
标题: 在美工作两年半想申MBA求指点迷津(engineer,8万刀/y) [打印本页]

作者: 2spring    时间: 2016-1-14 00:54
标题: 在美工作两年半想申MBA求指点迷津(engineer,8万刀/y)
国内985本科毕业后,到美国一所一般学校MS,工科工作经验两年半,由刚开始的踌躇满志,到现在感觉斗志越来越低落,自己继续下去可以做一个二流工程师,senior engineer,但是感觉生活一眼望到头,没有什么激情。


想冲击一下top MBA,做一些积极的改变,以后转行或者回国创业,感觉会打开很多机会的大门。自己干劲比较足算是工作狂,事业心比较强,不想朝九晚五,想全心全意闯出一点事业。

目前GMAT没考,但是之前2010年GRE考过1400,准备重考GMAT,GPA本科overall88,top排名,major 90+,MS GPA 3.9/4,灌水了几篇paper,现在的工作主要是偏技术的,缺乏管理经验,现在目标是如果能上TOP10就读,不知这是不是有点不切实际,大家看看值得折腾一下吗

作者: Riddickliu0421    时间: 2016-1-28 04:37
Are you good at kissing ass? If not, Spending another 1 or 2 years on MBA gonna waste your time.
作者: 2spring    时间: 2016-1-28 13:17
Riddickliu0421 发表于 2016-1-28 04:37
Are you good at kissing ass? If not, Spending another 1 or 2 years on MBA gonna waste your time.

what if I am? not a waste of time? please articulate if you know.
作者: Riddickliu0421    时间: 2016-1-29 00:54
First of all, as general or operation manager in a company, you will get less salary than your expected. In additional, you have to deal with some 'annoyed' people around you. Thinking about the concept of Xiao Ren in Chinese. You may have to deal with Childish boss too. It depends. But if you wants to own your business, please ignore what I said before. You are the boss. You charge everything. So I don't think you have to get MBA. Anyone can start a business if s/he has a passion and wealth.  Does this work?
作者: 2spring    时间: 2016-1-29 09:17
Riddickliu0421 发表于 2016-1-29 00:54
First of all, as general or operation manager in a company, you will get less salary than your expec ...

I appreciate your frankness, and now the insight.  I dont know what the future holds for me, but it is just that restless innerside and dissatisfaction of what I do now that drive me for an MBA that I think might lend me the momentum to change my status quo.

I am at this crossroad, and I know i have to give up a lot if I choose to pursue an MBA and I am not sure if I will become excited again. But I am not very happy right now.

From my research, MBA does seem suitable for me, energetic and ambitious, competitive and like challenges.  What I do is not challenging anymore. I am not challenged enough and I am bored.
作者: xixilucky21    时间: 2016-3-11 00:39
两年半时间不太够,在工作两年,加上绿卡和700+GMAT成绩,也许能申请到不错的MBA-top25. 能够跳到很理想的公司。 当然MBA不是必然之路,如果有机会中间转工作也可以的-experience hiring
作者: 2spring    时间: 2016-3-19 12:25
penghuangpg 发表于 2016-3-17 12:14
你好。朋友。看到你的困惑比较理解你只身一人在他乡为了梦想付出的努力,而到现在又没有了奔头。这种从内心 ...

作者: 2spring    时间: 2016-3-19 12:27
penghuangpg 发表于 2016-3-17 12:14
你好。朋友。看到你的困惑比较理解你只身一人在他乡为了梦想付出的努力,而到现在又没有了奔头。这种从内心 ...

作者: 2spring    时间: 2016-3-19 12:31
penghuangpg 发表于 2016-3-17 12:14
你好。朋友。看到你的困惑比较理解你只身一人在他乡为了梦想付出的努力,而到现在又没有了奔头。这种从内心 ...

作者: 2spring    时间: 2016-3-19 12:35
penghuangpg 发表于 2016-3-17 12:14
你好。朋友。看到你的困惑比较理解你只身一人在他乡为了梦想付出的努力,而到现在又没有了奔头。这种从内心 ...


现在计划就是先把工作做好,催公司尽快办绿卡,准备GMAT可能到时候争取full time mba while not giving up the job。。play it by ear...

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