
标题: [求助]关于成绩单 [打印本页]

作者: angelavivi    时间: 2003-8-25 12:40
标题: [求助]关于成绩单
请教各位NN一个成绩换算的问题:我校某些课程的评分分为:优秀、合格及不合格,我想请问“优秀“和“合格“之间的分界线在百分制里是多少分?学校有成绩排名的证明吗?我在一个商学院的申请要求中看到要求申请人学校开出grading,那么这个grading 是成绩还是排名呢?

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-25 12:40:44编辑过]

作者: sfish    时间: 2003-8-25 13:50
First, you should look at the requirment of transcript for international students, does that school really need you to transform your grade into 4.0 GPA system. Some schools may not ask you to do so.
Second, if you have some unique question about one school and can not find answer anywhere else, just send the email to the admission office. I believe that most schools will answer your questions ASAP.

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