11:01
Laos has a land area about the same as Great Britain but only 4 million in population, where many are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north.
A. about the same as Great Britain but only 4 million in population, where many
B. of about the same size as Great Britain is, But in laos there is a population of only 4 million, and many
C. that is about the same size as Great Britain’s land area, but in Laos with a population of only 4 million people, many of them
D. comparable to the size of Great Britain, but only 4 million in population, and many
E. comparable to that of Great Britain but a population of only 4 million people, many of whom这个句子所要表达的meaning 及structure 是
laos has a land area about the same as GB
4 million in population
many are members of hill tribes (修饰 population或4 million)
关于他们之间的关系 has a land area about the same as GB 应当与4 million in population 是paralle but contrasting idea
many are members 这句话是修饰 ,并不是seperate ideas ,如果分开两句话,那么Nonsense
RON devoured lunch ,cruching loudly and swallowing entire chunks of food 后面两个是devoured lunch 的decription
RON devoured lunch ,gulped down the drinks ,and fell asleep 这是三个独立的动作
B,D delete 后面的many of whom 被当成 一个seperate ideas
A 虽然是修饰,但是用的where 不对
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-17 17:35
不在制定鬼周计划了 我前两周也没完成过 还是稳扎稳打 啃我的SC吧
整理了Manhattan SC 的 一个章节 还要在继续思考下
上午补了阅读小分队两个越障作业 最近看见越障就想吐 从7 点就盯着看 实在看不下去 然后就看看心经 之后就是在不想看中挣扎啊 不过最后还是写完了 就是效率低 而且 我文章要拆开好多部分进行回忆 我还是不能很好的 meaning-oriented
7/18 7/19 从昨天到今天 一直都在论坛刷 做一道sc 然后就是各大网站的找instructor的思路 解析 可想而知我是多慢了 每次都是得自动收手啊 否则一个挂一个 根本看不完 根本不知道何时可以开始CR的复习啊 7/20
verbal 模考 感觉没什么提升 模考完verbal 手残 点没了
休息了一上午 开始劳作~~
2017 OG 正确句子 (结合manhattan) 20个 过 SV agreement
prep sc 6道(2012)
cr GWD 课程 (感觉GWD有人说好 有人不好 先听听吧)
RON 15年的一节课课程
逛论坛 搜题
1.调整了下学习思路 不打算在做OG题了 决定开始读OG 因为一轮备考的时候也做过 今天是分项过 sv agreement 过完了 ,句子结构这一部分,大概明天就可以过完
2.复习manhattan sentence structure 这个章节 觉得真的是很棒啊 关于sentence structure的考查 ,无非就是 ,句子是否完整,sv是否agreement ,以及句子关系~这一块其实也很是需要大局观的,不?于小细节,比如
plants ,more efficient than fungi at acquiring carbon ,in the form of carbon dioxide ,and converting it to energy-rich sugars
plants.........and converting......?
这是什么鬼句子 根本就是fragment 所以delete其实之前看RON讲课 还有baby姐心经 发现他们看句子就很简化 但不是很理解 现在的感想是 是因为看句子不是一个词一个词看的 而是一块一块看的 比如这句话里plants,.....and 中间的....全部都是modifier 而我在看的sentence structure 所以他们就可以被我全部当成....
3.5篇OG阅读 只读 抽结构 简化信息
5.CR题目简化 (暂定5道 )
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-17 18:02
分享给考友们一个帖子的内容。起因是一道题目。但是我找不到链接啦,找到补上来。重点在于RON 说的 。
Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.
(A) Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.
(B) Although Elizabeth Barrett Browning was considered among her contemporaries as a better poet than her husband, she was later overshadowed by his success.
(C) Later overshadowed by the success of her husband, Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry had been considered among her contemporaries to be better than that of her husband.
(D) Although Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s success was later overshadowed by that of her husband, among her contemporaries she was considered the better poet.
(E) Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry was considered among her contemporaries as better than her husband, but her success was later overshadowed by his.
是这样的 一个NN mm说要咨询这道题,她觉得很complicated ,但另一位700 NN就说很简单 ,只需要通过consider 的用法就可以全部排除,然后mm 就放了一大段ron 关于这个的解释哈哈 。by RON
i don't think there is any meaningful difference between "consider X Y" and "consider X to be Y". i can guarantee you right now that there will NEVER be a choice on which the ONLY "error" is the insertion of those two words "to be".
however, as emily noted above, the presence of those words can indeed be suspicious. therefore, if you see them, you should double down on your effort in scanning that particular choice for OTHER errors.
it's possible to formulate a sentence in which "consider X Y" produces an ambiguous meaning that would be rectified(改正) by the use of "consider X to be Y". in that case, the latter would be necessary.
It just like eliminating answer choices just because it has "being" and this is not always the case their are plenty of GMAT problems that has "being" in correct answer choice.
Eliminating an answer choice on the basis of idioms is a Juvenile technique. For me while learning our goal is to learn broadly applicable takeaways about the best ways to solve classes of problems, so that you have good ideas about how to think your way through the new problems that you'll see on the test.
Relying on Idioms is an outdated(旧时的) technique and misdirects us to just solve a question w/o taking so many take away's that are hidden in 5 options available. You must have seen people migrating from n # of questions banks to # of test preparing companies and they never improves. Any thing that is simple is not a learning.
Following a simple path and avoid analysis and other takeaway might seems easy now, but will bear no fruit to us as a student. I am a 740 scorer, but I do not think that I am an expert, but I am a student who has so much to learn before moving to next test.(小姐姐 后言)
作者: NicholeNn 时间: 2017-7-17 18:11
作者: nicetao 时间: 2017-7-17 18:19
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-17 19:57
嗯嗯 O(∩_∩)O谢谢Nichole~~互相督促!!!Nichole也加油!!!
RC确实是个老大难,主要速度一定得提上去,一般建议都是说一篇短文章300-400都得在两分钟左右解决,剩下题目一分钟一道。我前一段时间做RC,发现题目都出在文章的架构上,只要能理解清整个架构,就能做对题。但我还是太慢,提炼信息能力太弱了,就像薰衣草JJ说的那样,基本是被牵着走,读了后面忘前面。你说的抓主干,这个确实有用!之前babyJJ 也说要把fancy words 等信息略读,有的时候一扫就知道什么意思。不过还是不熟练,练习过少~还是该多读。
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-17 19:58
哈哈 谢谢Nice ,Nice也要加油~~
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-24 10:34
突然发现换一种看问题的思路,问题真的会简单很多1.although appearing less appetizing than most of their round and red supermarket cousins, heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved during the previous year—they are often green and striped, or have plenty of bumps and bruises—heirlooms are more flavorful and thus in increasing demand.A.
although appearing less appetizing than most of their round and red supermarket cousins, heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved during the previous year
although appearing ....,tomatoes.........they are...
