The Invitation from MBA2006 Application Phoenix Team of Pear River Delta
The call of this new era in leadership is for fulfillment, passionate execution, and significant contribution. The challenge of the future leadership is this: not only fulfill your potential but also inspire others to fulfill theirs. More and more supreme MBA program increasingly underline this commitment. Therefore, it is meaningful for us, the MBA candidate and potential leader, to follow and advocate it. Not later but Now on our way to next stop, MBA.
We are MBA applicants from Pearl River Delta. In the access to those top tier B-schools we stay in an unfavorable local situation, comparing with Shanghai and Beijing. Sometimes, we lack the critical information and underlying principle or made the wrong strategy or lose our vision when we try to open the door of success. So a good way to confront those disadvantages is to create an information-sharing platform and a close-knit teamwork. After all we live in a time of interdependence and win-win. CD has showed a good sample for us. Upon this base, we should go further. I believe in our interaction, we could stretch ourselves in leadership as well as in teamwork. We could benefit a lot from the process not only now but for a lifelong time.
Pearl River Delta is the first region to carry Open&Reform. We should inherit the spirit of open-mindedness and pragmatism. It is this spirit that leads the region to attain so many incredible achievements. I believe that it must again lead us to perform outstandingly in the front edge of the new era.
Let us create a supreme team for the MBA2006 application---the PDR MBA2006 Phoenix Application Team (temporary name). We should trust each other, and shape a balanced community for us and the later generation.
The temporary location city: Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. The specific routine time and location for the gathering and discussion will not be decided until the team is created.
The contact: XTriumph(A) hotmail.com
--- MBA2006 Application
广州MBA2005申请队的队友已经或即将远赴大洋彼岸开始他们梦想的旅程,过一段时间,MBA2006的申请又要如常开始了,所以此次聚会具有承上启下的重要意义。一方面,我们可以迅速回顾我们这个团队走过的历程,总结我们的经验和教训;另一方面,这也是珠三角MBA2006凤凰申请队的第一次建队主题活动,通过面对面的交流,我们可以更好地了解彼此,为即将开展的团队合作奠定基础。更重要地是我们可以感受到团队前辈们的无私奉献,相信他们的成功经验和卓越智慧定会给我们启迪和借鉴,让我们更有效地更流畅地开展我们地申请。联系方式:Xtriumph(A) hotmail.com。以下附上活动的内容和程序
1. 开场白 Introduction(10 min)
2. 自我介绍 Self-Introduction(up to 5 min/per person)
3. 团队申明 Team Agreement&Statement (10 min)
4. 经验分享 Experience Sharing(up to 30 min/per person)
广州MBA2005申请团队队员分享成功申请经验(Wharton, MIT, Michigan, Washington Olin, 其他欧洲和亚洲学校联系中)
5. 互动问答 Q&A(60 min)
1. 聚会时间暂定为本月23或24日,地点不超过广州市区1小时车程。具体地址及聚会时间在22日前通知大家,请大家在回复邮件时说明自己合适参加的日期,以便我们选择合适的日期。
2. 自我介绍时方式可以多样,可以按照自己的意愿保留相关私人信息。
3. 请大家对以下各项进行详细投票“是否要在一个酒店过夜”“是否还要穿插一些其他活请大家对以下各项进行详细投票“是否要在一个酒店过夜”“是否还要穿插一些其他活动,如游泳,网球,野战,水上乐园,和坐游轮夜游珠江?”回复邮件一定要写清楚你想参加的项目和方式。预算费用RMB 100-300 /per person(根据具体行程而定),不包往返广州以外的城市的路费。
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