
标题: 这道真题结构有点搞...选啥? 2000 letters... [打印本页]

作者: dingrhan    时间: 2005-6-16 23:03
标题: 这道真题结构有点搞...选啥? 2000 letters...

这道真题,大家选什么? 结构是什么? 有点点搞...

35. Written in ink or engraved by stylus, more than 2,000 letters and documents on wooden tablets excavated at the site of the old roman fort at vindolanda. in northern England are yielding a historical account of the military garrison in the first and second centuries that are so vivid in their details about personal life as they are from Pompeii

A.        are so vivid in their details about personal life as they ate

B.        ate as vivid in their details of personal life as those gathered

C.       is as vivid in their detail about personal lire as that gathered

D.       is as vivid in its details of personal life as that gathered

E.        is so vivid in its details of personal life as is that

作者: 隽尔    时间: 2005-6-16 23:44


...letters and documents are yielding a historical account of the military garrison that is as vivid in  its details of personal life as that gathered from pompeii

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-16 23:50:39编辑过]

作者: 梦精灵_Fly    时间: 2005-6-16 23:46

早上起来再想想, B逻辑意思才对。我觉得B的结构就是:

Written in ink or engraved by stylus, more than 2,000 letters and documents on wooden tablets excavated at the site of the old roman fort at vindolanda in northern England that are as vivid in their details about personal life as those gathered from Pompeii  are yielding a historical account of the military garrison in the first and second centuries.



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-17 10:29:35编辑过]

作者: dingrhan    时间: 2005-6-17 00:01


作者: oookk    时间: 2005-6-17 09:18
选B把,根据意思gathered前的代词应该指documents papers。这个看,好象只有B可以选
作者: diehard    时间: 2005-6-17 09:59
作者: dingrhan    时间: 2005-6-17 11:49

心里还是有点不踏实 - 我开始做这题时,是按逻辑意思选的,B。 后被告知答案是D, 看看从语法上讲,好像的确定语从句要consistant with其先行词,即historial account。不知ETS在“语法规则”和“逻辑意思”这俩个层面上优先哪个? (优先级是Tonyadidas爱用的词儿...)

作者: bigbeard    时间: 2005-6-17 12:12

这个题我怎么觉得that从句应该修饰historical account呢?答案应该是D,单数才对啊。

意思是从那些信和资料可以得到一个关于边塞驻军的historical account,这个account对于日常生活的描述和从Pompeii得到的account一样vivid。


...more than 2,000 letters and documents are yielding a historical account that is as vivid in its that ...

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-17 13:35:22编辑过]

作者: dingrhan    时间: 2005-6-17 12:23
查了下字典,account有对某某事件的“描写,描绘”的意思。 这样看来,account 作定语从句的先行词便和 2000letters 在逻辑上不矛盾了?!
作者: oookk    时间: 2005-6-17 13:17
作者: dingrhan    时间: 2005-6-17 13:43


作者: liliy4gmat    时间: 2005-6-17 14:07


作者: 梦精灵_Fly    时间: 2005-6-17 17:10

我还是坚持选择B。不能说historical account这个东西是gathered来的,这个是通过对letters and documents分析,最后分析来的。这里的gathered和前面的excavated意思是对称的。也就是说后面gather的先行词和和excavated的先行词,要具备一样的性质。

我觉得B答案大家之所以觉得不好,主要就是这个that距离修饰的对象太远了。还是我刚才说的,如果你实在想不明白,但是从逻辑意思上你找到了修饰对象,你可以把句子的结构调整一下,把that直接放到letter and documents后面,就很清楚了。


3. By the same techniques used for genetically enhancing plants, making them disease or pest-resistant, researchers have been able to increase the amount of potein in potatoes. C

A. By the same techniques used for genetically enhancing plants, making them

B. Employing the same techniques used to genetically enhance plants so that they are

C. Employing the same techniques for genetically enhancing plants that make them

这里的that是修饰techniques的。放到了句子后面。将for genetically enhancing plants放到了中间,让techniques距离它产生作用的对象不要太远了。

Them指代的是plants。因为techniques不可能disease or pest-resistant,所以不会产生逻辑上的歧义。

Open to discuss!

