
标题: gmatpill上的一道逻辑题~~~ [打印本页]

作者: Sunsunshine    时间: 2016-7-22 08:44
标题: gmatpill上的一道逻辑题~~~

Shortly after the popular chat app "WhatsUp" was acquired by media conglomerate MediaCorp, several advertisers have withdrawn their advertisements from the mobile app, claiming that it was due to the fact that the parent company took the chat app in a new direction and made changes that did not protect users' privacy, making users' current location too readily available to other app users. Surely this indicates that the decision-makers in advertising companies do still have a sense of moral propriety that occasionally drives their actions.
Which of the following, if true, would strengthen this conclusion?       
(A) The advertisers review the placement of their advertisements on a daily basis.
(B) It is a quite unusual for several advertisers to withdraw all their advertisements simultaneously from a mobile app.
(C) The advertisers, when questioned, admitted that their clients would lose significant revenue as a result of the advertisements being withdrawn.
(D) The advertisers all placed new advertisements in other mobile apps that had no such concerns regarding user privacy.
(E) A review of the mobile app suggested that the majority of the users believe that the standard of the mobile app's contents had failed since being acquired.

前提:因为新收购的app存在“不 protect users' privacy”的问题,广告商决定收回广告
结论:广告商的决定有moral propriety的影响

额。。。对选项C D很纠结啊


D选项:The advertisers all placed new advertisements in other mobile apps that had no such concerns regarding user privacy. 引入证据说明广告商的确是因为privacy的问题收回广告

我觉得两者都有加强的含义啊,针对的点都是claiming that it was due to the fact that the parent company took the chat app in a new direction and made changes that did not protect users' privacy 这句话
C / D选项从他因排除/事实这两个角度都加强了这句话不是吗?

作者: devilmars    时间: 2016-7-22 09:00
作者: Sunsunshine    时间: 2016-7-22 09:05
我也选的D!但是错了 看comments 正确答案应该是C
作者: Sunsunshine    时间: 2016-7-22 09:06
devilmars 发表于 2016-7-22 09:00

我也选的D!但是错了 看comments 正确答案应该是C
作者: devilmars    时间: 2016-7-22 12:26
Sunsunshine 发表于 2016-7-22 09:06
我也选的D!但是错了 看comments 正确答案应该是C

作者: Sunsunshine    时间: 2016-7-22 15:49
devilmars 发表于 2016-7-22 12:26
不明白...我排除C的原因是C说的是广告商的clients会损失很多收入,那这个说的是clients作决定时候考虑道德 ...

这个是gmatpill instructor 的解释,instructor仿佛用常识把clients和广告商两个的 likely 逻辑关系连到一起了。

First, although (C) may not prove the conclusion, it certainly strengthens it more than any of the other answer choices, which are either not relevant or weaken the conclusion. For the GMAT, we need to choose the best answer, which is not always perfect.

Second, by definition, clients usually pay companies or people in exchange for goods or services. While it may not be true without a doubt, it certainly is likely that the advertising companies will lose money from their clients if the clients are making less or even losing money.

作者: devilmars    时间: 2016-7-22 16:11
Sunsunshine 发表于 2016-7-22 15:49
这个是gmatpill instructor 的解释,instructor仿佛用常识把clients和广告商两个的 likely 逻辑关系连到一 ...



官方给出的解释里的第一条我觉得没啥用,CR里面如果一个答案是对的那就是对的,又不是SC里面一个wordy就可以pass掉一个。SC里面读着不顺或者不合常规,但是其他有语法错误的可以排除只能选它。但是CR里面谈论的是逻辑,逻辑对就是对,错就是错,无关就是无关,单单一句certainly strengthens more我觉得和没说一样。


作者: Sunsunshine    时间: 2016-7-22 16:27
devilmars 发表于 2016-7-22 16:11
我之所以排除C因为我还有一个考虑,因为C要成立必须要证明client的收入降低会导致广告公司收入同样 ...

恩恩~ 我也希望有更多的人可以交流一下这道题~

另外说明一下,我不知道这个instructor是不是gmatpill 官方认证的,还是自己后缀加的~

所以实际上我也是不能100%确定 正确答案是C (因为我做的free test 并没有花重金买答案)

但是能确定gmatpill认为答案不是D,因为我选的是D,然后显示了大大的叉 ==!
作者: Fiona09    时间: 2016-7-22 18:57
作者: Rabbit_Carrot    时间: 2017-1-24 13:59
作者: daisy2    时间: 2017-8-2 23:45
摘自beat the gmat:

(C)The advertisers, when questioned, admitted that their clients would lose significant revenue as a result of the advertisements being withdrawn.

This answer choice is the only one that in any way supports the argument. If the advertisers would lose revenue as a result of withdrawing the advertisements there must be some non financial reason for their having withdrawn the advertisements. While this answer choice does not clearly point to one reason, it does eliminate a reason. So in a sense it supports the conclusion, at least more than any of the other answer choices do.

(D)The advertisers all placed new advertisements in other mobile apps that had no such concerns regarding user privacy.

If anything this weakens the conclusion in that it conflicts with the idea that advertisers are concerned with user privacy.

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