
标题: 偶的条件能否申请US-TOP10? [打印本页]

作者: josh_han    时间: 2003-8-19 09:25
标题: 偶的条件能否申请US-TOP10?
二流GMAT (660),

请问各位大侠, 偶申请美国TOP10是否有戏?

作者: tsljz    时间: 2003-8-19 09:34
这个很难说,还要看很多情况,比如你六年的工作经验都是什么,GMAT好像稍微低了一点,如果没有特别强的工作经历,似乎要吃点亏。毕竟top 10所要求的远远不止各项指标。

part time program也要看你所在的地点有没有。我建议你先考虑自己的需要,因为我觉得可以先作出full time和part time的选择。
作者: josh_han    时间: 2003-8-19 14:49
工作经验如何就算强? 在一个小公司, 几年下来很有可能成为一个部门头脑.
可我所在的公司是其领域的老大, 人才济济, 周围的同事几乎一半是美国名校博士.
因此几年下来,工作业绩虽不小, 不过是个高级软件工程师. 国内的同学几乎都是经理以上了.
加上全球化的风越刮越猛, 所以越干越心灰意冷.
俗话说, "树挪死,人挪活". 希望打个翻身仗呀!
作者: sfish    时间: 2003-8-20 01:21
Generally, the top 10 B-schools will take the people who show leadership and management potential. I am not familiar with senior software engineer. If you do have some experience show you are a good leader, for example, forming a team to develop big software and earn huge amount money for your company, organizing a group of people and making the whole group work more efficiently, these will help you stand out. But the GMAT is real the shortcoming of you application if you target on top 10 programs. My friend’s husband graduated from a top CS program in US and was a manager in Microsoft when he was admitted by Kellogg this year. His GMAT is more than 700. But he seems to get rejection from Wharton and Haas.
作者: tsljz    时间: 2003-8-20 02:21
every applicant in big companies has the similar problem. So what you should show is whether you try to create more opportunities for youself, no matter you succeeded or not. That's initiative. The bschools understand the fact and want to see what opportunities are available to you, and how you have done to create more opportunities. For example, did you see any problems in the daily development process and thus provide solutions? Did you try to initiate a culture seminar to help the Chinese employees learn more about the American culture and so on? That's iniiative.

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-8-20 2:32:17编辑过]

作者: funnytiger    时间: 2003-8-20 02:37
yeah, if you are at seniro leadership in fortune 50 or a senior consultant at Mickinsey, you don't have to worry about GMAT. but if you fall into the catergory like everyone else (which including me), top10 may not be that easy with 660.

But MBA's value has decreased significantly. I only can say it for this year. Business week has predicted that next year's MBA class will be even easier than this year. If you have time, get a better score, or just give it shot.
作者: josh_han    时间: 2003-8-20 04:44
非常感谢大家的指教, 对我很有帮助. 我的GMAT偏低. 我觉得 680(90%) 其实就比较理想了,不幸的是, 时隔一个月, 我第二次的成绩还不如第一次. 感觉八月份的VERBAL 比以前难了! 我的信心受到不小的打击. 另外, 我更倾向于读PART TIME.  

作者: thomassir    时间: 2003-8-21 14:29
GMAT是一个聪明的考试和一个重新认识自己的考试.申请是一个复杂的认识自己和认识学校的过程。如果你真正的发现了自己的实力660也无妨,如果你根本从来没有知道who you are,那么770又怎么样呢?
作者: k2    时间: 2003-8-22 01:06
作者: k2    时间: 2003-8-22 01:09
作者: josh_han    时间: 2003-8-22 01:11
说的很深刻. 我也不想再考了. 谢谢.
GMAT的目的既然是培养LEADER, 那么首先CANDIDATE应当展示过LEADERSHIP. 分数确实不应当是个大条件.

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