
标题: Gwd28-01 [打印本页]

作者: autist11    时间: 2005-9-1 08:56
标题: Gwd28-01

1: Scientists claim that the discovery of the first authenticated mammal bones in amber could provide important clues of determining, in addition to how, when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies.

A: of determining, in addition to how, when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies

B: in the determination of how and when the islands of the West Indies were colonized by mammals

C: to determine how mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did

D: for determining when the islands of the West Indies were colonized by mammals and how they were

E: for determining how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies

大家看看应该选那个?我在C和E间打转,觉得C中how,when分得太远,而E中又觉得for determining不太好。NN们帮着看看,谢谢

作者: ESeraph    时间: 2005-9-1 09:25
personally prefer E. avoidance of using "they" in C.
作者: howardwang    时间: 2005-9-1 10:50


anwer C is wordy.

作者: 岁寒三宝    时间: 2005-9-9 14:14

我选C,虽然觉得C也不是很好。理由主要是觉得provide sth 后面要用 to do, 不能用for doing.


作者: vacationer    时间: 2005-9-13 05:13

我也觉得应该用to do,不过好多人都选E的说

作者: howardwang    时间: 2005-9-13 10:41


Both bone shapes and muscle structure provide clues to identifying the part of the carcass from which a cut is derived.

But the functions provide clues to the mechanisms.

Genetic research may provide clues to overweight.

Not only does the technique have potential in the perfume industry, but it may provide clues about how we perceive smells.

One of us can provide clues or ideas for another, but never answers.

作者: duluxstar    时间: 2005-9-13 14:03

我选C. 我认为此体的解题方向首先是用不定式,再考虑其他.至于他是不是WORDY, 得看作者的表达意向

作者: splendidfish    时间: 2005-9-13 16:52


provide sb.

provide sb. with sth.

provide sth. for some purposes...认为都是对的。

作者: fatlara    时间: 2005-9-29 10:36



provide for ; provide clue for; clue for的结构

所以, 偶还是选C了....

作者: fatlara    时间: 2005-9-29 10:42
以下是引用ESeraph在2005-9-1 9:25:00的发言:
personally prefer E. avoidance of using "they" in C.

en~~~eseraph, 你说的避免使用"they"是因为避免指代不清楚的问题么?

这里they应该是清楚的指代mammals~因为另外一个复述名词scientists所用的修饰成分都是一般现在式, 而这个they后面用的是一般过去式~

作者: howardwang    时间: 2005-9-29 10:45
以下是引用fatlara在2005-9-29 10:36:00的发言:



provide for ; provide clue for; clue for的结构

所以, 偶还是选C了....

One of us can provide clues or ideas for another, but never answers.字典中的例子。

作者: fatlara    时间: 2005-9-29 11:53
以下是引用howardwang在2005-9-29 10:45:00的发言:

One of us can provide clues or ideas for another, but never answers.字典中的例子。


我觉得这个例子是:" provide sth for sb."

可是题目里面考的是" provide sth to do sth"

也就是说, 问题在于 provide sth for sb to do 用于表达动作目的的后半部分, 能不能用provide sth for sb for doing的形式...

汗,不知道说清楚没有~ 讨论ing...

作者: Curtis01    时间: 2005-10-2 00:41

determine ? who determine?

clue? or discovery? or scientists?

作者: jennifer1979    时间: 2005-10-13 19:02
i think the use of how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies is not good. it's confusing. Is it how , when or how and when?
作者: shashaxz    时间: 2005-11-6 17:14

When I took the test, I picked the C.

But when I reviewed it again, I think that the word"they" in C option is confusing.

it is not clear that "they" represents the "mammle bones" , "animals", or "clues".

Actually the Pron. seems to be always the critical factor to rule out the answer.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-6 20:16:35编辑过]

作者: yangxiaogang    时间: 2005-11-24 03:34
I prefer C
作者: Stannum    时间: 2005-11-24 06:00
E is better

it is okay to say "provide important clues of determining". if you google to phrase, there are 30 results.
if you google "provide important clues to determine", there are 10 results.

