标题: 比较和平行——more than和as...as句型中的省略 [打印本页]
作者: 爱哭的santa 时间: 2015-12-22 23:44
标题: 比较和平行——more than和as...as句型中的省略
关于比较级和平行 题型真的可以变着花样出
1.如果句子后半部分是状语的,要考虑加名词性成分如that of/ 或直接成句如it was ...使比较的前后部分对等。
You can also omit units, verbs, and even whole clauses from the second term, as long as there is no ambiguity.
Right: Whereas Idrink 2 quarts of milk a day, my friend drinks 3 [quarts].
Right: I walkfaster than Brian [walks].比较主语,省略谓语
Right: I walk asfast now as [I walked] when I was younger. 时间状语比较 省略主谓
In general, you should put in the omitted words or appropriate Helping Verbs (such as be, do, and have) only if you need to remove ambiguity.
Right: Vishal eat smore carrots than donuts. (Donuts must be the object) 比较宾语,省略主语
Wordy: Vishal eats more carrots than HE DOES donuts.
The first example is not ambiguous (do nuts cannot eat carrots), so if all else is the same, choose the first example ove rthe slightly wordier second example.
Ambiguous: I like cheese more than Yvette. (Yvette could be subject or object.)
Right: I like cheese more than Yvette DOES. (= than Yvette likes cheese)比较主语,不可省略谓语
Right: I like cheese more than I DO Yvette. (= than like Yvette)比较宾语,不可省略主语
Correction (b): Aleopard cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as it can a cheetah.
Correction (c): Aleopard cannot catch a wildebeest as fast as a cheetah can.
However, the GMAT occasionally allowsunnecessary Helping Verbs.
Right: Apples aremore healthy to eat than caramels. 比较主语,可以省略谓语和表语
Right: Apples aremore healthy to eat than caramels ARE.
Do not throw out an answer choice simply because of an unnecessary Helping Verb in thesecond term of a comparison.
Wrong: With wintercoming, I will have HIGHER energy bills.
The sentence implies the comparison than now. Onthe GMAT, however, you must make that comparison explicit, using the word than.
Wrong: I will have HIGHER bills OVER last year.
Right: I will have HIGHER bills THAN last year. 比较时间
Only seven peoplethis century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of themovies—less than those killed by bee stings.
A. movies—less thanthose
B. movies—fewerthan have been
C. movies, which isless than those
D. movies, a numberlower than the people
E. movies, fewerthan the ones
i don't think that this can be regarded as an ellipsis/omission, since "fewer than ..." isn't a clause.
instead, like other comparisons, it's just a parallel structure:
have been killed by the shark
is parallel to
have been killed by bee stings.
note that these verbs don't necessarily have to be in the same tense; if context dictates, they can be in different tenses. for instance, the second half of this parallel structure could also be something like ...were killed in a single car accident this morning in Dallas.
Comparisons are surprisingly flexible with regard to parallelism -- basically, if you can find properly parallel (and non-ambiguous) structures in a comparison, then the comparison is fine.
at the end of the day, the distinction isn't terribly important -- in this particular case, at least -- because the more X than Y construction is workable with just about any grammatical forms for "x" and "y".
they can be...
nouns (i have more apples than bananas)
verbs (more people swim than run)
infinitives (i like to swim better than to run)
verb phrases (like the sentence in this thread)
entire clauses (birds like to sing more than penguins like to dance)
... and just about anything else under the sun. so, who cares, really, as long as you can find properly parallel structures.
if this construction followed stricter rules (= had to be used for extremely particular types of grammatical elements), then this sort of thing would become important.
另外还有一个在be likely to句型中补充不补充谓语的,大家可以认真看看,发现OG里面好多这样的用法:
35. Traffic safety officials predict thatdrivers will be equally likely to exceed the
proposed speed limit as the current one.
(A) equally likely to exceed the proposedspeed limit as
(B) equally likely to exceed the proposedspeed limit as they are
(C) equally likely that they will exceedthe proposed speed limit as
(D) as likely that they will exceed theproposed speed limit as
(E) as likely to exceed the proposed speedlimit as they are
我觉得they are应该是这样
drivers will be as likely to exceed theproposed speed limit as they are likely to exceed the current one(speed limit)
will be as likely as they are 是对的 will be 和are平行
(一)as likely as:
(1) According to a 1996 study published in the Journal of HumanResources, Americans of Middle Eastern descent were twice as likely as theaverage American to be self-employed.
were不补出,是因为to do是放在后面了,不可能有歧义。
类似1:The Arthritis Research Institute of America advises women of colorthat they are twice as likely as White women to get osteoarthritis of the knee.
类似2:According to a survey of graduating medical students conducted bythe Association of American Medical Colleges, minority graduates are nearlyfour times as likely as other graduates to plan on practicing insocioeconomically deprived areas.
(2)According to a new report by the surgeon general, women with lessthan a high school education were three times as likely to begin smoking as women who went tocollege.
were不补出,这里to do放在前面还是没有补出were,因为没有歧义。没有宾语
(3) Trafficsafety officials predict that drivers will be as likely to exceed the proposedspeed limit as they are the current one.
are补出。这个例外是因为不同点thecurrent one是宾语,为了表明它是宾语,所以要加上主谓。
a plant situated near a number of larger noncompliant competitors isless likely to attract the attention of local regulators than is an isolatedplant
A plant situated near a number of largernoncompliant competitors is less likely to attract the attentionof local regulators than an isolated plant is likelyto attract the attention of local regulators.
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(2)According to a new report by the surgeon general, women with lessthan a high school education were three times as likely to begin smoking as women who went tocollege.
were不补出,这里to do放在前面还是没有补出were,因为没有歧义。没有宾语
没有宾语是什么意思呀?这里的to begin smoking不就是宾语吗?
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