
标题: 【商科背景】 [打印本页]

作者: 12月的麦子    时间: 2016-8-12 15:57
标题: 【商科背景】
谢谢各位~~不想被人肉,故删了背景。再次多谢大家 :)

作者: 12月的麦子    时间: 2016-8-12 17:19
求各位前辈给建议哈~~我感觉自己的BG很容易走极端 LOL

另外,自己还是有一点名校情结,所以如果M7/S16真的很挑本科的话,我可能就会考虑放弃北美,因为毕竟MBA成本比较高,自己以后也可能回香港,还不如稳定在香港工作 or 读个港大/港科MBA。欢迎大家畅所欲言。
作者: dreamlander    时间: 2016-8-12 19:45
女生,do helps。

作者: 12月的麦子    时间: 2016-8-12 22:49
dreamlander 发表于 2016-8-12 19:45
女生,do helps。



Thanks a lot. 也祝你一切顺利!
作者: 12月的麦子    时间: 2016-8-13 11:07
作者: 12月的麦子    时间: 2016-8-15 10:40
作者: dreamlander    时间: 2016-8-15 22:45
12月的麦子 发表于 2016-8-12 22:49

作者: fan6chen    时间: 2016-8-16 08:00
好厉害 这么努力M7应该没问题
作者: JonFrank    时间: 2016-8-16 13:12
Hey there!
Great to hear from you!
I really like your profile You have a lot of strengths and a few minor weaknesses too.

so let’s review the strengths first:
- Female applicant
- Great UG GPA!
-  VERY strong EC activities!
- CFA level III

I’d say your job is somewhere int he middle. Securities trading is not the highest considered of the finance roles, but you are in the right industry. Also without your GMAT and TOEFL it’s hard to give a full evaluation.

Your weaknesses:
- volunteer work?
- Non-target recruitment school
- Tough applicant pool (China/HK)

Overall things are good. If you plan on applying in two years, keep up your activities and add some volunteer work. And of course take on any opportunity you have for leadership.

I hope this helps!
Best of luck on all,
Jon Frank
作者: 劢俊    时间: 2016-8-16 13:38
JonFrank 发表于 2016-8-16 13:12
Hey there!
Great to hear from you!
I really like your profile You have a lot of strengths and a few  ...

Hello, since you said:"Securities trading is not the highest considered of the finance roles", then what is the highest considered?
作者: JonFrank    时间: 2016-8-18 09:58
劢俊 发表于 2016-8-16 13:38
Hello, since you said:"Securities trading is not the highest considered of the finance roles", the ...

Hey there,
Well within finance there is a hierarchy ,and basically the hardest to get and highest paid jobs are the best - So PE/VC at the top, then Bulge Bracket IB, then other IB, then trading, and then retail banking. More or less It depends of course also how you do, how you perform, what position you hold. so it’s not black and white.

I hope this helps!
Jon Frank

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