
标题: AAI045,有了成仁的决心,还需要成功的勇气 [打印本页]

作者: yukon    时间: 2005-7-15 21:16
标题: AAI045,有了成仁的决心,还需要成功的勇气


这是我的第3篇 Issue还是没什么提高,感觉issue真的不像argument那么好抓规律,还有10天考试,真急人,我看了很多范文还是没头绪,每个Issue都是那么有特色

The author states in the title statement that the most effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long period of time is to follow the highest standards of ethics. While the statement has some merit, the issue is more complex than the speaker suggests. In my observation, the two objectives at times coincide but at other times conflict.

On some occasions, keeping high standards of ethics can benefit a business. Ethical companies usually earn a good reputation. The good reputation can turn to significant goodwill and thus bring an excess of profit. Moreover, high standard of ethics often stimulates employees’ morale, feeling of responsibility, and self-esteem, because they frequently connect themselves with the reputation and the performance of the company they working for proudly. Considered form aforementioned aspects, follow the high standards of ethics really can boom a business.

On the other hand, following highest standards of ethics might bring a cataclysm to a company. To my experience, a company has an inclination of cutting staff and downsizing while suffering from a great depress, thought the company has recognized that such actions may bring about a negative impact to a mass of family. But under the threat of bankrupt, most companies have to make the decision to fire a large portion of staff. Thought, such actions actually conflict the high standards of ethics, companies are different from charitable organization and the stockholder’s interest must be placed in first. On this kind of occasions, maximizing profits and keeping the highest standards of ethics are mutual exclusively.

From all the analysis I made above, I agree that following highest standards of ethics sometimes benefits a business, but it is hard to say that following highest standards of ethics is the most effective way to maximize profits. In some cases, ethical actions might hurt the interest of businesspersons.

作者: judydongxueni    时间: 2005-7-15 22:46


我从issue 整体的写法上面说一下吧。issue确实不如argument好写,原因就如yukon说的不好找规律。





作者: yukon    时间: 2005-7-15 23:17


说个...不知道算不算题外话,还想问问NN们,ISSUE的范文都是谁写的啊?GRE的遗风挺重,inexorable,homosexual,don(这个词很多老外都不懂,太古老,意思是“put on”)


[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-15 23:19:05编辑过]

作者: judydongxueni    时间: 2005-7-16 10:16
以下是引用yukon在2005-7-15 21:16:00的发言:


这是我的第3篇 Issue还是没什么提高,感觉issue真的不像argument那么好抓规律,还有10天考试,真急人,我看了很多范文还是没头绪,每个Issue都是那么有特色

The author states in the title statement that the most effective way for a businessperson to maximize profits over a long period of time is to follow the highest standards of ethics. While the statement has some merit, the issue is more complex than the speaker suggests. In my observation, the two objectives at times coincide but at other times conflict.

On some occasions, keeping high standards of ethics can benefit a business. Ethical companies usually earn a good reputation. The good reputation can turn to significant goodwill and thus bring an excess of profit. Moreover, high standard of ethics often stimulates employees’ morale, feeling of responsibility, and self-esteem, because they frequently connect themselves with the reputation and the performance of the company they working for proudly. Considered form aforementioned aspects, follow the high standards of ethics really can boom a business.


On the other hand, following highest standards of ethics might bring a cataclysm to a company. To my experience, a company has an inclination of


cutting staff and downsizing while suffering from a great depress, thought the company has recognized that such actions may bring about a negative impact to a mass of family. But under the threat of bankrupt, most companies have to make the decision to fire a large portion of staff. Thought, such actions actually


conflict the high standards of ethics, companies are different from charitable organization and the stockholder’s interest must be placed in first. On this kind of occasions, maximizing profits and keeping the highest standards of ethics are mutual exclusively.

mutually exclusive

From all the analysis I made above, I agree that following highest standards of ethics sometimes benefits a business, but it is hard to say that following highest standards of ethics is the most effective way to maximize profits. In some cases, ethical actions might hurt the interest of businesspersons.



作者: judydongxueni    时间: 2005-7-16 10:20



作者: yukon    时间: 2005-7-16 16:52


作者: happyfish0517    时间: 2005-7-16 17:39

嘻嘻~~yukon gg加油咯~~~我来不及看文章了~~先给你打打气再说~~



a za a za fighting...

作者: yukon    时间: 2005-7-16 23:01

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