这个句子一?就是知道fragement 根本不用多想
Although heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved during the previous year, appear less appetizing than most of their round and red supermarket cousins
Although they appear less appetizing than most of their round and red supermarket cousins, heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved during the previous year
在?里的框架应该是although they .......,tomatoes,......they are....一看这句子就是fragement 呀 delete
Grown from seeds saved during the previous year, heirloom tomatoes appear less appetizing than most of their round and red supermarket cousins
......tomatoes appear less appetizing than XXX
tomatoes are more flavour
这个呢 为什么会没有B好呢 因为这两句话前后逻辑是转折呀 这俩句子往这一摆 可什么关系都没体现 delete
而且直接就摆两句话 也是不允许的 在我眼里他依旧是fragment
Heirloom tomatoes, grown from seeds saved during the previous year, although they appear less appetizing than most of their round and red supermarket cousins
tomatoes ,.......,althought they ....? 得 就此打住 这是什么鬼句子 fragement! delete!
至于以上有没有其他错误 我懒的管 ? 这道题光用sentence structure就可以排除干净了
2. 这道题很简单 但是照我以前的思路做题就是out-inside 得方法 ,看到连词and 就想着,and 是连词,两边要连接完整的两句话,然后开始找? 但实际上 换种思路 把结构抽象在脑子里 确实极为迅速的
Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, was completed a decade later, during the reign of Titus, who opened the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladiatorial games, and spectacles.
which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian,
constrction began ...... ,was completed
fragement delete!
officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and
constrction.......,and was completed...
fragement delete !
which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and
officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater and begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian it
constrction.....,it was completed...
fragement delete !
officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, which was begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and
constrction.........and was completed
fragement delete!
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-24 13:01
复习manhattan sc sentence structure
过完OG中 sentence structure 部分 接着昨天sv agreement RC
在过一遍 昨天看的5篇OG文章
1.复习SC modifer 部分
2过了几道 manhattan 的modifier 感觉 modier 对我而言有些难 ,于是先过的comparison 和parallel ,可能有漏掉的,但是就目前过的来看,大约有40道考察这两部分3.另外过了10道prep题 ,难度基本出在easy medium 区间 , 时间都是1分多点 ,有一道很简单的题,忘记同位语结构了
Architects and stonemasons, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport.
huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya without benefit of the wheel or animal transport
without the benefits of animal transport or the wheel, huge palace and temple clusters were built by the Maya
the Maya built huge palace and temple clusters without the benefit of animal transport or the wheel
there were built, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, huge palace and temple clusters by the Maya
were the Maya who, without the benefit of the wheel or animal transport, huge palace and temple clusters
architects and stonemasons 是同位语 ,建筑师和工匠,那么只有C符合,因为5个选项只有the maya 是人
呵呵哒 我也忘记自己咋想的 愣是没看出来 此题先放着 以前RN给出过的造的句子 如果找到 摆上来而且对于这个结构 我有点跟sentence structure 搞混 等搞明白立即补
4.RON 15年课程一节
嘻嘻 今天又玩小半天 没办法 有时候真的学习好枯燥啊 等我考完GMAT 再也不做宅女了!!!
1.RON 神SC 课程一节
SC content
不知道能否过完 因为真心觉得modifer 有些复杂 暂时我也没总结出在考什么
Sentence structure 无外乎考察以下几点:
1.s-v agreement ( s-v make tense ? s-v correspond in number ?)
2, sentence complete ( s-v exist ?)
parrallelism /comparison
是否make sense ?(从语义逻辑来看)
2.mock sc is better than before
RC is the most important thing to be improved
昨天真的什么都没做呀~~ 只觉得一定要远离负能量满格的人 因为我太容易被影响了
论坛上搜OG的题,整理,有点慢,主要放在Modifier 上
modifier 曼哈顿那章 火速过了一遍 然而 还是没什么感觉
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-29 09:45
今天仔细想了下GMAT 需要什么,我有什么,缺什么。于是也理解了自己这段时间,为什么模考出来的成绩和感觉进步缓慢了。
但是还是要坚持 不能放弃 那些过往权当弯路里遇到的风景吧 不过我一定要努力让自己不要再进弯道了 (ps 最近一直疏忽了前辈们的心经 这个是很重要的 )
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-29 13:09
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-7-29 19:01
做题千万不可以形成思维定式秒选呀有道PREP 题
Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak.
(A) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak.
(B) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, which they admit they lack, many people are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.
(C) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, analytical skills bring out a disinclination in many people to recognize that they are weak to a degree.
(D) Many people, willing to admit that they lack computer skills or other technical skills, are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.
(E) Many people have a disinclination to recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while willing to admit their lack of computer skills or other technical skills.
做题的时候,发现了unlike ,自然想到了Unlike A ,B...结构 然后秒选 C 。。。
A unlike computer skills ,there is ???totally wrong
B unlike computer skills ,which they ?? wrong
这俩选项 读到我框的地方就可以排除了
C unlike computer skills ,analytical skills bring out a disinclination to recognize .....??? skills recognize ??? delete
D correct
E many people have a disinclination to recognize the weakness
这一块摘录下RON 的讲解吧 许多道题都讲过这种例子
there's also a slight change in meaning.
"recognize that their ... skills are weak" just means that the people should know that they have weak skills.
"recognize the weakness..." means that they should actually be able to point out the specific weakness.
RON 讲解其他E的错误
"have a disinclination to recognize" is wordy/unidiomatic, and is definitely inferior to "are disinclined to recognize".
* if you're going to use "while" with an adjective phrase (while willing to...), then that adjective phrase should precede the main verb.
i.e., many people, while willing to... , are disinclined to...
