结构:长篇,三段:提出一个theory(考古学家一直反驳的),但说这个theory近来得到了support —> 提出一个验证这个theory的方法—> 又分析了这个方法难以实现
关键词:【Europeans, America…by boat… 】
(1) 最早的欧洲人是怎么到美洲大陆的问题一直是科学家讨论的….有一个Theory说欧洲人最早是by boat 到的美洲,这个观点考古学家一直不接受。但是近来这个观点得到了一些支持。。。 (中间什么什么。。。忘了) 有人说了欧洲人可能是by boat怎样怎样,走到一个食物充足的地方歇一会儿,再上路,然后再到一个地儿歇一会儿再上路。。。,就这样到了美洲大陆;因为如果不是by boat的话,欧洲人早在15000年前就横跨了什么什么大陆,但这个大陆那个时候是cover all by ices,所以导致步行到美洲的方法不成立。。。而且欧洲人不可能在15000年前到的美洲,因为如果在15000年欧洲人就到了美洲,那就说明他们在短短1000年之间横跨了那个什么什么大陆,这与考古学家的观点是相悖的。
(2) 第二段有个人提出了一个人验证欧洲人by boat的方法。。。 (具体的记不清楚了。。。)
(3) 第三段又说这个方法难以验证,因为当年欧洲人的路线,就是可考证的sites现在都deep buried in ocean。。。【貌似有题Q3】
Q1. 问了文章的主旨:
Q2. 问了文章的结构:
我选得是就是我上面写的那个:一个长期不被认可的观点得到了一些support; 然后又提出验证这个support的一些方法及困难
注:Q1和Q2 有点像,大家到考场上仔细辨别。。。我记得这篇考了两道很像的题
Q3. 好像问的是为什么这个方法难以验证?
33*. American Native Origin的研究
Q1. 主旨题
Q2. 针对黄色部分的细节题
第 一个假说是,通过陆路。说人们可以通过COASTAL JOURNEY 沿海岸走,因为爱斯基摩皮船(kayak)太小不太可能做跨海的交通工具。由于ice age,人类不可能于15,700年前通过陆路到达美洲(讲了原因“冰呀,海呀什么的”)。还讲了什么向南走,一个月可以走20里。多少年后到了南美。但是旧观点有个问题,就是人移动的速度太快了不合理
Q1. 有主旨题。
Q2. 第二段全(假说部分)highlight了,问作用。
Q3. 好像有个15,000到15,500的数字题~
Transportation to the New World is a big topic for debate. 提出问题If the early Americans did cruise巡航 around the continent in canoes and kayaks, might the first settlers have arrived by boat as well? For decades the archaeological community rejected this notion (Ice Agehunters could never have carried all their weapons and left over mammoth meat in such tiny boats!), but in recent years the idea has gathered more support.旧观点反对经由海路假说
One reason for the shift: the nagging困扰的 problem of just how fast people can make the journey from Alaska toTierra del Fuego. 旧观点的问题症结点Consider Dillehay's 14,700-year-old Monte Verde site. According to the previously accepted timeline, people could have made the journey from Asia on foot no earlier than 15,700 years ago(before this time, the ice sheets extending from the North Pole covered Alaskaand Canada completely, making a land passage impossible). If this entry date is correct, the Monte Verde find would indicate that the first settlers had to make the 12,000 -mile trip through two continents in only 1,000 years. In archaeological time, that's as fast as Marion Jones(地球上跑得最快的女人). 提出反对旧观点的理由:行走速度太快? One way to achieve this pace , however,would be by traveling along the Pacific coastlines of North and SouthAmerica in boats. 转折, F提出海路假说新观点Knut Fladmark, a professor of archaeology at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC, first suggested this possibility in the 1970s and remains an advocate of a coastal entry into the Americas. If people had a reason to keep moving, he says, they could have traversed both continents in 100 years. 支持理由:速度符合Fladmark estimates that traveling at a rate of 200 miles a month would have been quite reasonable; the settlers no doubt stopped during winter months and probably stayed in some spots for a generation or so if the local resourceswere particularly tempting. Fladmark's theory, though enticing won't be easy to prove. 