
标题: 大龄申请者求各位大神定位拍砖~ [打印本页]

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-11 00:40
标题: 大龄申请者求各位大神定位拍砖~
thanks for suggestions

作者: purplecici    时间: 2017-4-11 00:51
这中英组合。。。lol,背景没啥大问题啊,三十岁不算大龄。好好想想career goal,好好写申请文书,S16没什么问题的。
作者: caihsiao    时间: 2017-4-11 03:56
这个年龄申MBA不是问题,不过学校也会相应的期待你有更丰富的阅历,还有对人生和career goal有更加成熟的思考。
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2017-4-11 04:07
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作者: bigjoe    时间: 2017-4-11 06:19
作者: reneed123    时间: 2017-4-11 09:13
作者: zhenyan1985    时间: 2017-4-11 11:17
作者: JonFrank    时间: 2017-4-12 16:09
Hey there!
Great to hear from you!
You have a fantastic profile my friend. You have amazing grades from an amazing school and have amazing GMAT and TOEFL and work for a good company in the right industry!
S16 is for sure! And you shouldn’t go any lower than that. But I think also M7 should be within range for you.
Obviously I need to know a lot more about you, especially about your work experience and any extra curriculars, but from what you have written here, things look good.
You just have to construct a fantastic story that makes sense!

Feel free to write me back with more info about you,
But so far: looking great!!
Jon Frank
作者: ukyo2003    时间: 2017-4-13 05:52
作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-14 20:51
purplecici 发表于 2017-4-11 00:51
这中英组合。。。lol,背景没啥大问题啊,三十岁不算大龄。好好想想career goal,好好写申请文书,S16没什 ...

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-14 20:52
caihsiao 发表于 2017-4-11 03:56
这个年龄申MBA不是问题,不过学校也会相应的期待你有更丰富的阅历,还有对人生和career goal有更加成熟的思 ...

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-14 20:53
cheesechan 发表于 2017-4-11 04:07
目測申S16 MBA 不是問題,post MBA career goal 才是問題 (Trump + non STEM + H1B)

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-14 20:54
zhenyan1985 发表于 2017-4-11 11:17

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-14 21:25
JonFrank 发表于 2017-4-12 16:09
Hey there!
Great to hear from you!
You have a fantastic profile my friend. You have amazing grades f ...

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-14 21:27
ukyo2003 发表于 2017-4-13 05:52

作者: purplecici    时间: 2017-4-14 23:09
zyzhexuan 发表于 2017-4-14 20:51
谢谢建议~我的career goal一直不够清晰,不知道这样的工作经验能够对MBA毕业后从事金融or咨询业有什么帮助 ...

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-14 23:17
purplecici 发表于 2017-4-14 23:09
找回国的金融和咨询应该没什么问题的,这个有什么帮助是需要你结合自己的工作经验和未来的工作方向想清楚 ...

作者: purplecici    时间: 2017-4-15 01:22
zyzhexuan 发表于 2017-4-14 23:17

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-15 01:52
purplecici 发表于 2017-4-15 01:22
作者: cheesechan    时间: 2017-4-15 19:21
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作者: cheesechan    时间: 2017-4-15 19:23
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作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-15 19:46
cheesechan 发表于 2017-4-15 19:23
對兩年MBA來說, 有足夠的時間讓人prepare轉行 (that's why some MBA are 2 year despite the much higher ...

作者: zyzhexuan    时间: 2017-4-15 19:48
cheesechan 发表于 2017-4-15 19:21
1. 轉STEM
2. 申加拿大, 曲線.

作者: JonFrank    时间: 2017-4-17 15:51
zyzhexuan 发表于 2017-4-14 21:25
Hey Jon,

Thanks for your advice!

Dear Tony,
Well honestly, it’s really up to you. But I want to separate two things here. 1. What you REALLY want 2. The goals you will present in your essays to make a great strategy. What you REALLY want has more to do with personal discovery and development and how you react tot he circumstances of your life. I mean, one of the true purposes of business school is to give you the time and opportunity to discover new things. On the other hand from a strategic perspective, things are very clear. You go with the industry that you have most experience in and present them goals that are one good level ahead of where you are now. Meaning you don't necessarily have to have goals in liquidity management (although you CAN), but let’s keep it to: Banking. Could be private or public banks like global financial organizations (i.e. IMF, World Bank)… just choose a goal that suits your experience.

Right now, you need do nothing drastic like job-hopping. Instead, my biggest suggestion: If you can, take one week holiday before school is out to visit MBA programs (although time is short). If not, then start contacting students and alumni (especially high-profile Chinese students) in the schools you desire to target. This work is a long-term thing, and the more people you chat with and get on your side, and the more research you do about your schools, the better your application will be.

Jon Frank

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