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-1 17:42
今天又模考了一下 感觉SC是有提高的 至少正确率提到60% 左右了 虽然还是很差 不过我现阶段最大的障碍实则是阅读 不是单指RC 所以要好好弄弄阅读理解这一块了 得把阅读能力提上来 RC 和CR正确率辣眼睛
休息 进入到瓶颈期了 而且根本学不进去~
逛beatthegmat 和manhattan 论坛 搜题 10道左右8/5
论坛搜题 10道(OG)
过一遍 Manhattan sc modifier 部分
阅读小分队 开始~~
作者: NicholeNn 时间: 2017-8-2 18:00
我来啦!发现好久没来了~ 你对心经这块貌似重新编辑过了~分类好清楚,找时间我要仔细来你这看看数学心经了,总有不祥的预感数学会拖后腿。。。。感觉V这块大家都差不多,1是阅读能力差2是语法体系太零碎,啥时候过关啥时候就可以报名考试了T T
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-4 10:55
才看到~~这段时间有些学不进去了 而且感觉低电量 有厌学情绪 所以就连着休息了两个整天 出去玩了~ 今天再开始学 就感觉有动力~我还不知道什么时候考呢 阅读能力提不高 我觉得基本去考试就没什么起色
作者: NicholeNn 时间: 2017-8-5 00:40
嗯嗯回来了就得加油啦!哈哈给自己定个时间还是必要的,不然一直往后拖拖拖 时间就拖没了
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-5 16:43
嗯嗯!! 我打算9月中下考一回呢~~
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-9 09:14
标题: )
第六周啦~以后不再记录 每日具体做了什么 感觉意义不太大 主要记录感想以及摘录有价值心经~(我收回这句话 )
作者: NicholeNn 时间: 2017-8-10 17:00
哈哈那也快啦!我打算八月考一次,具体日期还没定~毕竟复习成果是驴是马还是得拉出来溜溜才能知道。T T
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-10 19:11
嗯嗯对~~你一定没问题~~ !! 我今天做GWD 练习20道SC 正确率终于上7了 终于有进步了 等的都快穿肠了~~最近觉得阅读才是最重要的 阅读是一切的根基啊
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-10 20:02
最近觉得SC 没有那么难了 只不过语义还是不好把握 得赶紧练阅读了 打算把SC 的时间进行缩短 安排到RC 和数学身上 CR 这部分 打算暂时听听RON的课就行了 (CR 不打算再用herl老师的方法了 虽然方法真的挺好 但是不适合我 我适合用简单的方法 )
鉴于对于阅读实在有些懒惰 打算近期把小分队练习 发到日记里 督促自己~~我已经好久没练小分队了 因为中间歇了一下 然后崩了 再看见就恶心 (PS 今天报名了 9月22号的考试~~)
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-13 11:03
二战 倒计时 40天
SPEED 练习简化信息能力
92 -----01 科技
T2 (时间很久 我的狗老捣乱)科学家们呼吁增加大学研究农作物的经费,因为private firm 只关注收益高的作物不关注收益低的,然而大学研究确很关心这些收益低的农作物;目前public breeding 面临很多困难 ,亟待解决
researchers call for more fundings for university agriculatural research ,because researchers at university focus more on less-valuable production compared with private firm which foucs more on valuable products .nowadys ,publc breeding face many obstacles ,including inadequate fundings,less shared resources ,and intellectural property .
T3 4m 19s 399words 95wpm们想促进material 之间的sharing 然而大学希望获得更多利润 因此科学家的expectations 基本会失败 但是现在大学也逐渐意识到了申请专利也不一定总可以带来巨大收益
group calls for using several ways to sole these problems.however ,these expectations somtimes just fail .because universities want to get a huge profit ,they always apply for intellectual patent.BUT now the university should know that patent may not always brings impressive revenues
T4 4 m 30s 324 72wpm 阅读真心烂啊 这么慢 我是怎么好意思休息那么久的!!!科学家在老鼠大脑里做了一个实验,产生的来源于皮肤细胞的cells可以有效对抗癌细胞XXX ,科学家们发现XXX可以attract stem cells,科学家觉得好好利用stem cells ,他可以为我们所用,stem cells 很难获取,目前有三种方式。
T5 3m 254 words 84wpmalthough there are 3 ways to harvest stem cells ,there are lots of obstacles which needs to be solved .by skipping the step and other way ,the scientist get a big processT6
T6 4m10 249 words 59wpm 科学家在老鼠身上的实验取得了巨大的收获 ,但是有两个问题需要去检验:1 humor cells 在人脑可以走多远 2.是否需要从病人皮肤提取stem cells ,因为不属于自己的很可能会造成排斥,攻击humor 。这些都已经通过实验检验,慢慢将会用于治疗。
阅读速度堪忧啊 从50-90 wpm不等 而且我中间有的写总结时还回头看了几眼
obstacle (发现了个问题 我必须得做笔记啊 读的时候觉得自己记住了的 结果回忆写结构 就只记得最后的部分)
练习结构提取 ,希望可以简化一些
time 13M 49 S 1033
74 WPM
科学家发现了P可以帮助immune system 对抗tumors---T cells 可以散发信号并攻击Tumors,但是tumors会express 一种物质阻止攻击,科学家们解决了这个问题,然而还有一个问题是免疫系统的t-cells 通常没有那么活跃---lin和他/她的团队 将P 成功应用 并发现P可以促进immune system 这项研究已经有专项基金进行研究
之前一直不敢计时 但现在看来计时真的很有必要 知道自己现阶段情况 才能去补足
目标是考试时达到 100 wpm 即可
另外我得做笔记了~~这样想来悠悠姐真是太厉害了 学习下manhattan RC 吧~~
1.走神,注意力很容易不集中 ,尤其遇到难点
综上觉得可以通过记笔记 以及跳跃fancy words 试试
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-13 15:08
第六周 2017/8/13(今天主要任务 尽量完成)
1.阅读小分队的全部内容 (生物科技的)finished
2,manhattan RC (1/7)明日从题目起看
4.新听一节SC (finished 快进完的)
打算是听完全部的SC 课程 多过几遍manhattan 我就滚去 刷OGmodifer 部分 之后整理OG 千行 再分项刷一遍(带meaning)最后就是练prep ,GWD,过OG 打算按这个路子走
额 最近没怎么记录 明天就从第七周记录了
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-14 10:41
finished1.Manhattan sc 复习modifier 整理之前没看的Manhattan第10章(剩下题目 没做)
finished2.一节SC课程(modifier 全部完工 接下来听 剩下的intended meaning 和sentence structure )
