
标题: information about 2 essay editing company [打印本页]

作者: albert    时间: 2003-8-21 08:40
标题: information about 2 essay editing company
anybody have comment on  the service of essay editing company below?



Please tell me something about their quality of service if you know..

thank you very much!!

作者: lewis    时间: 2003-8-21 08:44
以下是引用albert在2003-8-21 8:40:00的发言:
anybody have comment on  the service of essay editing company below?



Please tell me something about their quality of service if you know..

thank you very much!!

I didn't use niether services.
But, learning from the Net, has a much better reputation than www.essaycom, also is more expensive.
作者: albert    时间: 2003-8-21 09:19
thank you...lewis...
so you do know bothl of them though you never use them,right?

作者: lewis    时间: 2003-8-21 09:27
以下是引用albert在2003-8-21 9:19:00的发言:
thank you...lewis...
so you do know bothl of them though you never use them,right?

Right. I know some who used the services of Their comments on the company were pretty good.
作者: albert    时间: 2003-8-21 09:42
the price of accepted is prohibitive expensive for me..
how about, do you know anything about it?? if it is not bad, maybe I will consider it..hehe..I am poor...
作者: lewis    时间: 2003-8-21 09:45
hehe, I remeber that some one said it's services were O.K.. Again, I am not sure about it.
作者: albert    时间: 2003-8-21 10:16
thank you, lewis..

anyone knows about the company:, please tell me something about it..thanks
作者: baobaobear    时间: 2003-8-21 16:58
其实这些公司的Editing和polishing的服务都差不多,关键看服务方式,据我所知,Essaycom的服务很细心,而且价格绝对reasonable,而且我也知道还有些公司不是作whole package而是按字数收钱,Ridiculous?!
作者: albert    时间: 2003-8-21 20:56
以下是引用baobaobear在2003-8-21 16:58:00的发言:
其实这些公司的Editing和polishing的服务都差不多,关键看服务方式,据我所知,Essaycom的服务很细心,而且价格绝对reasonable,而且我也知道还有些公司不是作whole package而是按字数收钱,Ridiculous?!

thank you, baobaobear...yes, I agree that lots of company have similar service..But I am concerning about their experience in such services..Can they write an good essay that meet customers' requirement?

thank you again, baobaobear...

good luck.
作者: chipmunk    时间: 2003-8-21 23:38
They usually have about half an hour free consulting time. Try to contact them and your gut will tell you which one to choose.

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