
标题: OG 2017 CR 627 难题,求讲解! [打印本页]

作者: 熊先生    时间: 2016-11-12 10:33
标题: OG 2017 CR 627 难题,求讲解!
The difference in average annual income in favor of employees who have college degrees, compared with those who do not have such degrees, doubled between 1980 and 1990. Some analysts have hypothesized that increased competition between employers for employees with college degrees drove up income for such employees.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the explanation described above?

A) During the 1980s a growing percentage of college graduates, unable to find jobs requiring a college degree, took unskilled jobs.

B) The average age of all employees increased slightly during the 1980s.

C) The unemployment rate changed very little throughout the 1980s.

D) From 1980 to 1990 the difference in average income between employees with advanced degrees and those with bachelor’s degrees also increased.

E) During the 1980s there were some employees with no college degree who earned incomes comparable to the top incomes earned by employees with a college degree.



In 1980 salary per month
No degree employee:- 100 $
Degree employee:- 110 $
Difference = 10 $

In 1990 salary per month
No degree employee = 200 $
Degree employee= 516 $
Difference=316 $

Main reason for the growing difference in salary of degree and no degree workers; the degree holders of 1980 who sold themselves short and started working at the same pay as the non degree holders.
Result:- Very little salary difference between degree and no degree employee

Fast Forward to 1990
Degree holder took only high paying jobs whereas no degree took the same worker level low paying jobs.
Result :- The salary difference between degree and non degree worker increased.

2. A) During the 1980s a growing percentage of college graduates, unable to find jobs requiring a college degree, took unskilled jobs.
taking unskilled jobs means less pay
example in 1980 suppose there are 100 employees 50% worked for unskilled jobs
and in 1990 suppose 20%
Skilled pay : 100
unskilled pay: 50

1980 avg income : (100)(50)/50 = 100
1990 abg income : (100)(80)/50 = 160

so its not the competition but the higher percentage of people working for skilled jobs.


作者: Bradz    时间: 2016-11-14 18:12


A说越来越多的C找不到合适的工作。如果雇主对C的争夺很激烈,C怎么会越来越难找工作呢?这里就是demand and supply的问题,如果是demand高(像推测说的那样)推高了price,那么supply怎么会找不到相对应的demand呢?
作者: ccp92    时间: 2016-11-15 11:33
Bradz 发表于 2016-11-14 18:12
我说说我的想法。原题是说80-90年,有大学学历的(C)和没有大学学历的(NC)工资差翻番了;有人推测是雇主 ...

作者: 熊先生    时间: 2016-11-16 03:32
Bradz 发表于 2016-11-14 18:12
我说说我的想法。原题是说80-90年,有大学学历的(C)和没有大学学历的(NC)工资差翻番了;有人推测是雇主 ...

作者: windowshade    时间: 2016-11-21 06:35
你说:蓝翔的哥们赚钱多, 因为老板抢。我说:扯淡,蓝翔的哥们好多都找不到挖掘机的工作,都失业了,没人抢
作者: 熊先生    时间: 2016-11-30 00:27
windowshade 发表于 2016-11-21 06:35
你说:蓝翔的哥们赚钱多, 因为老板抢。我说:扯淡,蓝翔的哥们好多都找不到挖掘机的工作,都失业了,没人 ...

作者: 猪小王    时间: 2017-8-10 11:31
A的重点是, 越来越多的college students找不到需要大学学位的工作,所以并不存在employers争抢大学毕业生的现象。否定了employers争抢大学生(因)导致(果)有大学学位的雇员平均工资高这个因果关系。

作者: KellyLu961031    时间: 2017-9-11 01:45
我觉得提问是问的哪个undermine了explanation. 而E选项是undermine了premise - 你说有很大的工资差,可事实证明很多不是Cdegree的也拿了差不多的工资。 (没有工资差)

而explanation:increased competition between employers for employees with college degrees drove up income for such employees.才是需要你去攻击的东西。你应该说要么没有increased competition; 要么increased competition 没有 drove up income,或者increased competition between employers for employees without college degrees is even higher.

Hope this helps. 我自己也选成了E.
作者: 可聪明了    时间: 2017-12-13 13:33


A 很多有学历的人,找不到好工作 (隐晦的切断了因果间的联系,俗称无因有果,干扰原文的因果关系)
B 年龄增长(年龄增长,无法与有无学历建立直接联系,不干扰原文因果)
C 失业率没变(同样失业率包含有学历与无学历两块,有多种排列组合情况使总失业率不变的,不能永恒同方向的干扰因果)

作者: YunZoo    时间: 2019-2-1 20:43
分享一下我的觀點,我猜測這題主要是在考閱讀的陷阱,或許native speaker在時間壓力下也會看錯

The difference in average annual income in favor of employees who have college degrees, compared with those who do not have such degrees, doubled between 1980 and 1990. Some analysts have hypothesized that increased competition between employers for employees with college degrees drove up income for such employees.

比較的對象是“有大學學歷的average annual income在1980-1990年間的差距”,比起沒有此學歷的這十年中的差距,有大學學歷的差距在1980-1990年間翻了兩倍。
假設大學學歷:1980 $1000,1990 $800 difference: $200
   非大學學歷:1980   $500,1990 $600 difference: $100    --> differece:200是100的兩倍

A) During the 1980s a growing percentage of college graduates, unable to find jobs requiring a college degree, took unskilled jobs.

如果只寫difference in ...between A and B 我想大家都不會想錯,但偏偏中間插入跟另一個東西比,就容易搞混了

作者: Sharoon    时间: 2019-11-19 14:56
作者: 哇哈哈哈3    时间: 2020-5-20 17:16
YunZoo 发表于 2019-2-1 20:43
分享一下我的觀點,我猜測這題主要是在考閱讀的陷阱,或許native speaker在時間壓力下也會看錯

The differ ...

不对 题目写了in favor of, 所以是non-college vs college

If we want to WEAKEN an argument, we must first find the logical flaws - the missing information - between the premises and the conclusion.

The difference in average annual income in favor of employees who have college degrees, compared with those who do not have such degrees, doubled between 1980 and 1990.

Increased competition between employers for employees with college degrees drove up income for such employees.

Logical gap:
1. There is a mathematical disconnect here! Just because the DIFFERENCE between two income groups increased, that does not mean that the ACTUAL amounts both increased. What if in 1980, non-college-graduates made $50k on average and college graduates made $60k. Then in 1990, non-college-graduate incomes dropped to $40k. The DIFFERENCE would have increased, but one amount dropped and the other remained unchanged. In order to conclude that "increased difference between non-college-graduates & college graduates = higher income for college graduates," we'd need to know that non-college-graduate incomes did not go down.
2. We are also concluding (without justification) that the reason these incomes went up is competition between employers. The logical gap here is: we're ignoring any other possible explanation. Even if college graduate incomes went up, do we know WHY?

In order to WEAKEN this hypothesis, we need to attack one of these logical gaps.

A) During the 1980s a growing percentage of college graduates, unable to find jobs requiring a college degree, took unskilled jobs.
This undermines the notion that employers are generally competing for college graduates by paying them more and more. We can't necessarily assume that "unskilled" means "lower paying," so we can't draw conclusions about changed in actual income amounts. We know that the difference between income averages changed, but this gives us reason to think that the explanation is NOT that employers in general are wanting to pay college graduates more and more.

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