1. Why case? Why progam
2. short-term & long-term goal
3. how our program help
4. tell us about your internship and how will they influence you in the future
5. great difficulty in university, such as mathemetical study...
(这里我提到了calculus大一的时候学的,而且那个时候没怎么专注学习,基本都在参加课外活动...结果她笑了...= =...难道也有过相同经历...)
6. other school under consideration and what criteria you choose school
(我提到WPI,念全名的时候有点拗不过来有点缓慢和迟疑...结果DB又笑了... = =...心累)
7. do you think those school will give offer to you
8. how did you choose your undergraduate study