finished 模考20道sc prep题(正确率64% 觉得目前最大的问题在meaning上 读句子意思费劲 小分队完成后 把错的题整上来 错题的用时长于我的平均做题时间 其中两道达到3分钟)
SC :学习dustin 那篇帖子(FIISHED)
RON sentence structure一节((FIISHED )
回顾 Manhattan 234 10 章 快速过((FIISHED)
回顾 Manhattan 234 10 章
SC sentence structure 一节
修改 前天的错题
2014年5月8日 RON cr 课程 完成一半 讲的是personalizing
Manhattan CR 一个章节(打算先暂停 听完RON的CR课再继续整理)
送朋友 所以带了OG 18 verbal分册的新题 大概50几道
1.练了一组 prep 65%正确率 超慢 3分12秒(主要是读题 慢 )
但是奇怪的是 我以为我会差到可怕 因为完全没什么逻辑 就是读题做题 所以看到65%还是比较奇怪 不过题目确实是不长的(不打算改题 了解下水平 慢慢听RON的课 在考虑每天刷3科的题) 逛论坛 看解析之类的 as well as 看了好久 没整理好 明天继续
最近看了几篇心经 觉得 关于如何整理做过的SC题目 一定要了解自己薄弱点 有时候错的地方是重复的 在整理题目时也需要知道什么是考什么
另外在群里问了下 群友们考场SC题目如何(我考过 verbal 全蒙 根本没感觉)很多人说比较平行是主要考点 (我比较超差 平行是选美 所以好选 但是比较 哎) 语义很重要 语义很重要 语义很重要(知道也多说几遍 小分队又停了几天 原因是看到一篇超难的 但是又不想跳 于是拖延症犯了 决定跳过去 先选我熟悉的来)
MOCK: 在kkk上练习了20道 SC和20道CR
sc 正确率 68%;
CR正确率 60% 时间是2分49秒 每道 太慢啦 读题巨慢 (但是我没有什么RON讲的逻辑核心的观念 先听课 嘻嘻)
RON comparison 课程 整理manhattan 第11章 parallelism and comparison
总结comparison (第49楼)
速度过一遍 manhattan 关于比较的部分(按照平行的思路——选美 来做啊 )
做完剩余 OG18题 (接下来的几天就不再做新题啦 好好总结下前面的题 另外回翻baby帖子 baby JJ 说时间长的也应该总结)
verbal 分册 56道 (因为之前都没有做过 这次是连着新题做的)正确率 69.6% 因为不是在网站做的 也没有计时 实战正确率可能更低
看了在淘宝上买的 3节关于personalizing 的笔记 没时间像SC那样 每节都自己听啦 只好看笔记了
prep 模考 超差 61%正确率 38分42秒 太慢了 好多词不认识(目标是30分钟 80%正确率)完全记不住讲的什么 其实也看不太懂
作者: NicholeNn 时间: 2017-8-14 11:13
哈哈哈哈哈 看到“我的狗老捣乱” 噗嗤一声笑出来哈哈哈!一定要坚持,我觉得小分队和杨鹏长难句对我提升RC作用好大
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-14 18:46
哈哈 真的特别讨厌 东咬西咬的
是呀 小分队真的必须得坚持!! 现在最大的问题就是读!!连SC 也卡到这块了 做题可以明显感觉到 总是有读不明白的。。。。而且就是这些做错
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-14 19:17
小分队练习 92-02
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-14 20:37
提前码楼 明日分析这篇帖子 因为说的是我最近的一个SC 很大的问题 ---没有形成解题步骤 比心 Nichole ... 057&fromuid=1081258
dustin 的方法其实就是分组 组内对比 我觉得分组后知道这两个的不断转换 在考什么是更难的
摘录自 dustin
一點感想:(1) 解題流程固定的必要性有固定的解題流程,考試時看到SC眼睛不亂瞄亂掃,不會抓了一個點就要開始亂解,這樣做題速度才會穩定(實證,這套解題流程可以讓SC解題速度達到每題0.5~1min內),正確率也會穩定。進入考點較難判斷的高分區的時候,才不會進退失據,反而心態亂掉。就像是投手的姿勢要固定,投出來的球才不會有的時候好球有的時候暴投,有時快有時慢。SC真正穩住了,才能把多的時間跟心力分給RC和CR。
(2) 任何時候都不要單獨看一個選項,考點是從比較而來單獨看選項的時候會漏掉考點,影響正確率(比如修飾語擺放位置不同所造成的句意改變,單看一個選項根本看不出來)
RON也曾经说过 tiny differences 会变的很明显,当你对比选项的时候
(3) 考點層級很重要看到一個考點不要急著下去解,
我觉得句意是要看的,但是不是揪着语法看,而是了解intended meaning,RON说像读一封邮件,但是我觉得倘若读不懂则可以按dustin 的去做
(4) 不確定的點千萬不要硬解如剛剛的題目中,我們有好幾個判斷點跟層級可以走,
(5) 做好總結與歸納,才能培養判斷考點的敏銳度。解題流程只是一個策略,策略的細節操作還是需要實力。實力來自過去的總結是否確實。
这个很重要需要明确,当出现两个不同的时候得明白到底再考什么,比如brought 和which bring 出现得明白这是在考sentence structure 这些都是从做题总结的
嘻嘻 po道题目上来 OG18 新题 (按dustin 方法做一遍)
Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and bring fair and dry weather for several days. usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and
B.ushering in a seasonably cool air mass into the region and a broad area of high pressure will build that usher in a seasonably cool air mass to the region, a broad area of high pressure building and
D.ushering a seasonably cool air mass in the region, with a broad area of high pressure building and usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will
1.长句,进行step 2
2.Continue to /doing 这个idioms 的问题 我根本分不清 因而拿别的分组 acd (and);be(modifier)
CD 可以直接delete 不平行
3.BE 组内PK
B unsher in into .....redundancy 顺便可以delete A
4. E 然后就剩下E了
那倘若我看不出来 usher in into是redundancy呢 并且其实我之前确实也没看出来
退回之前的步骤 感觉平行是一个很好用的点
B.Gusty westerly winds will continue ushering in a seasonably cool air mass into the region and a broad area of high pressure will build that bring fair and dry weather for several days.
E. Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days.
这两个句子差异很大,B 表明这是两个动作
EX:he was struck on the road and late for work
表明这是两件事,late for work 和struck on road 没有关系 ,只是说这对他来说是两件不太好的事罢了,但是读这句话的意思,那两个动作显然有关系的,所以除去B
A Gusty westerly winds will continue to to usher in a seasonably cool air mass into the region, as a broad area of high pressure will build and bring dry weather for several days.
