7.If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,it increases the likelihood that the impact of a single crop disease or pest will be disastrous.
A.If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing method,it
B.If a single strain of plant is used for a given crop over a wide area, as is fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,it
C.A practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods, a single strain of plant used for a given crop over a wide area.
D.A single strain of plant used for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods.
E.The use of a single strain of plant for a given crop over a wide area, a practice fostered by modern seed-marketing methods,
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