設定目標不是為了符合學校口味,相反,學校是在看你的目標以你自身背景能否實現。雖然各學校有自己的強項,但前10的學校基本各類走向分佈都差不了太多,所以最重要的是制定一個既大膽又現實的職業目標。作者: freethebmw 时间: 2015-8-23 10:16
背景相当好,只申S16足够足够,但是short term career goal一定要清晰,这点不能马虎作者: hxu26 时间: 2015-8-23 10:21
感谢各位,说的非常有帮助!我会赶快考虑一下career goal的 作者: JonFrank 时间: 2015-8-25 21:56
Well I think with your profile, if you spread out your schools amongst the top 15, you should be fine!
It’s okay to apply r2 (it’s the same chances) but if you can make your top 2 favorite schools for R1, there is still time! And I’d suggest you do it!