
标题: [出不出?] 加拿大UBC MMOR运筹和四大咨询工作的纠结。。。。。。。 [打印本页]

作者: lisamiooo    时间: 2016-4-16 22:30
标题: [出不出?] 加拿大UBC MMOR运筹和四大咨询工作的纠结。。。。。。。
    加拿大UBC运筹的硕士,在温哥华,历年就业率都是100%,毕业是做数据分析一类的工作,可以在Public service也可以在advisory工作,移民也相对容易。学费不贵,全读下来,还有奖学金,最多50w RMB。

作者: gordonmwu    时间: 2016-4-16 23:37
作者: lisamiooo    时间: 2016-4-17 00:26
gordonmwu 发表于 2016-4-16 23:37
建议你出国。女生,还是在国外更容易获得自身安全感一点,毕竟就算工作再好,婚恋对女性来说,也就是30岁前 ...

作者: gordonmwu    时间: 2016-4-17 11:02
lisamiooo 发表于 2016-4-17 00:26
想问,如果从职业发展方面来看,在四大的职业成长比出国的成长更有意义么?我本人是觉得自己一 ...



当然你也应该参考一下UBC OR毕业后工作的大致去向。在美国我看到不少当初放弃了四大offer来美国读了研,结果毕业之后,又去了四大。呵呵,说真的我不知道他们当初在想些啥,只要开心就好咯。
作者: lisamiooo    时间: 2016-4-17 11:29
gordonmwu 发表于 2016-4-17 11:02
四大的职业发展道路谈不上金碧辉煌,但我相信是脚踏实地的。风险管理咨询具体是指哪一方面的风险?财务管 ...

UBC OR出来是Data Analyst, 根据和program manager陶瓷得知就业面非常广,企业,公共医疗体系,咨询(偏技术)等等都有,就业率一直100%

作者: gordonmwu    时间: 2016-4-18 10:24
lisamiooo 发表于 2016-4-17 11:29
UBC OR出来 ...

Financial Service Risk Management?他们advise什么类型的风险?Operations? Market? Credit? 客户对象是谁?

纯粹从职业角度来说,我觉得四大会是一个比较好的起点。如果你将来想成为data analyst,对现在的大数据概念很有兴趣,那么一个扎实的在业界如何分析使用数据的岗位培训是非常有意义的开端。
作者: lisamiooo    时间: 2016-4-18 11:45
gordonmwu 发表于 2016-4-18 10:24
Financial Service Risk Management?他们advise什么类型的风险?Operations? Market? Credit? 客户对象 ...

对,就是这个岗位。现在重点是Basel,operation,credit advisory,客户以前有BOC,ABC, CCB这种,还有股份行城商行,保险基金信托之类的金融机构,对互联网金融有涉及

作者: gordonmwu    时间: 2016-4-18 22:42
lisamiooo 发表于 2016-4-18 11:45
对,就是这个岗位。现在重点是Basel,operation,credit advisory,客户以前有BOC,ABC, CCB这种,还有股 ...

Basel will remain as a hot area at least through 2019.  That's the target timeline for US banks to finish Basel III framework implementation and be in full compliance.  If you develop expertise in Basel III within the next 3 - 5 years, you will have a very good shot for mid to senior level risk management jobs within banks.  Believe the Basel III implementation timeline for Chinese banks should be similar.  Just to give you some insider info, a SVP specializing in Basel back in 2011 made all the way to Managing Director within 4 years at top tier US bank.  This promotion will probably take a business person at least 8+ years given s/he can deliver $20+ million revenue on yearly basis.  Someone can argue that a risk MD makes probably half of what a business MD makes, but still.... MD dream a dream at least for me.

Big 4 presumably will have strength in advising credit risk management since it's pretty much driven by the financials, mixed with some industry sector and sovereign views.  If you have a very solid understanding of how to advise the credit risk of individual or portfolio of corporate and maybe some industry knowledge, you will be well prepared to take some key banking functions such as senior risk manager covering some industry and corporate clients, or even as relationship bankers if you are comfortable with and have social skills for client relationship management.

Operational risk is a complete different animal.  I didn't come from an Ops background, but by commonsense and my extensive work relationship with back office ops team, I think you can learn how a financial institution works and how the transactions are processed in back-end systems.  You will be amazed how outdated / underdeveloped the systems are at some major banks.  Your work as a consultant will be very frustrating initially, but as your experience grows, you will start understanding why things are like this and where are the opportunities of optimization.  You can work for a bank as an Ops guy, or you can consider some fintech firms which develop system for the banks to optimize their operations.
作者: lisamiooo    时间: 2016-4-19 16:54
gordonmwu 发表于 2016-4-18 22:42
Basel will remain as a hot area at least through 2019.  That's the target timeline for US banks to ...


Thanks so so much for your reply. Ur career analysis is great both for my present choice and future career path. BTW, I have decided to work by a coin toss

作者: gordonmwu    时间: 2016-4-19 21:29
lisamiooo 发表于 2016-4-19 16:54

Thanks so so much for your reply. Ur career analysis is great both for my present ch ...

glad if i had helped.
作者: Jasmine921106    时间: 2016-6-17 17:56
lz决定好了吗 我也在ubc上学呢 这个项目真心不错 你可以考虑
作者: jwpangzi    时间: 2016-8-10 15:46
gordonmwu 发表于 2016-4-18 22:42
Basel will remain as a hot area at least through 2019.  That's the target timeline for US banks to ...

作者: Jodnsone    时间: 2016-8-20 09:11
Thank you so much for sharing.
作者: Jodnsone    时间: 2016-8-20 15:05
Thank you very much for my help in the article mentioned in the article

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