大插曲:按照预约时间提前10分钟,我已经准备好。到1点等了五分钟没人进来,怕被放鸽子,就马上给办公室发邮件问情况,接着又打电话追问过去。他们让我hold tight on Skype。等了40分钟后,感情浪费光了,已经犯困厉害,1:40面试人才出现。上来就狂道歉,问我需不需要改期,我心想改期后你若还迟到我能咋地?于是就直接往下进行。
1. please introduce yourself.
2. what made you interested in such industry?
3. CG
4. why now?
5. how do you solve the situation when your teammate does not fulfill his responsibility?
6. have you ever disagreed with your boss? give an example.
7. so do you agree with your boss? please elaborate.
8. so how was the relation between you and your boss?
9. do you have more disagreement after the story you mentioned?
10. so what do you do with your boss in other projects?
11. why Rice?
12. how do you contribute Rice?
13. any questions?