E. Gusty westerly winds will continue to usher a seasonably cool air mass into the region while a broad area of high pressure builds, which will bring fair and dry weather for several days.
A and 连接 表两个动作 build 和bring 是两个动作
E的which 修饰的是pressure ,相比A 要合理很多。
注意这里的which 修饰的就是名词pressure 并不是gmat放宽标准可以修饰句子了,也不是倒装(之前在一个群里讨论,有个同学告诉我这是倒装结构 但是显然不是 倒装都不满足s-v agreement了)
我认为是因为high pressure which will bring fair and dry weather for several days builds 这样的结构很不好,builds 离pressure 过远.而这一用法也在Manhattan里有写。其实根源还是correctly&efficiently ,当which 这个noun modifier 修饰过长时,主语谓语离得很远,理解起来就不efficiently(第一次做 靠which不能修饰一整句话 然后直接排除了 根本没多想 )
(图片里是Manhattan 的句子截图 与这个本质相同)
按照Dustin 方法,我确实还没大清楚句意 就做出题目了,并且这道题最开始我用读大意的方法,也读的不是太清楚。我觉得这个方法和读懂intended meaning 其实也不冲突,读懂就相当于使得过程更加顺畅。
作者: NicholeNn 时间: 2017-8-17 14:02
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-18 12:52
下午做题对于as well as 感到困惑 于是找到teddy姐姐的总结 感觉很好~~
PS 感觉大部分题 不用知道as well as的用法也是可以做的 但是确实也有个别一些题目 最好还是了解 ... d=663571&highlight=
1.As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream of atomic particles known as the solar wind.
(A) As well as heat and light, the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(B) Besides heat and light, also the Sun is the source of a continuous stream
(C) Besides heat and light, the Sun is also the source of a continuous streaming
(D) The Sun is the source not only of heat and light, but also of a continuous stream
(E) The Sun is the source of not only heat and light but, as well, of a continuous streaming
The ecosystems of barrier islands are extremely vulnerable--whether from natural processes like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, or the ever-increasing pressures of development.
(A) whether from natural processes like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, or
(B) whether from natural processes such as shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, or also
(C) to processes that are natural like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, and also
(D) to processes that are natural ones like shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, as well as to
(E) to natural processes such as shoreline recession, rising sea levels, and destructive hurricanes, as well as to
3.Early administrative decisions in China’s Ming Dynasty eventually caused a drastic fall in tax revenues, a reduction in military preparedness, the collapse of the currency system, and failed to make sufficient investment in vital transportation infrastructure.
the collapse of the currency system, and failed
the collapse of the currency system, and failing
and the collapse of the currency system, also failed
the collapse of the currency system, as well as failing
and the collapse of the currency system, as well as a failure
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-18 17:08
是呀 我昨天遇到一道prep题 生词都不认识 然后做错了 但是查完之后 意思很清晰 其实是很基础的题目 就是没读懂意思
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-18 17:29
最近记性差的很 先把baby姐推荐的这篇文章贴上来 明天看一下谢谢 Dustin和Nichole推荐嘻嘻 先贴上来 否则可能又忘记了
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-19 12:30
关于 comparison ~~~
comparision 一直都不太好 在一位前辈的贴子里找到了关于RON的解释 先去整完Manhattan 11章 过来弄这个贴子
Manhattan Prep GMAT Forum - en Ron's Advice on Comparison and Omission
我的理解是: 不要想着还原 不要想着还原 不要想着还原 单纯当平行来做题——选美比赛
摘录:[size=14.0098px]most importantly—
[size=14.0098px]for this exam, learning to WRITE comparison sentences is a complete waste of your time.
[size=14.0098px]don't forget that the problems are multiple-choice!
[size=14.0098px]rather than learning to write these sentences from scratch, you can just compare the answer choices, "beauty contest" style.
[size=14.0098px]needless to say, this is a hundred million zillion thousand times easier.
[size=14.0098px]• to write these sentences correctly on a consistent basis, you need the equivalent of a professional writer's/editor's skill set.
[size=14.0098px]• to judge "beauty contests" among answer choices, on the other hand, all you need is the simple ability to say "this looks more like X than that does".
[size=14.0098px]it's bad to waste time and effort in the first place--but even worse when you're wasting it on a technique that is way, way harder AND doesn't work as well as what you should be doing.
来自NN vivian
如果把as... as...和higher than 这两个所谓的“idioms”看作a pair,理解没有问题,因为看到第一个as,后面只能搭配as;同样,看到higher等比较级,后面只能搭配than。not so much后面只能搭配as。这是死规则。
这里是comparison和parallelism一大不同之处。both...and在parallelism看作是a pair,both和and后面的所有单词都自动归为parallel structures。但是as... as...两个as后面的成分不一定一致,注意是可以一致,但大多数情况都不一致。
1/ identify the right-hand element (= the one that follows the comparison signal)
2/ ask yourself whether this element SHOULD be part of the comparison, according to context/common sense. (There are no "omissions" here. if the stuff following the signal isn't actually compared to something else, the sentence is wrong.)
3/ if so, try to find something that matches it on the other side. if you find such a thing, you're good.
judge "beauty contests" among answer choices, on the other hand, all you need is the simple ability to say "this looks more like X than that does".
下面几道题是在 练习的时候选错的比较题
Unlike a typical automobile loan, which requires a fifteen-to twenty-percent down payment, the lease-loan buyer is not required to make an initial deposit on the new vehicle.
A.the lease-loan buyer is not required to make
B.with lease-loan buying there is no requirement of buyers are not required to make
D.for the lease-loan buyer there is no requirement of
E.a lease-loan does not require the buyer to make
unlike a typical loan ,the lease loan .....
应该是typical loan 和leasee loan 进行对比
On a glacier in the High Himalayas, a Japanese zoologist has found a species of midge that is unlike any other known insect in its spending its entire life cycle in the snow and ice of a glacier.
A.that is unlike any other known insect in its spending
B.that is unlike any insect known as it spends
C.that, unlike any other known insect, spends
D.unlike any insect known because it spends
E.unlike any other insect that is known, spending
这道题目 并不是考察对比的
不过 a species of midge 是和any insect 形成对比的
C 是最好选项 只有将unlike XXXX 处理成插入语 才不会引起误解 并且本题本来就是后面的部分修饰midge
后文spend .....snow and ice ...明显知道这是修饰midge 的 但是in its spending 会让人搞不清在修饰什么 BDE 的关系不对
B 同D
D people find midge because it spendes its entire life cycle in the snow ..... 这两句话没因果关系啊
E people find midge ,spending ....comma ing 用的 不对
Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak.
