标题: 11.22 这裤换得霸道 [打印本页]
作者: haohaokaoshi 时间: 2016-11-23 00:51
标题: 11.22 这裤换得霸道
原本11月14号考的 家里有些事耽误了点时间 于是被迫改成了22号 结果还是换库了感觉GMAC爷爷是等着我换裤一样Q49个别题目耽误点时间导致后面的pace乱掉了 V平时模拟27,28想着这次机经看得蛮多的 可以冲30以上吧 结果巨烂无比 考完整个人都不好了 正当我开柜拿起手机时 “###-###航班已取消” 天啊 今天到底是发生了什么 废话不多说 先贡献些狗给大家吧
答案有6080 100 120
2 R, s, t, 4 , 1, 3,8,12, 每一个数等于前面3项之和 求R(数字乱编的知道怎么算就好了)
AWA:(题目比较短)大概说了在过去11年里,Cirtuscrop的价格上涨得厉害 从5cents涨到了30cents,并且在11年中只有一年是受到天气影响比较严重,所以作者得出的结论是Girtusgrower操纵了价格上涨.
语法:考了also, either or, which,v-ing, 主谓一致,修饰,虚拟语气,initial modifiers(Knowingher work, 主语。。。排除到最后两个选项的时候读起来都特别怪),dash, 总体感觉和prepog的题不太一样 有些结构你见都没见过 但是部分题选项比较好排除的 有明显的awkward(Being+Verb, due of,逗号加that, run-on) 最后都是2选一这种 主要看语义 无比的纠结
2 好像是达尔文进化论大概2段 具体内容失忆(有主旨题 推断题)
逻辑: 实在记不起来了 等我想起来再告诉大家吧
作者: windowshade 时间: 2016-11-23 01:33
作者: 木Qiao 时间: 2016-11-23 02:26
作者: chasedreamv 时间: 2016-11-23 10:43
作者: 相叶忍 时间: 2016-11-23 14:19
28 达尔文进化论之sexual signals(男女生育)
P1:根据达尔文的理论,女性在养育后代方面付出比较大,因此男性在make pair方面付出就更多.然后解释这个理论,举例.
达尔文进化论之sexual signals
提出并解释一个不同的新理论 (不确定,求补充)
二、段落大意P1. 动物中大部分都是female看家还是养孩子什么的,risk很小,而male在寻偶的过程 中承担了很大的风险.达尔文进化论说在配对上雌性一般发signal来吸引雄性,因为女虫子会很多精力哺育,所以男虫子对offspring必须给与更多 地关注(costly).一般都是雌虫给雄虫发信号,因为发信号的(母的)安全,risk很小,接收信号并寻找(公的)的危险,可能会暴露在捕食者监视下 (may expose to predator).
P2. 解释一种情况和该理论不符,某些species中这种现象反过来了,是male在某个点候着给雌性虫子发信号,吸引female过来.另外两个人做实验, 举了两个种类的生物都是雄性散发来吸引雌性,有的雄性虫子的给雌性虫子的发信号.male bee会散发费洛蒙(Pheromone)吸引female bee.一个叫G的专家解释说:这可能是因为当找食物和找雄性虫子同样危险时,女虫子就啥也不怕了.讲雄鸟一般如果要追雌鸟,就必须give something value to the female from a distance,比如告诉她们我这里有食物啊,或者能给你一些什么东西,保护你form predation啊(1. 食物源的信息2. 能保护雌性人身安全--- 告诉雌性predator的方位,以能保护雌性免受predator侵害),等等./讲了两位近代生物学家观点(重点),T和G,T的观点是male散发 费洛蒙是为了resource, G的观点是为了与female交换某种东西,为了交换,male可以利用费洛蒙知道某些predator,从而protect female(有题),同时文章提出研究还不能确定发信号的雄性虫子是否拥有食物,有待进一步证明.
Q1. 有主旨题~
作者试着去解释一个apparent exception of a general behavior parttern(本月730 V35狗主)
作者解释了一个和wildly believed theory相反的现象
Q2. 雄性散发的东西能吸引雌性为什么?
V3 我选的是有value的那个
Q3. G的观点是为了与female交换某种东西,为了交换,male可以利用费洛蒙知道某些predator,从而protect female(有题)
四、背景知识 (有狗主说:英文原文无太大相关性,不建议看) 说明:该文更多是讨论sexual signals adaption/evolution.abstract部分充分体现了JJ第一段的内容;
Signals used to attract mates are often conspicuous to predators and parasites, and their evolution via sexual selection is expected to be opposed by viability selection. Many secondary sexual traits may represent a compromise between attractiveness and avoidance of detection. Although such signal exploitation appears to be widespread, most examples come from species that use acoustic or olfactory mating signals, and relatively few cases of visual signal exploitation can be substantiated. Because males are usually the signaling sex, they are more at risk from predators or parasitoids that locate prey or hosts by sexual signals; this differential selection on the two sexes can affect the intensity of sexual selection on male ornamental traits. The notable exception to male signaling and female attraction occurs in pheromone-producing insects, particularly lepidopterans, which show an opposite pattern of female odor production. Exploitation of such sex pheromones is relatively rare. We discuss reasons for the reversal in sex roles in these species and its implications for signal exploitation. Changes in signals that appear to be adaptations to avoid predation include the use of different signal modalities, changes in signaling behavior, loss of signals, and alteration of signal characteristics such as pitch. Selection pressure from signal exploiters could lead to the production of a novel signal and thus facilitate speciation. Relatively little work has been done on adaptations on the part of the exploiting species, but such adaptations could indirectly influence the mating system of the predator or parasitoid. Signal exploitation is also expeded to be a fruitful source of examples of coevolution. Finally, plants emit attradants analogous to secondary sex characters in animals, and may also be vulnerable to signal exploitation.
作者: 相叶忍 时间: 2016-11-23 14:19
您好我是本月阅读考古君~ 求确认考古lala~
作者: haohaokaoshi 时间: 2016-11-24 10:56
你好 考古君 考得就是这篇噢
作者: haohaokaoshi 时间: 2016-11-24 11:00
我没有看上一个裤的IR噢 纯裸考的
作者: 木Qiao 时间: 2016-11-24 11:34
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