看了NN的关于取非的帖子,是不是取非只适用在支持和assumption题型,而主要用在assumption题型中呢? weaken题型不能用取非,是吗?请看下面这道题:
Regulations recently imposed by the government of Risemia call for unprecedented reductions in the amounts of pollutants manufacturers are allowed to discharge into the environment. It will take costly new pollution control equipment requiring expensive maintenance to comply with these regulations. Resultant price increases for Risemian manufactured goods will lead to the loss of some export markets. Clearly, therefore, annual exports of Risemian manufactured goods will in the future occur at
diminished levels.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument in the editorial?
(A) The need to comply with the new regulations will stimulate the development within Risemia of new pollution control equipment for which a strong worldwide demand is likely to emerge.
(B) The proposed regulations include a schedule of fines for noncompliance that escalate steeply in cases of repeated noncompliance.
(C) Savings from utilizing the chemicals captured by the pollution control equipment will remain far below the cost of maintaining the equipment.
(D) By international standards, the levels of pollutants currently emitted by some of Risemia’s manufacturing plants are not considered excessive.
(E) The stockholders of most Risemia’s manufacturing corporations exert substantial pressure on the corporations to comply with environmental laws.
D取非,把some改成none, 意思就成了,没有一个工厂的排污量是不超过标准的,即,所有工厂的排污量是超过标准的,装了控制污染的器材之后,虽然污染不超标了,但价格还是上升了,出口还是下降了。支持结论。
D取非支持结论,那D是WEAKEN吗? 事实上,不把D取非,D本身也是支持结论的(有些工厂排污量没有超标,但装了污染控制器才后价格上升,出口下降)。D支持结论,取非D后还是支持结论,所以有点糊涂了。是不是WEAKEN题型不适用取非的原因呢?
请教大家! 谢谢!
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