- about past experience. why did you move to US? why did you relocate to the bay area? and why current employer?
- tell me a time that you proposed and led on something that surpassed your role and responsibility?
- tell me a time that you led a team
- tell me a time that you had to deal with a difficult person
- why Stanford, why MBA?
翻阅之前的CD帖子,很少查看到对于LGO的面试或者讨论。可能和项目的招生范围,总体人数,非美国籍学生人数限制有很大关系。这里简述该项目背景一二:LGO是MIT商学院和工学院合办的一个双学位项目,即MBA+MS ENGINEERING,为期二十四个月整。只限理工科背景和工作经验的申请人,每年招生人数在五十名以内,国际学生(非美国籍)大约十到十二人左右。人数有限,加上有奖学金激励,所以竞争也很激烈。该项目14年国际学生招生人数只在个位数,之后扩大到15年的两位数。主要变动的原因据称是因为招生办主任换人,和该项目赞助公司的一些人才策略的转变。很巧的是,我的面试官就是JOLENE MONSON,该项目主要招生主任。
和J的面试感觉上是比较典型的商学院面试,一堆BEHAVIOR QUESTIONS。美国东部环境成长的白人女性,之前在欧洲学习工作生活过一段时间,就不细说了。还是说面试问题吧。面试时间正好四十五分钟,在她办公室进行。
- your career growth (由于本人简历无法直观体现,所以她提出了这个问题)
- An example that you lead someone
- persuade someone
- deal with a difficult person
- why MIT, why LGO
- Have you talked or interacted with LGO alumni at work (我司有该项目校友)
- tell me something about yourself (fun fact, just a conversation starter)
- why/how did you move to US?
- what was your internship project about? (这其实是五六年以前的一份实习,似乎和面试官工作有关联,所以他表示了一些兴趣)
- your leadership style
- tell me a time that you failed or made a mistake if any
- tell me a project you accomplished
- why mba, why booth
在离校友家附近的一个星巴克进行。该校大约十年前从KELLOGG毕业,在某大型HEALTH CARE公司任职。大约一个小时交流。感觉比较典型的MBA校友风格,为人也很友善随和。或许是因为他目前项目的兴趣,比较让我惊讶的是他问了不少我之前一份工作的内容和对一些技术的看法。
- walk me through your resume(他问的比较文艺,但就是这个意思)
- tell me a project that you worked at XX (第一份工作)
- Data input for this project (这个追问很细)
- worked on a robotic project?
- what do you think about XXX, and their technology YYY (某著名公司及其招牌技术)
- why did you move to CA?
- how did you find a job at your current employer?
- what is the most challenging part of your current job?
- how did you get alone with other coworkers?
- tell me a time that you disagree with co-worker?
- tell me a tme that you disagree with your manager?
- how did you convince him?
- why mba
- what would you like to do during the 2-year program?