作者: mmfoolish    时间: 2005-12-2 23:11


(1)C中的they很多人认为是指代不清,可是这里没有啊。从逻辑意思上说,they refer to mammals.从语法意思上也是,因为连接when的是个and引导的平行句式。我记得OG某题说过这样的句式从平型角度来说是指代mammals,等我想起是OG哪题再贴上来(不好意思)

(2)C中did refer to colonized.colonized后面的部分可以省略。有网友认为要在did后面加上so.但是这题不需要。请看OG41,上面说to do so 可以指代一个有两个动词的词组(例如:consider to use...)。本题中只有一个动词--colonized,所以不需补出so

(3)我不选E的原因是我在longman上没有看见clue for的结构。


作者: joe11    时间: 2005-12-18 14:56

I agree with E.

'to' is not proper here. (effective error)

Scientists claim the discovery could provide clues

    To (目的是为了,做之前有明确目的) determine

    for (为...提供线索,做之前不知道目的)determining

作者: coffemug    时间: 2005-12-24 00:34
Prefer E.
查了LONGMAN, 虽没见clue for sth 的结构,但 clue to/about 的结构 是有的。 clue to do sth 差得好像有点远了,而且C不够简洁。
马上要上考场了,不管了。 E

作者: pachung    时间: 2006-1-6 12:08

vote E, because the sentence meaning looks more briefly and precisely.

作者: rockcc    时间: 2006-1-6 14:15

Prefer C

首先是因为 to determine。

虽然C把How&When分开了,有些wordy,可是在原句中也是分开的,而且是特别强调了when,所以我觉得没有什么不妥。They 的指代也很清楚是mammals。

作者: GMAT阿驴    时间: 2006-3-13 15:40
我也是选 E的  简洁
作者: jinni    时间: 2006-4-9 11:58
E吧,我记得好像在ETS里面还是比较prefer provide sth. for doing sth.的说法的。
作者: shanexin    时间: 2006-4-9 12:40
以下是引用jinni在2006-4-9 11:58:00的发言:
E吧,我记得好像在ETS里面还是比较prefer provide sth. for doing sth.的说法的。

33. From the earliest days of the tribe, kinship determined the way in which the Ojibwa society organized its labor, provided access to its resources, and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those resources.

67.Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newbom children.

174. A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were published, reveals that Twain provided financial assistance to one of the first Black students at Yale Law School.

48. Choice D, like A, fails to provide a noun or pronoun to perform the action of living, but even with its the phrases would be more awkward and less clear than it lives.

From OG10th, we could find 4 usage of 'provide'

1.provide sth to sth

2.provide sb with sth

3.provide sth to sb

4.provide sth to do sth

既然没有查到provide sth for doing sth的用法,那可不可能是provide sth(clues to...or clues for...),也就是clues后面的介词是紧跟clues的搭配?很可惜,google上只能查到clues to,查不到clues for的用法

so, i vote for C!

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-9 12:45:26编辑过]

作者: sesky    时间: 2006-5-20 19:36

求教 到底选什么啊

作者: quanner    时间: 2006-5-28 18:48
以下是引用joe11在2005-12-18 14:56:00的发言:

I agree with E.

'to' is not proper here. (effective error)

Scientists claim the discovery could provide clues

    To (目的是为了,做之前有明确目的) determine

    for (为...提供线索,做之前不知道目的)determining




而且clue to虽然是固定搭配,但to是介词,应跟n或者动名词



作者: hwhhs    时间: 2006-7-6 10:56
作者: 顾风    时间: 2006-8-6 16:44



不谈是for还是 to的用法,至少在gmat里,很少见到 how and when的连接,大家可以查一下。

并且在句子表示习惯上,首先说 how xxxx然后再补充说 when they did是符合表示习惯的,加不加so并不重要,我认为。。。

作者: 顾风    时间: 2006-8-6 16:51


基本上没有见到过 省略前半部分的。。。

作者: titatita    时间: 2006-8-11 09:58
以下是引用shanexin在2006-4-9 12:40:00的发言:

33. From the earliest days of the tribe, kinship determined the way in which the Ojibwa society organized its labor, provided access to its resources, and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those resources.

67.Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newbom children.

174. A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were published, reveals that Twain provided financial assistance to one of the first Black students at Yale Law School.