(A) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, there is a disinclination on the part of many people to recognize the degree to which their analytical skills are weak.
(B) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, which they admit they lack, many people are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.
(C) Unlike computer skills or other technical skills, analytical skills bring out a disinclination in many people to recognize that they are weak to a degree.
(D) Many people, willing to admit that they lack computer skills or other technical skills, are disinclined to recognize that their analytical skills are weak.
(E) Many people have a disinclination to recognize the weakness of their analytical skills while willing to admit their lack of computer skills or other technical skills.
ABC 分在一组 delete AB 应该是skills 之间的对比 暂时保留C
DE many peopel have a disinclination 没有 people are disinclined to 好
recognize 的应当是一件事 不情愿承认他们的分析能力很弱
delete E
CD 对比
C 选项 analytical skills bring out a disinclination to recognize that ..... nonsencial
然后再看D 真的很不错 愿意承认一件事..不愿意承认一件事.......虽然在形式上不平行 但是语义上确实很好的平行
In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country.
A、In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States trade deficit with Mexico declined by $500 million as a result of record exports to that country.
B、In contrast to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing its trade deficit by $500 million.
C、When compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing their trade deficit by $500 million.
D、Compared with ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States sold record exports to Mexico, reducing the trade deficit by $500 million.
E、Compared to ongoing trade imbalances with China and Japan, the United States record exports to Mexico caused a $500 million decline in the trade deficit with that country.
那么能和trade imbalances 进行比较的是什么呢 ? US trade deficit 答案A 就出来了
In Holland, a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on defense of their coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in the United States.
A In Holland, a larger percentage of the gross national product is spent on defense of their coasts from rising seas than is spent on military defense in the United States.
B In Holland they spend a larger percentage of their gross national product on defending their coasts from rising seas than the United States does on military defense.
C A larger percentage of Holland's gross national product is spent on defending their coasts from rising seas than the United States spends on military defense.
[size=14.007px]D Holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product defending its coasts from rising seas than the military defense spending of the United States.
E Holland spends a larger percentage of its gross national product on defending its coasts from rising seas than the United States does on military defense.
直接先找到比较的部分 然后就可以直接delete ABCD E 就出来了(单纯按照vivian 给的步骤做的)当时在做这道题的时候还觉得难 于是乎瞎选了一个 但是现在看看 其实这个题目跟我前面错的基础题 1,4差不多 先找比较的部分(先从 比较marker 后面找起 类似于平行) 然后看看比较是否正确 哪个更“美”[size=14.007px]
[size=14.007px]关于D RON的回帖
[size=14.007px]Yeah. "The military defense spending..." is a noun; there's no analogous noun in the other half of the comparison.
[size=14.007px]Even if you were to change the first part into a noun form ([size=14.0084px]...on defending its coasts...[size=14.007px]), you'd still have a nonsense sentence; in that case,[size=14.007px] you'd be implying that U.S. military defense is an item in the Dutch national budget.
帖子里 有个同学提问 见截图1 我跟那位同学一样会想把比较当省略 然后想着还原 (我一直以为是要还原的啊 而且以前看一些解析 也会还原 但我就是学不会 我以为是我脑子有问题呢 。。。额 )
RON说 不要put back in 当平行做就好了
ron讲的关于不要put back in 的帖子(已截图 见截图2)
Manhattan Prep GMAT Forum - en According to a 1996 survey by the National
[size=14.007px]According to a 1996 survey by the National Association of College and University Business Officers, more than three times as many independent institutions of higher education charge tuition and fees of under $8,000 a year [size=14.0084px]than those that charge[size=14.007px] over $16,000.
A. than those that charge
B. than are charging
C. than to charge
D. as charge
E. as those charging
先delete ABC吧
[size=14.007px] [size=14.007px]more than three times as ....than ???
在delete E 明显D 更好 也懒得考虑什么语法规则 在选美比赛中D赢了
[size=14.007px]more than three times as [size=14.007px]many institutions charge tuition and fees of under $8,000 a year as charge over $16,000.
作者: NicholeNn 时间: 2017-8-19 17:08
是的,发现最近错的很多原因其实就是阅读不过关了。。PS. 看到你提正确率,刷题检验的时候把熟悉题从分子分母里先减掉再计算的正确率会比较准~
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-20 11:24
哈哈 我咋就没想到呢!! 看完你的回帖 立刻把前两次的正确率重新计算了 虽然正确率下降了 但是感觉踏实多了~~
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-20 17:01
CR RON 课程 分类 (还不太懂 Vivian NN关于within scope ,out of scope 的分类 多看些课程应该会理解)从新的年份开始看比较好 ~~没有整理09,10 年的感觉太老了 总共是39节课
近期开始看personalizing的笔记 包括9节课
2014 515 ;20140605;20140807;20140508;20141002;20141120
defining specific goals20160204;20160218;
strnthen and weakening problems
problems with blank
must be true questions
passage containing statistics
explain the situation problems
draw the conclusion
evaluate the arguent
关于personalizing (嘻嘻 刚看了不到3节课的笔记感觉personalizing 这个方法还挺有用的 )暂时的感想
推荐CR 看这个NN的帖子
The pharmaceutical industry argues that because new drugs will not be developed unless heavy development costs can be recouped in later sales, the current 20 years of protection provided by patents should be extended in the case of newly developed drugs. However, in other industries new-product development continues despite high development costs, a fact that indicates that the extension is unnecessary.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the pharmaceutical industry's argument against the challenge made above?
(A) No industries other than the pharmaceutical industry have asked for an extension of the 20-year limit on patent protection.
(B) Clinical trials of new drugs, which occur after the patent is granted and before the new drug can be marketed, often now take as long as 10 years to complete.
(C) There are several industries in which the ratio of research and development costs to revenues is higher than it is in the pharmaceutical industry.
(D) An existing patent for a drug does not legally prevent pharmaceutical companies from bringing to market alternative drugs, provided they are sufficiently dissimilar to the patented drug.
