谢谢各位不吝指教 作者: bcfdpz 时间: 2016-4-19 17:11
同问,同样供职于国内券商,当年放弃四大咨询,现在迷茫中作者: JonFrank 时间: 2016-4-20 09:42
Hey there,
Well, there’s not really a “preferred industry”. It’s true that many people come from IB (So that’s good), but the MBA programs take all people who excel from all walks of life. So you could own a shoe factory and that would be great too (depending of course on how you managed it). As for other choices, big banks are preferable to big 4, although big 4 is very strong. IT’s just that many profiles from Big 4 tend to look similar and there are many, so for M7 schools, you can get lost in the shuffle,
I hope my comments help!
Jon Frank作者: SZ吃猫的鱼 时间: 2017-11-5 22:01