
标题: GWD两题里面的相似考点疑惑? [打印本页]

作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-6-21 09:18
标题: GWD两题里面的相似考点疑惑?

1. Antarctica receives more solar radiation than does any other place on Earth, yet the temperatures are so cold and the ice cap is reflective, so that little polar ice melts during the summer; otherwise, the water levels of the oceans would rise 250 feet and engulf most of the world’s great cities.

  • is reflective, so that little polar ice melts during the summer; otherwise,

  • is so reflective that little of the polar ice melts during the summer; were it to do so,

  • so reflective that little polar ice melts during the summer, or else

  • reflective, so that little of the polar ice melts during the summer, or

  • reflects so that little of the polar ice melts during the summer; if it did

  • ANS: I choose C

    2. The four-million-year-old fossilized skeleton known as Lucy is so small compared with many other skeletons presumed to be of the same species, and so some paleontologists have argued that Lucy represents a different lineage.

  • presumed to be of the same species, and so

  • presumed to be of the same species that

  • presumed that they are of the same species, and so

  • that they have presumed to be of the same species, so that

  • that they have presumed are of the same species, and

  • ANS: B

    上面的两题不讨论正确答案究竟是什么, 我想问的是第一题里面D中的so that用的是否正确, 还是由于前面有了so就不可以再出现so呢? 另外第二题关于A也是相同的问题, 但是我总觉得像第二题里面and so的so表示因此, 逻辑意思也挺清晰的, 请NN解惑, 谢谢!

    作者: 神经兮兮    时间: 2005-6-21 12:12


    我觉得D的表达是有问题的.temperatures 的cold 和the ice cap 的 reflective显然属于并列,表达方式上应该保持一致,所以不应该用D的表达.

    第二题 compared with many other skeletons presumed to be of the same species部分都算是修饰或者解释说明small的部分,重心在small, 主要的成分还是so small that,所以必定要选带that的选项.


    作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-6-21 12:20

    第二题为什么就不可以理解成先说so small, 然后用and so引出一个结果, 因为so可以表示"因此"的意思, 可能有点钻牛角尖了,但是真的不知道为什么不可以? 谢谢.

    作者: 神经兮兮    时间: 2005-6-21 12:36
    我觉得如果一定要用so表示因此的话 前面就不该用so small 而是用very small,或者其他。不管用什么表达,那个and貌似都是多余的.
    作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-6-21 12:40

    楼上的话我今天特意看了大全, 是有and so结构的,而且so不是作为adv修饰一个形容词, 题号我记不得了, 可以按照关键字"and so"找一下.


    作者: 神经兮兮    时间: 2005-6-21 12:45

    汗......and so木有搜到 用google搜 and又被自动喀嚓掉了.....我不行了...

    作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-6-21 12:59


    1.        In the traditional Japanese household, most clothing could be packed flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities.

    (A) flatly, and so it was not necessary to have elaborate closet facilities

    (B) flat, and so elaborate closet facilities were unnecessary

    (C) flatly, and so there was no necessity for elaborate closet facilities

    (D) flat, there being no necessity for elaborate closet facilitiesB

    (E) flatly, as no elaborate closet facilities were necessary

    作者: 神经兮兮    时间: 2005-6-21 13:01
    容我先问个白痴问题好不好 (D) flat, there being no necessity for elaborate closet facilitiesB)这个(B)是答案的标志吗?
    作者: happyfish0517    时间: 2005-6-21 13:34
    以下是引用神经兮兮在2005-6-21 13:01:00的发言:
    容我先问个白痴问题好不好 (D) flat, there being no necessity for elaborate closet facilitiesB)这个(B)是答案的标志吗?


    楼主de第一题,讨论最后结果是B啊...第二题正确答案也是B,SO THAT搭配

    作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-6-21 14:27
    ...我知道, 既然第一题答案有争议, 就不讨论了, 第二题我就是想问为什么A不好, 原因我前面的帖子里面已经说了, 楼上的帮助解释一下吧, 谢谢.
    作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-6-23 17:36
    作者: fchn951    时间: 2005-6-24 16:05
    第一题答案是B。C的错误在与is不能省。因为前面temperatures are so cold and the ice cap reflectibe,如果此处不补出is,那么就是说你省略了的是are,而ice cap 是单数。所以不对。B的 were it to do so好像有点别扭,但是虚拟语气表达,还是可以的。
    作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-7-2 12:37
    大家好像都不是很理解我的问题, 拜托再帮忙看一下把.
    作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-7-3 19:40


    作者: Xandria    时间: 2005-7-7 20:32
    作者: likui    时间: 2005-7-7 22:48



    你用“,and so---”,和前面so small脱节了,有得so---that---优选,为什么不用呢?;

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