让步,提出缺陷Rising sea levels from the melting Ice Age glaciers in undated thousands of square miles along the Pacific coasts of both continents. Any early sites near the ocean that were inhabited before 13,000 years ago would now be deep underwater. 新观点的弱点Recently a few enterprising researchers have attempted to dredge挖出 up artifacts from below the Pacific. In 1997, for example, Daryl Fedje, an archaeologist with Parks Canada (which runs that country's national parks system), led a team that pulled up a small stone tool from 160 feet underwater just off the coast of British Columbia. 提出证据证明新观点The single tool, which Fedje estimates to be around 10,200 years old, does establish that people once lived on the now submerged land but reveals little about the culture there. Excavating underwater sites might turn out to be the only way to prove when humans first arrived on this continent.提出对证据的质疑? And for many researchers this is still a very open question 因为证据力不足,海路说尚未定论, with answers ranging from 15,000 years ago to as far back as 50,000 years ago. When Fladmark first proposed the idea of a coastal migration, the entry date of 14,000 or 15,000 years ago was orthodoxy.公认的,持普遍赞同的
第一段说南方因为农奴制,黑人过的比较惨。当时北方需要人,但是黑人没有遛去北方(题外话,文中没有提,但是能随便去么?)有人就说这说明当时的信息不发达,黑人不知道北方缺人。(忘了在哪里分段了)然后又说但是有些人认为信息是有的。但是农场主故意隐瞒了。然后又 举例说 在1战时期,从黑人战士口中,可以推测当时其实黑人是广泛知道北方缺人的(你看我说吧。。。。)那为啥没去呢?然后某某又说了,当时欧洲新移民港港登陆了不久。大量劳动力。然后黑人不知咋的就以为北方雇主喜欢欧洲人多点。 问题不难,2道infer好像。
考到了黑人转移那篇文章,但和jj有些区别: 开始说法律自己允许黑人自由了,为什么还是很少的人往北走呢。传统认为,黑人没有北方就业市场的信息。但不是这样的,有一些人过去就表明应该不存在信息障碍。然后作者说,南方通过了一部法律,这一部法律是attempt to 限制信息的流通,因为对南方劳动力供给有影响(寂静上说该法律限制了人的流动,但考虑到作者已经认为信息是无障碍的,那么这部法律应该不是主要的限制). 而且关于法律的描述我感觉比较奇怪,既然作者已经提出了信息无障碍的说法,为什么要用furthermore来引导对该法律的描述呢?应该是转折啊…然后继续说,如果要证明信息无限制,我们就需要看到在1870..1910之间确实有黑人往北方走。紧接着这一句话,作者提出了该证据(题目问这个证据的作用). 然后就说,你们看吧,确实信息无限制吧…在对该证据进行描述时,作者说到了,黑人去北方找到的工作都是因为一战后欧洲移民减少的缘故…然后在最后一句话用肯定的语气说,黑人之所以不往北走,是因为他们之前认为北方的人喜欢雇佣欧洲人,他们去了也没意义…
南方确实出台了一个法律,但这个法律是用来控制信息的流通,而不是直接控制人的流动。文章在最后一句话认为,之所以African American不往北走是因为,刚开始他们觉得北方人更加prefer欧洲移民。所以最后一句话才是这个puzzle的真正原因。
why during 18XX-19XX 期间African American没有从南方大量迁徙到北方的原因。
P1.although 美国黑人从法律上已经独立了,也挣脱了以前的种种束缚,但是在18XX-19XX年,很少黑人从南方去北方工作。 Some historian 认为这个是因为南方的黑人不知道北方有工作机会造成的。
P2.反驳some historian的观点。其实南方黑人是知道的。有举例,不过忘记。。。然后讲真正原因是在first war 期间南方出台了一个法律禁止黑人从南方去北方工作,该法律是担心南方劳动力的short of supply而制定。后面南方黑人能够正好填补北方劳动力由于欧洲移民减少的短缺。
Q1.主旨题。我选的是 contradict an exlanation of why…南方黑人没有在18XX-19Xx去北方。
Q2.有问到黑人不能去南方的真正原因。 选因为 first war 期间出台的法律。
说迁移之前南方的黑奴几乎没有就业机会,有学者认为是当时没有给黑人提供充足的就业信息,然后作者说这是扯蛋,后来到北方就业的迁移就是证明。而且黑人在迁移前就已经消息灵通,然后当南方出台一个法案想来阻止(好像是)黑人北漂以保存当地的劳动力供应(labor force supply),但似乎走的更多了。然后说黑人到了北方迅速占领了原来被欧洲人占领的工作岗位。
讲1870 左右南方黑人移民到北方工作的事情, 刚开始说一些人认为刚在内战之后, 移民很少是因为南北信息不流通导致的. 作者反驳, 说虽然少但是还是有, 而且到了1930年的大移民浪潮时候达到最多的, 并逐渐取代早期从欧洲移民来的劳动力. 所以少的原因不应该是信息缺乏, 而应该是刚刚移民的时候害怕北方的雇主更喜欢欧洲劳动力而不敢采取行动.
