
标题: OG15 59 求助! [打印本页]

作者: 我要喝可乐    时间: 2015-12-8 12:06
标题: OG15 59 求助!
59. Which of the following most logically completes the passage?
A recent government study links the high rates of respiratory ailments in Groverston to airborne pollutants
released by the Woodco plywood manufacturing plant there. To address the problem, the government imposed
strict regulations on emissions which will go into effect in four years. Although Woodco plans to cut its
emissions in half two years ahead of schedule, it is unlikely that the rate of respiratory ailments will decline
before the regulations go into effect, since.
(A) the number of facilities capable of treating respiratory ailments is not likely to increase
(B) reducing emissions even further than planned would necessitate decreasing production at Woodco
(C) it is difficult to make accurate, long-term predictions about emissions
(D) not all respiratory ailments are caused by airborne pollutants
(E) three new plywood manufacturing plants are about to go into production in Groverston


看了解释觉得E正确可以理解,但是还是不明白D选项,D不是一个其他原因解释为啥Rate of respiratory ailments 不会decline么? 求NN解答。多谢!

作者: 我要喝可乐    时间: 2015-12-9 09:25
作者: mandy1991    时间: 2015-12-9 10:58
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作者: 我要喝可乐    时间: 2015-12-9 11:05
mandy1991 发表于 2015-12-9 10:58
楼主觉得D选项是对的,是不是觉得: 因为不是所有的respiratory ailment都是由airborne pollutant引起的, 所 ...

多谢楼上的耐心解答!!看来我还是没有抓到关键的前提和结论,没意识到题干中说airborne pollutant是主要原因就意味着其他原因不重要,这个很晕啊,是不是只有在削弱题目里面才能引入他因?求指教。
作者: mandy1991    时间: 2015-12-9 13:16
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作者: 猪小王    时间: 2017-2-18 05:28
mandy1991 发表于 2015-12-9 13:16
不好意思,我跟楼主可能解题思路不太一样,平时做题的时候没有特意去关注是否引入他因。对我来说,做逻辑 ...


因为government认为就是Woodco plywood这家厂子排放airborne pollutants导致RA的rate很高,那么政府控制这家的排放不就行了?可惜无效,the rate of RA还是那么高,since... airborne pollutants还是那么多呀。

选项只要告诉我们为什么airborne pollutants还是那么多就好了。

D. not all respiratory ailments are caused by airborne pollutants... 也就是有些RA是由别的什么原因造成的?无所谓,因为A, 所以B这个逻辑里本来就没有说A是B的唯一原因,只是说A确实导致了B. 即使有别的原因,也可能是导致少量的RA.
E说的是新建厂子的排放让airborne pollutants降不下来,很正确,说明goverment思考时有漏洞,就是除了Woodco这家,没想过别的厂子。

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