48. Choice D, like A, fails to provide a noun or pronoun to perform the action of living, but even with its the phrases would be more awkward and less clear than it lives.

From OG10th, we could find 4 usage of 'provide'

1.provide sth to sth

2.provide sb with sth

3.provide sth to sb

4.provide sth to do sth

既然没有查到provide sth for doing sth的用法,那可不可能是provide sth(clues to...or clues for...),也就是clues后面的介词是紧跟clues的搭配?很可惜,google上只能查到clues to,查不到clues for的用法

so, i vote for C!

作者: cournot    时间: 2006-8-16 04:19

agree with joe in 19楼,

cambridge dictionary: We have concerns about whether the government will be able to provide viable social services for poorer families/provide poorer families with viable social services

provide sth for sb

作者: eejensen    时间: 2006-8-16 15:15
B is the key

作者: wcfang    时间: 2006-8-16 17:05
以下是引用joe11在2005-12-18 14:56:00的发言:

I agree with E.

'to' is not proper here. (effective error)

Scientists claim the discovery could provide clues

    To (目的是为了,做之前有明确目的) determine

    for (为...提供线索,做之前不知道目的)determining

to 是修饰provide, 表示提供这个cue的目的,代回原题,逻辑语意清悉正确


verb form是这题主要的决定因素,即使C有些点wordy,仍是比E的错误好,


作者: maggiecookies    时间: 2006-8-28 20:42
 我也选C, 理由是 provide to do......
作者: michaelyun    时间: 2006-8-29 10:41

clues to的确是固定搭配,是××的线索,那么这句话里直接clues to how and when mammals...就可以了。所以这里并不是考这个固定搭配,而是为了for determining....

另外C中they的指代问题还是比较大的问题,即便认为they不会引起歧义,那么when they did后面也应该加so.

in short, vote for E

作者: maggiecookies    时间: 2006-9-6 20:20

以前选C的, 几天又好好看了讨论帖, 觉得E比C好.

C: 1. they 的指代问题

   2. 有人说, did 后缺SO

   3. 不够简洁

E: provide sth for some purpose.....某人查到有此用法,

综合上述, 我改选E

作者: zzlz    时间: 2007-1-4 18:22

个个口口生生说查过字典有provide to do......




to give something to someone or make it available to them, because they need it or want it
[↪ provision]:
Tea and biscuits will be provided.
provide something for somebody
The hotel

a shoe-cleaning


for guests.
provide somebody with something
The project is designed to provide young people with work.
to produce something useful as a result
We are hoping the enquiry will provide an explanation for the accident.
provide somebody with something
The search provided the police with several vital clues.
            provide that

if a law or rule provides that something must happen, it states that it must happen
provide against something
                    phrasal verb
to make plans in order to deal with a bad situation that might happen:
Health insurance will provide against loss of income if you become ill.
provide for somebody/something
                    phrasal verb
to give someone the things they need to live, such as money, food etc
Without work, how can I provide for my children?
if a law, rule, or plan provides for something, it states that something will be done and makes it possible for it to be done
The new constitution provides for a 650-seat legislature.

to make plans in order to deal with something that might happen in the future
Commanders failed to provide for an attack by sea.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-4 18:33:50编辑过]

作者: yale_qiu    时间: 2007-1-22 10:33


首先,这里只是provide sth.的用法,而且所谓provide sth. for (目的)的用法LONGMAN里查不到,暂且排除。


clue的用法有clue to\about\in(前2者似乎比较常见),但是这题中突出的问题是C中的to之后是动词,无论是google 还是LONGMAN都没找到clue to do的用法(唯一近似的用法是Both bone shapes and muscle structure provide clues to identifying the part of the carcass from which a cut is derived.)。至于clue for,实在是没找到类似的用法。

再回过头看B,clue in determination,但是我觉得也有问题,





作者: prllrpnt    时间: 2007-6-24 19:45
晕, 这道题还有人讨论吗? 我想选E的,但是又有点怀疑了!
作者: colorful_na    时间: 2007-7-14 16:31
作者: colorful_na    时间: 2007-7-14 17:12
以下是引用shanexin在2006-4-9 12:40:00的发言:

33. From the earliest days of the tribe, kinship determined the way in which the Ojibwa society organized its labor, provided access to its resources, and defined rights and obligations involved in the distribution and consumption of those resources.

