标题: 求拍醒 OG 17 482 题 关于Buel 和lebsock的写美国女性历史的那篇文章 [打印本页] 作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-6-26 11:41 标题: 求拍醒 OG 17 482 题 关于Buel 和lebsock的写美国女性历史的那篇文章 3.With which of the following characterizations(描述) of Lebsock's contribution to the controversy(争论,辩论) concerning women's status in the nineteenth-century United States would the author of the passage be most likely to agree?
我定位在这里了,因为我觉得问题问的是贡献,应当是在作者表达强烈的感情句附近出题Although both books offer the reader the opportunity to assess this controversy regarding women's status, only Lebsock's deals with it directly. She examines several different aspects of women's status, helping to refine and resolve the issues.
然而在选项中 我认为several aspects 里面肯定包含什么property 之类的 愚蠢如我就选错了 在文章中也找不到其他定位了 求大家拍醒
A.Lebsock has studied women from a formerly neglected(被忽视的) region and time period.
B.Lebsock has demonstrated the importance of frame of reference(参照标准) in answering questions about women's status.(正确选项)
C.Lebsock has addressed the controversy by using women's current status as a frame of reference.
D.Lebsock has analyzed statistics about occupations and property that were previously ignored.(错误选项,但是我自己误选了)
E.Lebsock has applied recent historiographical methods to the biography of a nineteenth-century woman. 作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-6-26 11:53
求问 ,有没有做过这题的同学~~谢谢作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-6-26 12:19
终于问到答案了,其实答案就在我定位的后面一点。more importanly 里。我觉得我的问题就在于,我把作者感情拿出来作为逻辑链的一条了,于是乎就是定位过去选错了。但实际上,后面More importantly 也是作者表达更为强烈的感情句的地方呢
Although both books offer the reader the opportunity to assess this controversy regarding women's status, only Lebsock's deals with it directly. She examines several different aspects of women's status, helping to refine and resolve the issues. She concludes that while women gained autonomy (自治)in some areas, especially in the private sphere, they lost it in many aspects of the economic sphere. More importantly, she shows that the debate itself depends on frame of reference:
其实没有隔多远呢 这两句都是作者有显露自己感情的地方 所以思路应该是没错的
嘻嘻 我要努力杜绝做小聋瞎作者: 噜啦啦biu 时间: 2017-6-26 12:21
还有就是不能够固执的盯着一处了 ,后面More importantly 本来就是和作者感情相承的,我都看不到~~~