标题: 关于preps上两道题目的比较 [打印本页] 作者: 穆汐寒 时间: 2017-3-9 10:50 标题: 关于preps上两道题目的比较 Personnel officer: The exorbitant cost of our health-insurance benefits reflects the high dollar amount of medical expenses incurred by our employees. Employees who are out of shape, as a group, have higher doctor bills and longer hospital stays than do their colleagues who are fit. Therefore, since we must reduce our health-insurance costs, we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate.
Which of the following, if true, provides the most support for the personnel officer's proposal?
(A) The medical expenses incurred by fit people who participate in a program of jogging and weight lifting are less than those incurred by fit people who do not participate in such a program.
(B) More otherwise fit people are injured by participating in rigorous jogging and weight-lifting programs than are injured by participating in moderate jogging and weight-lifting programs.
(C) The likelihood of incurring medical expenses is slightly greater for people who participate in fitness programs offered by their employers than it is for people who participate in programs offered commercially.
(D) Moderate fitness programs increase the average person's fitness to the same extent that rigorous fitness programs do.
(E) More health problems and injuries are the result of mandatory participation in a fitness program than are the result of voluntary participation.
Personnel officer: The exorbitant cost of our health-insurance benefits reflects the high dollar amount of medical expenses incurred by our employees. Employees who are out of shape, as a group, have higher doctor bills and longer hospital stays than do their colleagues who are fit. Therefore, since we must reduce our health-insurance costs, we should offer a rigorous fitness program of jogging and weight lifting to all employees, and require employees who are out of shape to participate.
The conclusion reached by the personnel officer depends on which of the following assumptions?
(A) A person who is fit would receive a routine physical checkup by a doctor less regularly than would a person who is out of shape.
(B) The medical expenses incurred by employees who are required to participate in the fitness program would be less than those incurred by employees who are not required to participate.
(C) The strenuous activities required of out-of-shape employees by the program would not by themselves generate medical expenses greater than any reduction achieved by the program.
(D) The fitness program would serve more employees who are out of shape than it would employees who are fit.
(E) The employees who participate in the fitness program would be away from work because of illness less than would the employees who do not participate.
第二道的B的意思是 out of shape的员工(要求强制参加的员工) 的medical expenses要小于 in shape (fit)的员工 (不用参加也行的员工)。这个B不是第二题结论成立的必要条件,因此不选。
(2)A选项的意思是 一个fit的人(包括了fit的员工)如果参加了一个跑步举重的program,他们的 medical expenses就会小于那些同样fit的但没有参加这种program的人。所以整个选项里,都只在说fit的人,没有说out of shape的人。在这个层面上,这个A选项的加强程度其实挺弱的。(3)不管怎么讲,毕竟是reduce the expense,因此likely reduce the insurance cost,所以可以用来作加强选项。