67.Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers provide workers with unpaid leave so as to care for sick or newbom children.

provide workers as to这里的to 是so as to 词组

174. A letter by Mark Twain, written in the same year as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn were published, reveals that Twain provided financial assistance to one of the first Black students at Yale Law School.

这里的provide 是及物动词直接加宾语,后面的to是assistance to 词组

48. Choice D, like A, fails to provide a noun or pronoun to perform the action of living, but even with its the phrases would be more awkward and less clear than it lives.

这个没有划线部分,是不是provide perform那就是要改正的地方呢

From OG10th, we could find 4 usage of 'provide'

1.provide sth to sth

2.provide sb with sth

3.provide sth to sb

4.provide sth to do sth

既然没有查到provide sth for doing sth的用法,那可不可能是provide sth(clues to...or clues for...),也就是clues后面的介词是紧跟clues的搭配?很可惜,google上只能查到clues to,查不到clues for的用法

so, i vote for C!


在longman里是没有provide sth to do ...这种用法的,只有provide sth for ...和provide for...



[此贴子已经被作者于2007-7-14 17:13:10编辑过]

作者: guoguo463    时间: 2007-7-17 13:20




作者: wsdoll    时间: 2007-9-17 08:06


C的 they did 不好, E的 for...不好

B的 in in the determination 很地道呀

作者: prayer    时间: 2007-11-16 15:36 brings you the latest in Related news: Mice Provide Important Clues To Obsessive compulsive Disorder.

It is known that characteristics of the shot residues provide important clues in estimating the distances of shooting

An understanding of factors which regulate growth and development of normal breast cells could provide important clues to better understanding the causes of ...

从GOOGLE上搜索了一下,发现后面的介词都跟PROVIDE没有关系,这道题C肯定不对了,没有provide to do这个词组,只有provide sth

作者: ahwhbear622    时间: 2007-11-16 16:39
作者: 穆融青    时间: 2008-2-2 23:59
GAMT 的用法里, 表目的,to do 更好或直接for sth。没有for doing 这种用法的。看到for doing 可以直接排除。
作者: 马甲007    时间: 2008-6-11 21:35

The scientists said the discovery
        provide an important clue to how and when mammals -- or any land animals -- colonized the islands of the West Indies.

纽约时报原话,直接跟了how and when,貌似没有正确答案。。。

作者: lichabrend    时间: 2008-6-11 22:26
作者: dingxiang    时间: 2008-8-16 16:46

my 2 cents:

I vote for E

1. GWD28-Q1:

Scientists claim that the discovery of the first authenticated mammal bones in amber could provide important clues

C.      to determine how mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did

E.      for determining how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies


1) 不定式和for doing:

有朋友说这里跟provide有关,窃以为determine是做定语修饰clue的,跟provide 没有关系(provide在LDOCE上面的几个习语在这儿也套不上,因为provide 做动词,后面的宾补都是名词形式,不会出现for doing的形式,也没有provide sb sth to do...的用法)

前面 joe NN说to do 表目的, for doing表用途 --这个是大家公认的。那么问题来了,这里到底是表用途呢,还是目的呢?


2)C里面they 的指代: they出现在从句里面,所以其指代优先指代的是主句的名词,而不是从句。所以这里they指代有歧义

3)C的they did, 貌似真得加上个so ,才可以, 因为did指代colonize, 是个及物动词,所以后面得跟宾语。

综上,虽然E的for doing看着别扭,但毕竟不是个绝对错误(无法判断这里到底是用途还是目的), 其它都很好。

唉,本来写这帖子是为了给C正名的, 结果,写着写着,自己被E说服了。

C.      to determine how mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did

E.      for determining how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies


1) 不定式和for doing:

有朋友说这里跟provide有关,窃以为determine是做定语修饰clue的,跟provide 没有关系(provide在LDOCE上面的几个习语在这儿也套不上,因为provide 做动词,后面的宾补都是名词形式,不会出现for doing的形式,也没有provide sb sth to do...的用法)

前面 joe NN说to do 表目的, for doing表用途 --这个是大家公认的。那么问题来了,这里到底是表用途呢,还是目的呢?