(E) Much recent industrial innovation has occurred in products--example, in the computer and electronics industries--which patent protection is often very ineffective.
when a passage is about PEOPLE and their ACTIONS ,and/or Business and their actions ,YOU SHOULD INSERT YOURSELF INTO THE SITUATION
这道题大致意思就是说医药公司希望延长patent 时间 ,因为新药将不会研发除非可以收回本。但是其他行业虽然高成本,确是继续研发的。所以延长patent 没用
A : 我们同样时间入职 职位相同 凭什么你可以多修5天假,我却不能?
你是B 你该怎么回答? 自然是告诉A 我和你有不一样的地方了
B :因为我之前做一个项目,3个月没怎么合眼了
其他行业:有什么好延长patent的呢? 我们成本也高 不是继续去开发新产品了?
之前一直在用一种规则去学 我还背了许多 什么果因倒置之类的 然而CR 一点好转没有 反而隔了一个多月不碰CR 正确率都比背规则的时候高
之前一个群里 有个女生说 学了CR 吵架都顺了 之前不太明白 因为我的common sense 早就被规则削弱了 题目在我眼里成了纯逻辑
Sales of telephones have increased dramatically over the last year. In order to take advantage of this increase, Mammoth Industries plans to expand production of its own model of telephone, while continuing its already very extensive advertising of this product.
Which of the following, if true, provides most support for the view that Mammoth Industries cannot increase its sales of telephones by adopting the plan outlined above?
A Although it sells all of the telephones that it produces, Mammoth Industries' share of all telephone sales has declined over the last year.
B Mammoth Industries' average inventory of telephones awaiting shipment to retailers has declined slightly over the last year.
C Advertising has made the brand name of Mammoth Industries' telephones widely known, but few consumers know that Mammoth Industries owns this brand.
D Mammoth Industries' telephone is one of three brands of telephone that have together accounted for the bulk of the last year's increase in sales.
E Despite a slight decline in the retail price, sales of Mammoth Industries' telephones have fallen in the last year.
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-20 19:45
GWD3-Q19:这题做错了 因为看一个群里在讨论 就默默的做了下 根据选美的原则 我直接选了B 忘了语义啊 rising 是形容词!!!
Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse effect,” the gradual warming of the Earth’s climate, may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level.
A. may include melting the polar ice caps and a rising sea level
B. may include the melting of polar ice caps and the rising sea level
C. may include polar ice caps that are melting and sea levels that are rising
D. include melting the polar ice caps and sea levels that are rising
E. include melting of the polar ice caps and a rise in sea level这样看ABD 根本就不平行啊 我怎么光选美了。。。
因为说的是consequence 所以肯定是E
但是manhattan 有一章节说 action noun 需要和complex geround 才可平行 这题目里属于simple和action noun 平行呢
不过也没别的可以选了 这个已经是最完美的选项了(错误理解)摘录下一个小伙伴 关于complex和simple的区别
Its a healthy revision for me,so thanks for the question firstly.
Simple - Eating apples quickly. - Eating is more like a verb.
Complex - The quick Eating of apples. - More of a noun/subject like.
manhattan 讨论贴Manhattan Prep GMAT Forum - en SC: Possible long-term consequences of the “greenhouse
先去模考阅读了 待会我弟回家了 我就什么都做不了了 闹腾死
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-21 09:46
倒数第32天因为没忍住看极限挑战了 真的是期期不落
阅读小分队 最重要 必须完成
2.回顾 manhattan 平行对比 prnoun verb 章节(速度过)
3.整理12章(嘻嘻 manhattan终于要整完了 速度有点慢 )
1. 整理manhattan fov CR (3个小时只整理了 20页 这本书真的太好了 明天继续 )
错题只改SC 其他的不管
模考CR (敢于直面惨淡的人生 好吧。。。45% 2分钟 速度快一点理解就跟不上了。。先看完FOV 听几节RON的课就开始 再弄OG吧)模考SC 65%正确率 时间是在1分22秒(卡在65-70%之间死活上不去了 目标是85%以上 一分钟)错7道5道都在比较。。。。
1整理、过 manhattan (还差一点 先不弄了 把前面的pronoun verb 在路上过几遍再说)
2.整理manhattan fov CR (只整理A组的前四项)
3.背FOV 单词 以及过之前整理的单词 2小时
4. 整理OG 错题 (只整理里面的比较部分)
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-21 18:38
92-03 经管
T2 56 wpm
Uber CEO 由于投资人的压力 而被迫辞职 目前Uber也处在困境之中 CEO的影响还有多少?
T3 60多 wpm
总的来讲就是在批判前CEO所以留下的影响 ,包括企业文化等等。并且优步缺乏大量的领导人。
sexual harassment 性骚扰
rampant 蔓延的 猖獗的
poach the best executives 物色人才
seasoned executive 经验丰富的
Berate sb 斥责某人
Exodus 大批离去
T4 83wpm
面临整个企业的巨大变革 前CEO的影响将不再存在 新位置将有一个更有经验的人接手
phenomenal business growth 显著的增长
Fight/fought 战斗
He's known for not caving 屈服
T5 92WPM
Dispel 驱逐 消散
peculiar location 特殊的地方
Disclose 公开 揭露
ZB决定改变公司的使命 he wants that the users of facebook could form groups 变为并且进行调查研究
T6 112 WPM
ZB 决定同部分有大量粉丝的人共同建设group,从而让这个世界联系更加紧密,在一定程度上消除isolation
The rest 120 WPM
部分人对Facebook 的这个转变不看好
Obstacle 78WPM
对待不熟悉的材料真是会晕掉 虽然对经济类已经是比较熟悉了 生词量严重不足~从今天起背wordsmart
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-22 17:05
暂时不计算时间了 已经知道自己的阅读水平了 过段时间在检测~现在计时容易扰乱心性~~
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-26 14:40
【阅读心经】一战V40 也谈谈自己懒人短期提高的阅读方法&心得 - GMAT阅读专区
1.按照前辈的分类 大致把OG 17过了一遍~
5. 分析答案。分析几篇文章后,就会发现,阅读题的错误答案简直就是无理取闹的小朋友/你的女票啊。
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-8-31 11:06
The table above shows the results of a survey of 100 voters each responded “favorable” or “unfavorable” or “not sure” when asked about their impressions of candidate M and of candidate N. What was the number of voters who responded “favorable” for both candidates?
(1) The number of voters who did not respond “favorable” for either candidate was 40.
(2) The number of voters who responded “unfavorable” for both candidates was 10.