作者: bigbeard    时间: 2005-6-17 17:36

这里的问题不是距离远近的问题。而是letters and documents不可能vivid。


至于that gathered ,可以理解为这些细节的描述gathered from,

gather from 有从。。。推测,从。。。获悉的意思。并不矛盾。

作者: fchn951    时间: 2005-6-17 17:39


句子Written in ink or engraved by stylus, more than 2,000 letters and documents on wooden tablets excavated at the site of the old roman fort at vindolanda. in northern England are yielding a historical account of the military garrison in the first and second centuries that are so vivid in their details about personal life as they are from LACE w:st="on">Pompeii。LACE>

LACE w:st="on">简写为:letters and documents are yielding a historical account that...,此处得that是修饰accont的,所以要用it和its,ABC可以排除,E不用补出is,因为比较的是宾语,不是主语。所以只有D是正确的。LACE>

作者: 梦精灵_Fly    时间: 2005-6-17 18:03


这里的问题不是距离远近的问题。而是letters and documents不可能vivid。


letters and documents是不能vivid,但是他们可以在描述personal life的细节上vivid.请注意是vivid  in....ETS很喜欢的in结构就是说明“。。。方面”。

historical account又如何vivid的去描述details的personal life呢?它本身就是从letters and accounts 里面yield出来的。就好像你做试验,作了一堆的数据(letters and documents),然后你得到了自己的结论(historical account)。那么你的结论还会去详细地描述你的实验数据吗?你当然只做结论了(不好意思,以前学化学的)。所以这里我觉得account is vivid in its details about personal life是说不通的。

Open to discuss!

作者: yukon    时间: 2005-6-17 18:25
以下是引用oookk在2005-6-17 13:17:00的发言:

作者: 隽尔    时间: 2005-6-17 18:27

historical account又如何vivid的去描述details的personal life呢?

它不用描述,因为 account本来就是描述,说明啊..这里是说the historical account of the military garrison in the first and second centuries is so vivid in its details about personal life...

作者: yukon    时间: 2005-6-17 18:29


Written in ink or engraved by stylus, more than 2,000 letters and documents on wooden tablets excavated at the site of the old roman fort at vindolanda. in northern England are yielding a historical account of the military garrison in the first and second centuries that is as vivid in its details of personal life as that gathered from LACE w:st="on">PompeiiLACE>

LACE w:st="on">我水平不高,只是来凑个热闹。我觉得that指military garrison。句子大意是:那些文档信件描绘了一个栩栩如生的兵营,就像那个从庞贝城里挖出来的一样。LACE>

作者: frxiao    时间: 2005-6-17 22:50


in northern England are yielding a historical account of the military garrison

明显是个倒装,即 historical account(s) are yielding in northern England..那么或者are应该改成is,或者account 应该是复数,that 后的助动词应该看这两者而定。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-17 23:39:39编辑过]

作者: jnlvo    时间: 2005-6-18 00:02


定语后置的问题,我只见过两种情况可以后置:谓语是be done或be adj. 两个例子:

大全952. After more than four decades of research and development, a new type of jet engine is being tested that could eventually propel aircraft anywhere in the world within two hours or help boost cargoes into space at significantly lower costs than current methods permit. (这题有争议,GWD曾经给出的答案是E, 认为这种that从句后置在正式文法中是错的)

另一个来自大全阅读:That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.

至于Employing the same techniques for genetically enhancing plants that make them disease or pest-resistant是个跳跃修饰的问题,跟本题还不一样。

我认为that还是指 account 好些。如果是garrison,则garrison is vivid in its details of personal life(这里its指前的account)还能理解, 但后面that gathered from Pompeii把它补全garrison gathered from Pompeii is vivid in its details of personal life这里的its就无所指了。

gather account这种表达感觉很怪,但考虑到实际意思还是能接受的。这里的that我想可能还不仅仅指从庞贝中挖出的letters and documents 中所描述的情景。庞贝城本身就可以认为vivid in its details of personal life。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-18 0:03:06编辑过]

作者: fchn951    时间: 2005-6-18 00:17


in northern England are yielding a historical account of the military garrison

明显是个倒装,即 historical account(s) are yielding in northern England..那么或者are应该改成is,或者account 应该是复数,that 后的助动词应该看这两者而定。


作者: 梦精灵_Fly    时间: 2005-6-18 00:48

It seems that most choose D. I insist B. If I met, I will choose B. 555555555555

作者: dingrhan    时间: 2005-6-18 09:33
I will choose D
作者: beibeizhu    时间: 2005-6-18 13:39

I vote for D.

that不可能隔了一大堆词去指代letters and documents,因为GMAT历史上这种答案从来不对.


from 庞贝古城里是不可能再gather到letters的



作者: frxiao    时间: 2005-6-18 20:58
以下是引用fchn951在2005-6-18 0:17:00的发言:



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