2)C里面they 的指代: they出现在从句里面,所以其指代优先指代的是主句的名词,而不是从句。所以这里they指代有歧义

3)C的they did, 貌似真得加上个so ,才可以, 因为did指代colonize, 是个及物动词,所以后面得跟宾语。

综上,虽然E的for doing看着别扭,但毕竟不是个绝对错误(无法判断这里到底是用途还是目的), 其它都很好。

唉,本来写这帖子是为了给C正名的, 结果,写着写着,自己被E说服了。

作者: connie4895    时间: 2008-10-31 17:24
以下是引用dingxiang在2008-8-16 16:46:00的发言:

my 2 cents:

I vote for E

1. GWD28-Q1:

Scientists claim that the discovery of the first authenticated mammal bones in amber could provide important clues

C.      to determine how mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did

E.      for determining how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies


1) 不定式和for doing:

有朋友说这里跟provide有关,窃以为determine是做定语修饰clue的,跟provide 没有关系(provide在LDOCE上面的几个习语在这儿也套不上,因为provide 做动词,后面的宾补都是名词形式,不会出现for doing的形式,也没有provide sb sth to do...的用法)

前面 joe NN说to do 表目的, for doing表用途 --这个是大家公认的。那么问题来了,这里到底是表用途呢,还是目的呢?


2)C里面they 的指代: they出现在从句里面,所以其指代优先指代的是主句的名词,而不是从句。所以这里they指代有歧义

3)C的they did, 貌似真得加上个so ,才可以, 因为did指代colonize, 是个及物动词,所以后面得跟宾语。

综上,虽然E的for doing看着别扭,但毕竟不是个绝对错误(无法判断这里到底是用途还是目的), 其它都很好。

唉,本来写这帖子是为了给C正名的, 结果,写着写着,自己被E说服了。

C.      to determine how mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did

E.      for determining how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies


1) 不定式和for doing:

有朋友说这里跟provide有关,窃以为determine是做定语修饰clue的,跟provide 没有关系(provide在LDOCE上面的几个习语在这儿也套不上,因为provide 做动词,后面的宾补都是名词形式,不会出现for doing的形式,也没有provide sb sth to do...的用法)

前面 joe NN说to do 表目的, for doing表用途 --这个是大家公认的。那么问题来了,这里到底是表用途呢,还是目的呢?


2)C里面they 的指代: they出现在从句里面,所以其指代优先指代的是主句的名词,而不是从句。所以这里they指代有歧义

3)C的they did, 貌似真得加上个so ,才可以, 因为did指代colonize, 是个及物动词,所以后面得跟宾语。

综上,虽然E的for doing看着别扭,但毕竟不是个绝对错误(无法判断这里到底是用途还是目的), 其它都很好。

唉,本来写这帖子是为了给C正名的, 结果,写着写着,自己被E说服了。

C.      to determine how mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies and when they did

E.      for determining how and when mammals colonized the islands of the West Indies


1) 不定式和for doing:

有朋友说这里跟provide有关,窃以为determine是做定语修饰clue的,跟provide 没有关系(provide在LDOCE上面的几个习语在这儿也套不上,因为provide 做动词,后面的宾补都是名词形式,不会出现for doing的形式,也没有provide sb sth to do...的用法)

前面 joe NN说to do 表目的, for doing表用途 --这个是大家公认的。那么问题来了,这里到底是表用途呢,还是目的呢?


2)C里面they 的指代: they出现在从句里面,所以其指代优先指代的是主句的名词,而不是从句。所以这里they指代有歧义

3)C的they did, 貌似真得加上个so ,才可以, 因为did指代colonize, 是个及物动词,所以后面得跟宾语。

综上,虽然E的for doing看着别扭,但毕竟不是个绝对错误(无法判断这里到底是用途还是目的), 其它都很好。

唉,本来写这帖子是为了给C正名的, 结果,写着写着,自己被E说服了。

作者: sprins    时间: 2009-8-31 15:48


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