被否了 他们知道
作者观点:他们知道 不去 因为知道就算欧洲移民不去了 他们也找不到啥好工作
主旨题:contradict an explanation of why黑人不去北方工作
black slavery migrate from south to north那篇。说刚开始一些slavery经过努力得到了权利。这里有题目,选项应该是some slaver fails to use the rights that they are entitled. 当时很少黑人从南边移民到北边。一个学者提出这是因为去北边的黑人移民太少,所以南边的黑人缺少足够的信息来源。可是后来作者指出这个观点是错误的。他举了两个其他的学者来反驳前面的那个学者的观点。最后还举了一个例子说当时从南方移民到北方并被聘的黑人有1000到2000左右(具体数据失忆了)(这些黑人的职位是以前白人的职位)。很多黑人是怕北边的雇主还是prefer European migrants to do such job,所以他们才不去北方。
P1:美国黑人运动随着南北战争的爆发取得了胜利。但是人们发现黑人们大多呆在自己之前服役的南方而不愿意到北方。学者们认为是因为南方的黑人对北方的就业形势不了解。所以不愿意去。但是,作者指出,1)南方的黑人其实对北方的形式还是很了解的;2)南方的政府部门通过各种方式向黑人们介绍北方的情况;3)XX (忘了)。实际原因是,第一次世界大战爆发以后,在美国北部工作的很多欧洲人都离开了,这个时候很多南方黑人都纷纷到北方去,希望可以取代之前欧洲人的工作岗位。但是他们发现北方的雇主们仍旧偏爱欧洲人而不喜欢黑人。作者说,这个原因才是导致南方黑人不愿意到北方去的真正原因。
城市发展问题,里面有到底和 天气 路况 。。。相关 而导致城市发展不同呢(….残狗)
第三段讲jurisdiction branch的对城市sprawl的影响
2.3.1 Sprawl (无序扩展)
V1第一段:科学家通过satellite image研究Sprawl。
Q1)有个问题以下那种情况和文章的观点contradict。答案:hill上多开发road (我选的答案,因为文章说和road无关,虽然提到了Hill,不知道对不对)
A View Of Urban Sprawl From Outer Space Recent urban development in Los Angeles is less scattered than recent development in Boston. Miami is America's most compact big city and Pittsburgh is most sprawling. Changing the number or size of municipal governments in a metro area has no impact on whether or not urban development is scattered, but controlling access to groundwater does.
【控制地下水has impact on是否城市发展呈分散化】
These are among the startling findings from a University of Toronto-based team of researchers who used satellite data and aerial photography to create a grid of 8.7 billion data cells tracking the evolution of land use in the continental United States.
Matthew Turner and Diego Puga of the University of Toronto, Marcy Burchfield of the Neptis Foundation, a Toronto-based organization focused on urban and regional research, and Henry Overman of the London School of Economics present their findings in the May issue of The Quarterly Journal of Economics, in a paper entitled Causes of Sprawl: A Portrait(标本,模型) from Space. Heavily illustrated with Geographic Information System images, the paper challenges conventional wisdom about urban sprawl and presents a vivid and detailed picture of land consumption in America's cities.
Though urban sprawl is widely regarded as an important environmental and social problem, according to the authors, much of the debate over sprawl is based on speculation. The data to conduct detailed and systematic measurement of how and where land is converted to urban use has, until now, simply not been available. Despite widespread interest in the topic, "we know next to nothing(差不多没有)about the extent to which development is scattered or compact, and how this varies across space," they write. 【新研究的局限:based on speculation】
The authors merged high-altitude photos from 1976 with satellite images from 1992 (the most recent available) to create a grid of 8.7 billion 30-metre by 30-metre cells that tracks land use changes nationwide. "The data set we've constructed is unprecedented(空前的) in that we have coverage of the whole continental United States with a very high degree of accuracy for two time periods. That's never been done before," says Turner.【新研究的优势:覆盖面广,精确性accuracy】
The new high-resolution data allow the authors to observe the amount of open space in the neighborhood of every house in every U.S. city. Since development is more scattered when there is more open space around a house, the authors measured urban sprawl by calculating the average amount of open space in the neighborhood of a house in each city.【measure urban sprawl 的具体方法】
They found that more recent residential development is not any more(不再)
scattered than development was in 1976. Forty two per cent of land in the square kilometre surrounding the average residential development in 1976 was open space, compared with 43 per cent in 1992. "While a substantial amount of scattered residential development was built between 1976 and 1992, overall residential development did not become any more biased toward such sprawling areas."【结论一:scatter现象不再明显了】
The authors are quick to point out that any one household would have seen much change in the study period, but that "if we zoom out and look at the city from a distance, we see little change, at least in terms of the proportions of sprawling and compact development: the new city is just like an enlarged version of the old city."【结论二:虽然household 的变化大,但实际city的sprawling并不明显。】
Overall, Boston is less scattered than Atlanta, however recent development in Boston has been less compact than recent development in Atlanta. Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles were the most compact major cities, while Pittsburgh and Atlanta were the most scattered.
