
标题: UMD MS Marketing Analytics Kira面经 10/14/16 [打印本页]

作者: angelacheung    时间: 2016-10-15 06:29
标题: UMD MS Marketing Analytics Kira面经 10/14/16
lz在美国 所以没啥technical issue 录得很顺也很清楚 这块儿就帮不上大家啦
现在这种网上录视频面试platform挺火的 有一些工作的一轮面试也是这样的 所以我还比较习惯了~
test完摄像头网速麦克风之后就是3道practice 一分到一分半的准备时间 然后说一分钟
practice问题不算的 所以大家就relax 就当适应视频录像就好 录完了还会给你回放 可以看看自己在镜头前的表现进行调整
我碰到的三道practice questions如下 都是随机的 可跳过~
1. What would you do if the expecation of your job will severly nagative impact on your personal relationships?
2. Who is your most admirable leader?
3. Tell me about your recent dream.

唯一一道的interview question:
What and who inspires you?
还蛮简单的~因为提问的视频里AO就说了很久 题目是一开始就放出来的 可以从那时候就开始准备 再加上一分钟的preparation 时间完全够了~


作者: taco611    时间: 2016-11-1 16:23
请问最后一个interview question是在这里面挑的吗?
• What's your greatest accomplishment?
•  What has been your most challenging academic or professional experience?
•  What steps do you take to resolve a problem?
•  What interests you the most about the Robert H. Smith School of Business?
•  How does this program fit into your career goals?
•  What makes you a unique candidate for this program?
•  What skills do you think are required to be successful in this program?
•  How would your peers describe you?
•  What contributions would you bring to the Smith community?
•  What or who inspires you?

作者: angelacheung    时间: 2016-11-1 23:17
taco611 发表于 2016-11-1 16:23
请问最后一个interview question是在这里面挑的吗?
• What's your greatest accomplishment?
•  What ha ...

对 就是最后一个~

作者: candypan0725    时间: 2016-11-8 17:05
angelacheung 发表于 2016-11-1 23:17
对 就是最后一个~



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