A Statement (1) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (2) alone is not sufficient.
B Statement (2) ALONE is sufficient, but statement (1) alone is not sufficient.
C BOTH statements TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement ALONE is sufficient.
D EACH statement ALONE is sufficient.
E Statements (1) and (2) TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.
根据条件1 如果知道了 没说喜欢N或M 的总人数 那么用所有的人数 减去没说喜欢的人数 剩下的就是都说了 喜欢的人数
如上图所示 未说喜欢M或没说喜欢N的人数总计
所以 100-90=10
根据条件2 只有说了不喜欢的人数 而不知道另一个类别 无法计算喜欢A 同时喜欢B的人数
作者: danyuchn 时间: 2017-9-1 15:29
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-9-6 09:47
谢谢 Dustin 大神鼓励~~!
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-9-6 10:05
今天发现了一位楼主分享的 超好 已经按提示注册了 ~~
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-9-14 13:20
dustin 大神回帖内容
55. Although a number ofexcellent studies narrate the development of domestic technology and its impacton housewifery, these works do not discuss the contributions of the womenemployed by manufacturers and utilitycompanies as product demonstrators and publicists, who initiallypromoted new and unfamiliar technology to female customers.
(A) by manufacturers andutility companies as product demonstrators and publicists,
(B) to be product demonstratorsand publicists by manufacturers and utility companies,
(C) to demonstrate andpublicize their products by manufacturers and utility companies
(E) by manufacturers andutility companies to be demonstrators and publicists of their products
Although a number of excellent studies narrate the development of domestic technology and its impact on housewifery, these works do not discuss the contributions of the women employed by manufacturers and utility companies asproduct demonstrators and publicists, who initially promoted new and unfamiliar technology to female customers.
53. The 151 member governmentsof the World Bank are expected to increase the bank's funding by $75 billion, though some United States legislators cite an obstacle to congressional passage being the concern that the bank's loanswill help foreign producers compete with American businesses.
(B) a concern as an obstacle tocongressional passage
(C) as an obstacle tocongressional passage the concern
54. Unlike psychiatrists, whoare trained as medical doctors, psychologistshave historically been forbidden from prescribing their patients drugs, but in 2002 New Mexico began to grant the privilege of prescribing to licensed,doctoral level psychologists who complete an additional training andcertification program.
(A) psychologists havehistorically been forbidden from prescribing their patients drugs, but in 2002New Mexico began to grant the privilege of prescribing
(B) psychologists havehistorically been forbidden to prescribe drugs for their patients, but in 2002New Mexico began granting prescribing privileges
Past assessments of the Brazilian rain forest have used satellite images to tally deforested areas, where farmers and ranchers have clear-cut and burned all the trees, but such work has not addressed either logging, which is the removal of only selected trees, as well as surface fires, burning down individual trees but do not denude the forest.
(B) which removes only selected trees, or surface fires that burn
(D) removing only selected trees, or surface fires, burning (選項裡看起來超漂亮捏~either N1, Ving, or N2, Ving,但是後面跟非畫線部分不平行)
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-11-4 17:20
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-12-13 13:09
好久没发帖子了 ,来记录一下 (有些乱)
二战到三站间隔两个月 ,不过 由于我身体出了些问题,一直生病,不停跑医院,加上我不打算考了,不停找工作面试,实际学习时间也就半个月。这半个月里我做了一遍OG 千行总结(18 分册,OG 18,加prep12) 和 一遍纵向总结 其他的就没有做了 CR RC 数学都没有进行复习 这次语文涨到28分 (19-28)和SC 的提升有很大的关系 而且神奇的是 读阅读也完全可以读懂了 估计跟SC 也是有很大关系 只是我里面的逻辑架构搞不清楚
希望大家都不要放弃 别像我一样 我其实很不相信自己 所以才会半放弃的学吧 千万要有自信!
我考试的时候认为只要不低于500就行了 也不打算继续了 所以考试的时候一点不紧张 连pace 都没管。。 成绩出来有640 (ir 6 )也是觉得神奇 这次考出来成绩还是给了自己很大的鼓励 我打算继续前行 不能向700低头!
SC 真的很重要 我二站SC 烂到爆炸 在这半个月时间里 我做了SC千行和纵向总结 所以语文部分才会有这么大提升
小伙伴Nichole 已经杀G 成功啦 我也要继续努力!谢谢Nichole鼓励 一直感觉暖暖的~
作者: 淇水过过过 时间: 2017-12-14 18:28
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-12-18 15:14
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-12-18 15:16
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2018-1-15 20:31
好久没上来打卡了 主要这1个月也很松懈 没怎么学习 明天开始正式恢复在这里的每日学习打卡~~
不论怎样 都是最后一次考啦 2/8 加油 fighting
1/13 50 道 sc 整理 ;20道SC mock练习 magoosh(85%);20 道CR mock 练习
1/14 30道 sc整理 ;20道SC mock练习 magoosh (75%) ;20道 cr mock 练习 目前SC 进行到整理的第三轮啦 包含一轮的大全整理;二轮纵向整理;三轮的总结性整理(目标是到第四轮 第四轮主要是一眼扫过 将一眼看不出来问题的题目 进行第四次整理 )
CR 重新进行一轮分析整理 目前还没进行 之前一直都没理完 预计整理 3遍
RC 很久之前做过OG17的完整一轮整理,目前重新的规划是整理OG 18,分册的1,2,3遍
1/15 整理了3篇阅读
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2018-1-16 09:00
先订个任务 ~~
1.SC OG 18分册 三轮整理40题
2. SC mock (magoosh) 只有70%正确率 ,一分半一道题。
3.CR 20 mock (GWD)
4.CR OG 整理 20题
5.RC 2篇
6.数学OG 10题
1.SC OG 18分册 三轮整理40题
2. SC mock (magoosh) 80% 正确率 一分半
倒数第21天 (计划)
1.SC OG 18分册 三轮整理完结 DONE
2. SC mock (magoosh)DONE 70% 正确率 一分40秒 今天太慢啦
3.CR 20 mock (GWD)
4.CR OG 整理 20题
5.RC 2篇 :)
6.数学OG 24 题+ 10 寂静 :) DONE
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2018-1-23 17:51
edhec 面经集中区
EDHEC video interview - 欧洲MBA申请区
作者: 杰的 时间: 2018-1-29 14:54
作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2018-1-30 09:37
嗯是呀 ~
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