1. I become fat more because I seldom excercise than because I eat too much.
比较的是两个Because。其中把Because I seldome exercise 和Because I eat too much比较了。
2. I invest stocks of US more frequently than stocks of China.
比较的是stocks of US 和 stocks of China.
3. In Japan elderly people are treated with far greater respect than they are in most Western countries.
比较的是elderly people are treated 和 they are (treated) in most Western countries
4. The investor is more likely to put money into tech stocks than into gold.
比较的是into tech stocks 和into gold.
你上面的例子中1,2,3,4比较的是全状语:1是原因状语从句(because vs because);2.是状语(more frequently vs less frequently);3是状语(with far greater respect vs with less respect );4是状语(to do vs to do);
如果比较的是宾语,句子应该是:I invest more stocks of US than stocks of China.
这个句子比较的是状语:I invest stocks of US more frequently than I invest stocks of China. 省略了I invest之后的形式。 作者: eastdark 时间: 2015-8-26 12:46
Increases in the cost of energy, turmoil in the international money markets, and the steady erosion of the dollar have altered the investment strategies of United States corporations more radically than those of foreign corporations.
(A) altered the investment strategies of United States corporations more radically than those of
(B) altered the investment strategies of United States corporations more radically than
(C) altered the investment strategies of United States corporations more radically than they have
(D) radically altered the investment strategies of United States corporations more than
(E) radically altered the investment strategies of United States and作者: eastdark 时间: 2015-8-26 12:57
The mistakes children make in learning to speak tell linguists more about how children learn language than do the correct forms they use.