
标题: 新信息是否计入! [打印本页]

作者: jidi    时间: 2015-9-23 16:15
标题: 新信息是否计入!

问下牛牛,什么时候应该考虑新信息!比如下面例题,C,D,E 因为新信息无关,就被刷了,可是也可以解释通啊!!求解!!

Which of the following most logically completes the passage?

On the whole, scientists do their most creative work before age forty, a tendency that has been taken to show that aging carries with it a loss of creative capacity. An alternative explanation is that by age forty most scientists have worked in their field for fifteen or more years and that by then they have exhausted the opportunity for creative work in that field. Supporting this explanation is the finding that ______.

Athe average age of recipients of scientific research grants is significantly greater than forty  

Ba disproportionately large number of the scientists who produce highly creative work beyond age forty entered their field at an older age than is common

Cmany scientists temper their own expectations of what they can achieve in their research work by their belief that their creativity will decline as they age

Dscientists who are older than forty tend to find more satisfaction in other activities, such as teaching and mentoring, than they do in pursuing their own research

Ethere is a similar diminution of creativity with age in nonscientific fields, such as poetry and musical composition

作者: alzn2765    时间: 2015-9-23 18:30

比如因果推理加强,因--->果 的逻辑链已经非常完整了,此时“新信息”的引入很可能起的都是削弱的作用。比如:



这道题给出了“因”做结论,让你找一个“果”来做前提,同时这个“因”跟之前的铺垫的作为对比的“因”是相反的,你不找“新信息”怎么办?原有信息已经有了一个完整的逻辑链:scientists do their most creative work before age forty---->aging carries with it a loss of creative capacity。现在作者给你一个相反的“因”,让你找“果”来支持他,你能用原有信息吗?原有信息只能推出原有的因。此时,你只能找“新信息”来支持这个貌似相反的“因”啊!


前提(果):scientists do their most creative work before age forty+未知的果
结论(因):by age forty most scientists have worked in their field for fifteen or more years and that by then they have exhausted the opportunity for creative work in that field

作者: jidi    时间: 2015-9-24 00:35
alzn2765 发表于 2015-9-23 18:30

比如因果推理加强,因--->果 的逻辑链已经非常完整了,此时“新信息”的引入很可 ...

太谢谢啦!解释太牛!在判断一条推理链是否环环相扣完整需首先spot 有没有logic gap也挺关键的
我没有捉住这之间的因果关系去思考。就题论题,正确选项B,scientists who produce highly creative work beyong age forty, 这里beyond age 40,我觉得有点矛盾,即使我晚入行的,i still produce creative work beyond age 40。按理我应该within age 40. 这也是论题我不太解的地方.
作者: alzn2765    时间: 2015-9-24 11:29
jidi 发表于 2015-9-24 00:35
太谢谢啦!解释太牛!在判断一条推理链是否环环相扣完整需首先spot 有没有logic gap也挺关键的。

On the whole, scientists do their most creative work before age forty, a tendency that has been taken to show that aging carries with it a loss of creative capacity. An alternative explanation is that by age forty most scientists have worked in their field for fifteen or more years and that by then they have exhausted the opportunity for creative work in that field. Supporting this explanation is the finding that ______.

这里有应该有两个premise(绿色),和一个Counter Conclusion(黄色)和一个Conclusion(红色)
其中premise是事实,我们一定不能驳斥事实。GMAT默认事实一定为真。Conclusion是我们要证明的,一定也必须是真的。但目前根据已知信息是无法削弱Counter Conclusion的(现有逻辑并无明显flaw)。所以,我们要找的没说出来的这个premise,一定有两个作用:1. 削弱Counter Conclusion2. 同时加强Conclusion。(所以才能说第一个explanation错误,第二个explanation是正确的)

所以正确答案要说两件事:1. aging不会造成loss of creative capacity2. 无法做出贡献是因为入行时间太长了
正确选项要说有一种情况是入行很晚(对应“2. 无法做出贡献是因为入行时间太长了”)的科学家在aging之后并没有loss of creative capacity(对应“1. aging不会造成loss of creative capacity”),对不对?

B a disproportionately large number of the scientists(对应“有一种情况”) who produce highly creative work beyond age forty entered their field at an older age than is common

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