The authors also investigated why some cities are more sprawling than others. They found that a city's climate, topography and access to groundwater account for 25 per cent of the nationwide variation. When the climate is temperate, people spread out to have more space to enjoy the weather.【研究城市之间sprawling的不同:1,适度气候导致人们spread out】
Hilly places see more scattered development as people avoid the costs of building on hillsides — but mountains act as a barrier and lead to more compact development. Places with easy access to groundwater see more scattered development, since people can supply remote houses with water by drilling inexpensive wells rather than paying for water lines. 【研究城市之间sprawling的不同:2,avoid cost of building on hill】
加亮部分有题:估计是推理题,问 mountain对scatter现象的作用有什么不同.这里把握住作者态度即可:hillside会导致scatter,mountain却反而 more compact. (因为山脉上没法建房子,人们只好集中在较为平坦的地方了,想想四川盆地。。而城市有hillside的就会往周边扩展,山上的房子造价太高~想想香港浅水湾山上豪宅那个贵,所以只能填海了。。)
"The presence of aquifers(蓄水层) is particularly important," says Turner, "and that seems to me to have policy implications. It looks as if controlling access to groundwater is an important way to control whether development spreads or not."【照应文章第一段观点:控制地下水源决定了城市扩张程度】
Roads, on the other hand, have no impact on the extent to which development is scattered, despite commonly held beliefs to the contrary. "We looked at a lot of measures of road density — miles of road per area, average distance to a road, distance to an interstate exit — and we could find no relation between those measures and the scatteredness of development," Turner says.
The number of municipalities in a metropolitan area also does not affect development patterns. "You hear about fragmentation of jurisdictions being an important determinant of development patterns and we could find no evidence for that," says Turner. However, the team also found that development near cities is less scattered if it occurs in a municipality than if it occurs in an unincorporated area of a county. This suggests that people may be moving out to just beyond municipal boundaries in order to avoid more stringent municipal regulations.
【猜想1】:这里可以考municipalities影响cities to be not less scattered than unincorporated area的原因:avoid more stringent regulations.
One of the common complaints about urban sprawl is that as development spreads, municipal services such as roads, sewers, police and fire protection are more expensive. The authors suggest that this concern is well founded. Development in municipalities that receive larger subsidies from higher levels of government is, on average, more scattered. Says Puga, "This suggests that as local taxpayers are held accountable(=responsible) for infrastructure costs, they respond by insisting on patterns of development that require less infrastructure spending."
"People have been eager to rush to policy prescriptions without a very good understanding of the underlying phenomena," says Turner. "We wanted to try to put the policy discussion on sounder footing."
85. aprilarchy 19号
阅读有一篇说city spawl 的原因,通过research检验传统的assumption.接下来三段一段说 climate被,证实,考了scatter development,后两段的都是
没有evidence 支持的。road,municiply,最后一段是说,随着发展,没被证实的原因也不是都不对的
86. duckfish 21号
1. 关于urban sprawl的(到现在还不知道是啥东东-,-),大体意思是说urban sprawl是一个社会问题也是个环境问题。有很多理论在争论引起
urban sprawl的原因到底是什么,一个小组勇敢的站了出来,开始收集相关的数据,以取得footing。他们首先发现climate是一个原因,in mild
climate, people tend to spread out. 还发现hill和mountain也是原因,hill是引起人们在hilly地方建造的成本,而mountain则是barrier,
帮助compact city(有道题目说hill和mountain起direct 作用,我觉得是错的);还有地下水也有帮助,easy access to groundwater may help. (有题)
他们发现也没有什么用,但是解释说可能是由于人们倾向于住在城市边缘正好外面的地方,这样可以不受约束;然后他们发现有些common wisdom还是
哦,还有道细节第二段说地形,气候,地下水这些因素是各占25% 可是有道题选项里就说climate是什么远高于其他抑或什么地下水最重要之类大家小心
monica1315 发表于 2015-11-4 15:22
monica1315 发表于 2015-11-4 15:22
不如前 发表于 2015-11-4 14:17
【十五、development】[V1] 城市发展问题,里面有到底和 天气 路况 。。。相关 而导致城市发展不同呢(…. ...
monica1315 发表于 2015-11-4 15:43
你考的地方,有些内容已经在我的文档里了。你粘的时候注意比较,重复的就不要贴了。 ...
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