标题: help!! [打印本页] 作者: eyesy 时间: 2003-8-28 11:38 标题: help!! AI 第四题manifestation of power, restraint of power这题我怎么都没头绪,而且178范文的这题也怪怪的。 哪位大牛提供一下思路,thanks!!作者: 心静 时间: 2003-8-30 15:40
如果我写这个题,我会这么写: 总:restraint in use of power is more impressive and more benefit 1) History demonstrates that abusing power often led to disastrous results. (for example) 2) Effective restraint in use of power means that the leaders fully trust the employess and give ample chance to let their employees to develop creativty and capability, which is dynamic environment and effive managment. 3) admittedly, restraint in use of power is not noninterference completely.